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CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE

RESCOOPs Mobilizing European Citizens to Invest in Sustainable Energy


Promotional package

Production of a promotional package: leaflet (translated in the languages of the consortium partners), folder for WP 2 (NL, FR and DE) and roll-up (EN) – format: electronic and printed.

Aggregated data on developed projects

D5.2: Summary table with aggregated figures on the developed projects

Press releases

Regularly publish press releases during the course of the project

Developed projects and data published on REScoop web platform

D5.1:Description and data on the developed projects available in the Internet platform

EE maesures for private houses published on the REScoop web portal

D3.2: Measures, materials, professionals, etc documented in the Internet portal Input in the Internet portal (WP6) where all relevant information and know-how is made available, includingexperiences collected with the realization of the specific renovation cases, energy saving reached, etc.

Lauch of the REScoop web-based platform

Launch of the web-based platform

Final dissemination seminar

The seminar will last one day and will be organised towards the end of the project. Up to 100 participants can be expected including representatives of REScoops, local authorities, member state governments, EU Institutions, academics, the media, ... The conference will be held in English in Brussels. The preparation of the conference includes the logistic arrangements, development of the concept paper and agenda of the conference, inviting of the participants and the execution of the conference, including press coverage. The final dissemination conference will be linked to a major EU event, preferably the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) to raise a large audience and enhance the visibility of the project outcomes. We will also work together with other IEE and Horizon 2020 project consortia if appropriate.

Graphic charter with logo

D 6.3: Graphic charter with logo, multilingual leaflet, roll-up

REScoop-municipality approach

D2.3: fully developed approach for REScoops in Belgium and in Spain (i.p. Province of Barcelona) to collaborate with local authorities on sustainable energy investment projects. Framework for a similar approach to be set up in detail in other EU member states

Feasibility Financing tools for REScoops

D4.1: Study of the feasibility and the appropriateness of both options, with clear justification for the further development for one of them Task 4.1: feasibility study on the most appropriate option for REScoops to develop: - a “dedicated financing structure” to provide credits, OR - a “financing facilitation service” using existing funds This study will look in detail into the appropriateness and feasibility (organisational, technical, and financial) of both options. Within 6 to 9 months from start of the project this study should allow to choose for one of the options and drop the other. The rest of the work package will elaborate only one option. Possibly this study will come up with additional options for financing REScoop projects. In case a new option shows more potential than one of the above, the consortium will decide which option will finally be elaborated.

PDA progress reporting every 6 months

Task 1.5: Reporting Standard periodic reporting towards EASME (e.g., timesheets, financial statements, progress reports, interim report and final report) will be considered as a part of the overall management activity and will thus be coordinated by Ecopower. The project coordinator will monitor the work, in particular the outputs and deliverables of all work packages. Reporting includes a PDA progress update to be submitted to EASME every 6 months. A template will be provided by EASME. this update will be additional to the standard project reporting.

Approach for REScoop members taking EE measures

D3.3: Standardized approach that can be replicated among REScoops Standardise and document the approaches developed in view of replication by other REScoops throughout the EU.

Summary of investments

Summary of all the investments developed in this WP, their energy related impact indicators and the (type of) proof of investment that will apply.

Typology of successful and failed developments

D5.3: Typology on successful and failed developments

Communication plan and dissemination strategy

In the first 2 months of the project REScoopeu will work out a communication plan and a dissemination strategy consisting of following elements Goals which impacts will be reached Audience who do we want to reach with which output Medium what is the most effective way to reach the different kinds of audience different stakeholders citizens local authorities REScoops Timing when which part how

Last PDA progress reporting every 6 months

This is the last of the 6-monthly PDA progress reports

Final Publishable Report

"Task 6.5: Final Publishable Report Production of the ""Final Publishable Report"" including publications such as important lessons learnt, recommendations, guidance for replicators, detailed information on the project's proces as well as contracts and contractual arrangements concluded in the course of the project (after removing sensitive and confidential information). The final publications will be professionally designed, attractive and tailored to the target group. The publications are produced in national language and in English (200 hardcopies in both languages). An executive summary of the results (max. 5 pages) will be made available electronically and in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish. The content and final draft of the final publishable report will be approved by EASME before publication. "

EE measures for local authorities developed

D2.2: Deep energy renovations measures developed ready for investment for public buildings in the Flemish Region and in the German speaking Region of Belgium. EE measures (energy management, biomass heaters, PV) in public buildings and public lighting in the Province of Barcelona, Spain (12 MEUR investment in energy measures, 16 GWh annual energy savings)

EE measures developed for 1000 citizens

D3.1: In total 1000 citizens member of Belgian REScoops signed up in a programme for assisting them in the process towards a deep energy renovation of their homes. 10 MEUR of investments in EE and integrated RES in private houses. Energy savings (including production of integrated RES) of 10 GWh/year

REScoop fund or financing facilitation service

D4.2: Working structure of the REScoop EU fund fully elaborated (type of legal entity, management structure, financial plan, plan of activities, staff needed, ...) and all formal demands for approval by financial authorities introduced (thus: REScoop EU fund ready to start up after approval) OR Working structure of the REScoop financing facilitation service fully elaborated (type of legal entity, management structure, financial plan, plan of activities, staff needed, ...) and ready to start operation after approval of parties involved

Kick off meeting and 8 consortium meetings

Task 1.3: Meetings Every year the consortium will have three project meetings. This includes a kick-off meeting at the beginning of the project and a final meeting at the end. Each meeting will last two to three days. On the first day the Executive Committee will meet and evaluate the progress of the project as a whole. On the following day the other partners will join the Executive Committee to have a Steering Group meeting. Most of the project meetings will be organised in the premises of one of the project partners. However the Executive Committee can change the location if that benefits the consortium as a whole. The Executive Committee will have bimonthly meetings to follow up the project actions from a shorter distance. The reports of these meetings will be shared among the partners. The Steering Group holds monthly Skype meetings. The project coordinator will write reports and share these with all partners.

RES projects developed

D2.1: RES projects (wind, PV, small hydro, biomass) developed in Belgium (both Flanders and Wallonia), in Spain, in France and in the UK (65 MW installed capacity – 180 GWh/y additional renewable energy production – 98 MEUR investment)

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