Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CardioBIVA (Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis medical device as a novel Internet of Things telemedicine system for monitoring congestive heart failure patients from home)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2015-06-01 do 2015-11-30
We made a reassessment of market needs and the regulatory pathways that best accommodates our development. With the study on feedback from potential end-users and experts in the medical device market we managed to reach a better market-fit with the main risks identified. We also identified the main stakeholders and confirmed the potential of offering a SaaS within CHF telemedicine
With CardioBIVA the potential impacts are:
•Telemedicine activity e supported by a straightforward physiological indicator of hydration;
•Preventive method capable of warning of CHF decompensation before symptoms get worse;
•Avoid the use of several apparatus that are time consuming, cumbersome and limit mobility;
•Patients autonomously react to their own data based on preset therapy plans;
•Full connectivity and user-friendly software;
•Resulting data secure and automatically recorded in the medical file;
•Ensured continuity of care with medics and patients able to interact though a single platform;
•Ensure a dramatic drop of hospital readmissions and costs, due to CHF decompensation.