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Upscaling and commercialization of a highly efficient wood pellets fired steam engine CHP for heat and power generation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CHP (Upscaling and commercialization of a highly efficient wood pellets fired steam engine CHP for heat and power generation)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2015-01-01 do 2015-05-31

The Feasibility Report and Business plan are developed and finished.

All necessary market and competitors analysis have been performed.

The Business plan including technical upscaling of the CHP technology

and the market entry strategy has been worked out.

Feasibility report : there is great socio- economic potential for this new CHP Technology in the EU:

economically outperform ist competitors by 50%

CO2- neutral power generation helps to lower the EU CO2 consumption

Multifuel capability: All renewable fuels including bio waste can be used as fuel

Business plan: As a main result of the market analysis the power range for market entry was defined: 20kW electrical and 70 kW thermal power range is expected to have maximum economic impact for
market entry
Pricing figures are worked out at around 120.000€ per CHP
Most promising countries for market entry are: Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy
Comparing the total invests per year the Aross CHP technology outperforms its direct competitors by at least 50 %:
1. The overall efficiency from Aross 3D CHP is 29 % higher if only the consumables are compared.
2. Initial investment is 50 % lower because no additional heating boiler is required
3. Maintenance costs are one tenth of the competitors.
Most promising fuel : straw
The new technology of Aross 3D enables its customers to save up to 84 % of their energy costs compared to natural gas heating and grid power when using straw as fuel. Just from the European
surplus of straw 13 million households could be supplied with renewable produced energy (electricity and hot water) using the closed steam CHP technology of Aross 3D.

For details please see the full report.
Here is a summary of the developed Topics:

1 Feasibility Report

1.1 Analysis of the potential competitors in the EU

1.1.1 Pricing
1.1.2 Development of their sales per year
1.1.3 Technology and corresponding market share

1.2 EU demand for the proposed CHP from 2016 on

1.2.1 Framework conditions in the corresponding countries
1.2.2 Feed in tarifs in the corresponding countries
1.2.3 Availability of wood pellets
1.2.4 Possibility of alternative solid renewable fuels
regarding pricing and availability

2 Business plan

2.1 Upscaling and commercialization regarding

2.1.1 Power Output (power size)
2.1.2 Pricing and expected sales figures

2.2 Market Launch strategy

2.3 Building of an international sales structure including
partner firms in the target market

2.4 Definition of certification process

For more details please see the enclosed report.

The project “Upscaling and commercialization of a highly effective wood/ straw pellets fired steam engine CHP for heat and power generation” shall continue.
There is a billion Euro market within the next 10 years in decentralized power generation enabled by the new Aross 3D CHP technology.
For example just from the European surplus of straw 13 million households could be supplied with renewable produced energy (electricity and hot water) using the closed steam CHP technology of Aross 3D.
Expected final results:

Feasibility report : there is great socio- economic potential for this new CHP Technology in the EU:

economically outperform ist competitors by 50%

CO2- neutral power generation helps to lower the EU CO2 consumption

Business plan: 20kW electrical and 70 kW thermal power range is expected to have maximum economic impact for market entry
pricing figures are worked out at around 120.000€ per CHP
Aross 3D CHP closed steam cycle technology