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Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis medical device as a novel Internet of Things telemedicine system for monitoring congestive heart failure patients from home

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CardioBIVA (Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis medical device as a novel Internet of Things telemedicine system for monitoring congestive heart failure patients from home)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2015-06-01 do 2015-11-30

IRIDEON is a Spanish-German SME, which develops and provides Internet of Things (IoT) sensor solutions based on a proprietary framework. We have been working in the development of an IoT telemedicine system based on bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA). We have a clear business opportunity, as an IoT telemedicine system that would enable an easy and frequent monitoring of a reliable physiological indicator to CHF in the home environment is expected to substantially reduce hospitalizations and, as a result, lower medical costs and impact on life.
During the reporting period we made an updated analysis of the SoA for BIVA and for CHF solutions in the market and under development. This allowed to redesign the prototype and the plan for its development and demonstration. This includes the identification of partners that will support us in this. We had the assistance of IP experts and confirmed our freedom to operate and the patentability of our innovation.
We made a reassessment of market needs and the regulatory pathways that best accommodates our development. With the study on feedback from potential end-users and experts in the medical device market we managed to reach a better market-fit with the main risks identified. We also identified the main stakeholders and confirmed the potential of offering a SaaS within CHF telemedicine
One in five people in Europe will experience heart failure. CHF is the most common cause of hospitalization in people aged over 65, and half of these die 5 years after the first hospitalization. Heart problems cause 29% of total global deaths, and in Europe 47% of all deaths- over 4 million/year. CHF costs the EU economy €60 billion a year.
With CardioBIVA the potential impacts are:
•Telemedicine activity e supported by a straightforward physiological indicator of hydration;
•Preventive method capable of warning of CHF decompensation before symptoms get worse;
•Avoid the use of several apparatus that are time consuming, cumbersome and limit mobility;
•Patients autonomously react to their own data based on preset therapy plans;
•Full connectivity and user-friendly software;
•Resulting data secure and automatically recorded in the medical file;
•Ensured continuity of care with medics and patients able to interact though a single platform;
•Ensure a dramatic drop of hospital readmissions and costs, due to CHF decompensation.
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