Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FRESH-DEMO (Waste reduction and quality improvement of fruits and vegetables via an innovative and energy-efficient humidification/disinfection technology)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2016-03-01 do 2017-02-28
Objectives were met: the eco-efficient FRESHDEMO system was introduced into the logistics of EU food sector by 6 case studies; increased handling efficiency during storage, transport&sales due to less packaging required and longer shelf-life; dissemination on the sustainability of vegetable/fruit distribution; enabling market introduction of the system in Greece, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands and successively in the EU-28 (on-going); and use cost saving potentials and increase the competitiveness of EU fruit/vegetable sector (SMEs) (on-going).
In conclusion, FRESHDEMO system offers better product quality and lower food waste generation (33% food-waste reduced at the supermarket van Gurp); it is easy to install, handle, operate and maintain; a better production stability and process homogeneity is achieved due to the longer shelf-life (e.g. up to 5 days for table grapes); costs are reduced: lower energy (up to 1,440€), reduced labour (up to 2,140€) in the supermarket van Gurp with a large display, as products can remain on the display and do not need to be stored in the cold room at nights; the environmental impact can be reduced by 10-20% compared to conventional supply chains (specially on the high amount of water saved).
12 prototypes installed and 6 testing activities
21 workshops organised and 8 attended, attendance to 15 fairs (10 with a project stand), presentations at 6 conferences, published articles, press releases, newsletters, flyers, manuals, posters, banners, promotional videos, website and social media
Net present value up to 500,000€ for a supermarket’s display of 25 m2 with fruit/vegetables sold in 15 years when applying UH in the post-harvest; 25% of food-waste reduced at van Gurp, 3.35%-2.25% of the total turnover of products
Better appearance of the humidified products with Formula 5 than non-treated products, longer shelf-life and higher nutrients content
Environmental impact reduced up to 27% compared to conventional supply chains, especially on climate change impact, on excess amount of nutrients in water bodies and fine particulate matter emissions.
The project outcomes have led to launching into the market a new product (Mobile UH, Dosing unit & Tank unit), new process (Transport of humidified fresh products from farm to/and including the supermarket) & new method (Using antimicrobial additive in humidifiers).
The outcomes of FRESHDEMO contribute to the following impacts: Scale-up, demonstrate, and test affordable humidification/disinfection systems in the entire post-harvest supply chain of fruits/vegetables, achieving waste reduction of 33% (5.200€/year) measured during 4 years in a supermarket with 30m2 displays with fruit/ vegetables and a process optimization by using less labour, less energy and getting a higher turnover; in total for this supermarket a profit of 45€/day or 15.000€/year; Improvement of competitiveness of EU businesses (SMEs) active in production, logistics, and retail by securing high quality products with more cost efficiency due to outcomes above presented; The performance and long-term viability of the simple handling, O&M was verified in real cases from an integrated point of view considering technical and operational aspects (systems are easy to handle, normal cleaning and once a year maintenance by the service department of the producer of the equipment), economical aspects (profit of 15.000€, a year for one supermarket), environmental (very positive due to 33% less waste), social and health aspects (better quality of products and a longer shelf life); Real case studies were performed for industrial partners via 21 workshops and 10 fairs (including stands), informing about the project development prior entering the market.