Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PASTEURDOC (Institut Pasteur International Docotal Program)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-10-01 do 2020-12-31
1) To provide the highest scientific education through panoply of multidisciplinary research projects and scientific approaches;
2) To provide an exceptional nurturing environment combining practical research, scientific and transferrable skills training and educational follow up, by a well-established Teaching Department running and International Doctoral Program;
3) To provide the early-stage researchers with a large international and multicultural network of fellows and institutions, in both developed and developing countries, and within the academic and the private sectors;
4) Two calls have been launched to train thirty early-stage researchers: Fifteen started in October 2016 and other fifteen in October 2017. They are in total 16 men and 14 women, coming from Europe, including Eastern Europe, from North and South America, and from Asia. All signed three-year full time work contracts with full social benefits (i.e. medical care, maternity coverage, retirement, etc.), and additional subsidies. They are all enrolled in doctoral programs in one of the four associated Paris universities and are well integrated in their respective laboratories. Their progress, training accomplishments and satisfaction are being monitored by the close supervision of: 1. their project principal investigators (thesis supervisors), 2. independent individual senior scientists (tutors) and 3. thesis advisory committees specially appointed for each early stage researcher. Finally, the Pasteur International Doctoral Program Dean and Graduate Office members ensure general training organization and individual follow up.
1) The highest scientific education through panoply of multidisciplinary research projects and scientific approaches: The different projects being developed by the thirty highly selected early stage researchers encompass an array of biomedical research fields crucial for human health. Subjects represent all the scientific department of the Institut Pasteur, including, Microbiology, Virology, Cell Biology & Infection, Genomes and Genetics, Mycology, Neuroscience, Structural Biology & Chemistry, Developmental & Stem Cell Biology, Immunology and Parasites & Insect Vectors.
2) We provided an exceptional nurturing environment combining practical research, scientific and transferrable skills training and educational follow up, by a well-established Teaching Department running and International Doctoral Program: All early stage researchers followed scientific and technological training related with their own research projects, as well as complementary skills training in good laboratory practice, biological safety and ethics in biomedical research. These will be complemented by training in oral and written communication, entrepreneurship, technology transfer and others. The Institut Pasteur campus provides a crowd of multidisciplinary science opportunities through weekly conferences given by internationally renowned scientists, in campus thematic congresses and thematic and technical workshops. Pasteur state-of-the art technology core facilities utilized by early stage researchers as they need provide with additional opportunities for training and scientific development.
3) We provided the early-stage researchers with a large international and multicultural network of fellows and institutions, in both developed and developing countries, and within the academic and the private sectors: This was accomplished through off campus scientific retreats of the Pasteur International Doctoral program, as well as common training and social events that gather all early stage researchers coming from all over the world. Meetings organized by the scientific departments and by the young researchers associations, together with funded possibilities to attend to national and international meetings provide them with additional opportunities to meet worldwide scientists and professionals. Finally, the existence of an International Network of 33 Pasteur Institutes all around the world give an extraordinary opportunity to meet and collaborate with scientists from those institutes through annual meetings, mixt research laboratories, task force common actions, etc.
To the date of publication of this summary, 23 ESRs out of 30 succesfully defended their PhD thesis and the 7 remaining will have done it by the end of 2021. Together, their published more than 38 peer reviewed publications in internationnaly recognized journals in a borad range of research topics covering from today very relevant infectious disease to fundamental molecular biology. They benefited from multiple training activities going from robotics to women leadership,giving them the tools to further progress on their career path, would that be in academia or in the private sector.