Periodic Reporting for period 3 - SWITCH (Software Workbench for Interactive, Time Critical and Highly self-adaptive cloud applications)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-02-01 do 2018-01-31
The goal of the SWITCH project is to address the entire lifecycle of time-critical, self-adaptive Cloud applications by developing new middleware and tools for interactive specification of applications and their time-critical requirements. Developers describe and deploy their applications using a GUI; SWITCH plans and deploys the runtime environment needed to satisfy these requirements, and automatically adapts the environment as conditions change. SWITCH aims to achieve the following concrete objectives:
To increase the productivity of application development for time-critical applications by implementing a SWITCH Interactive Development Environment (SIDE) that provides the interactive frontend. SIDE provides interfaces for developers to define application logic and the abstract runtime environment, specifying and validating QoS/QoE constraints.
To improve the deployment efficiency for time-critical applications in Clouds by implementing a Dynamic Real-time Infrastructure Planner (DRIP) that provides middleware for planning the deployment of an application. DRIP accounts for network-level metrics such as throughput along with the controllability of infrastructure, customising the runtime environment accordingly before agreeing SLAs with Cloud providers then deploying the application.
To improve the QoS/QoE control efficiency for time-critical applications in Clouds, by implementing an Autonomous System Adaptation Platform (ASAP) that can autonomously deploy, monitor and adapt the application and Cloud environment to continue to satisfy QoS/QoE requirements. ASAP can learn over time, or be steered by users directly, adapting the deployment of software services to make the services closer to the actual users or scaling them based on system load.
To improve the development and execution model of time-critical applications in the programmable environments provided by Clouds. SWITCH defines an application-infrastructure co-programming and control model that captures the interaction between SIDE, DRIP and ASAP and applies this to time-critical Cloud application development, deployment and control in general.
To promote and exploit the SWITCH methods and software to test and validate the SWITCH methodology, architecture, formal model and workbench through a set of comprehensive pilot scenarios. Using this approach, we will communicate and promote our results and investigate avenues for exploitation of innovations.
SWITCH improves development productivity of time-critical Cloud applications. For example, it has given MOG the capacity to plan the best cloud infrastructure to support different live event scenarios, reducing costs and handling failover situations. It increases competitiveness in the business communication market by offering WT more precise real-time scalability without demanding great technical expertise in containerisation or cloud provisioning. It has given BEIA the ability to port its IoT telemetry system for disaster early warning to any cloud. The market potential for such applications is projected to be more than $11B; across other domains, the total market potential may be 10 times that. The greater customisability and ease of operation offered by SWITCH can enhance the business competitiveness of Clouds offering services on demand; a service can be offered assuring certain QoS with a competitive price as a pay per use service, offering an opportunity for companies to obtain greater income from the Cloud, a market with a revenues forecast of $411.4B by 2020.