Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MULTI-APP (Multivalent Molecular Systems for Innovative Applications)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-01-01 do 2018-12-31
Multivalency is one of Nature’s governing principles for achieving strong and selective biomolecular recognition. Many biological processes rely on the cooperative effects associated with the occurrence of multivalent interactions. Consequently, there is an enormous interest in the development of chemical multivalent systems that display similar features for innovative applications in fields as various as diagnostics, drug discovery, materials science and nanotechnology. In order for Europe to be at the front wave of this development, it needs to invest now in young researchers that understand how cooperativity works in multivalent systems, that are experts in preparing and characterising a wide variety of multivalent systems, and that are acquainted with the fundamentals, challenges and also the limitations of different applications.
The central theme of multivalency and cooperativity is used to connect partners from academia and industry with a common interest in understanding how multivalency works, but for very different scopes and using very different approaches. This network is thus uniquely positioned to train the next generation of European researchers in all multidisciplinary aspects related to multivalency. A broad training programme has been developed that comprises top-level individual research projects, both general and specific network-wide dedicated courses, secondments, personalized scientific training and a broad package of complementary skill training. During the project, various industrial partners have contributed in the form of training, technical contributions, and perspectives on the commercialisation of multivalent systems.
During the duration of the project five network meetings and one final network symposium have been organized to provide the ESRs with extensive training dealing with all aspects of multivalency in a chemical and biological contact . The network meetings were in all cases organized around a specific theme related to multivalency and in the majority of cases organized in conjunction with a scientific congress/workshop/school open to a larger audience. One hand this allowed the ESRs to discuss their progress with the network partners, but also to connect to the larger scientific community. Two technical workshops were organized in which external experts taught on the Characterization of multivalent systems and Advanced analytical chemistry and data analysis, respectively. Two additional workshops were organized dedicated to the Exploitation of Research Results/Knowledge Transfer and Career development, respectively.
The results have so far led to 7 publications in high-profile scientific journals with a significant number of additional manuscripts being submitted or being prepared for publication. Several of these publications are the result of collaborative projects originated and developed within the context of the network. In addition, results have been communicated by the ESRs on numerous occasions at (inter)national workshops and conferences by means of poster and/or oral presentations. Dissemination activities included, but were not limited to, participation of the ESRs in the European Researchers’ Night, local chemistry fairs and interviews with broadcasting stations.