Periodic Reporting for period 4 - realFlow (Virtualization of Real Flows for Animation and Simulation)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-11-01 do 2020-08-31
Simulations of fluids can be very useful in many applications – for example in the design of aircraft wings and the depiction of explosions in films and computer games. Blood flow simulations in medicine can help in the assessment of the threat posed by aneurysms. We plan to create a database containing previously-calculated simulations and video recordings of the behavior of real fluids. This information would then be available for new simulations. The project involves, firstly, the development of machine learning algorithms that will enable the processing, comparison and classification of enormous volumes of data. Video recordings of the actual liquids or gases must also be analyzed and transformed into compatible data. Ideally, this will lead to interactive and stable simulations of complex physics effects.
Overall, this project has been very successful: we have significantly advanced the state of the art in terms of algorithms for capturing and digitizing fluids and for data-driven methods. Among others, a first public large-scale data-set of flow data was published within the scope of this project (the ScalarFlow dataset)."
- making it possible to employ so called “stream functions” to simulate liquids,
- controlling the plastic deformation of elastic objects with rigged examples,
- enabling correct dispersion effects in real-time water wave simulations,
- extracting the physical parameters of collisions from video,
- and robustly interpolating whole space-time data sets of liquid and smoke simulations.
Despite impact in the area of computer graphics research, the methods developed within the scope of realFlow have already had significant interdisciplinary impact in fields of computer graphics, vision, machine learning and computational science.