Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FILMCO (Greenhouse film covers with tailor-made properties for enhanced performance)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2015-05-01 do 2015-10-31
As profit margins decline (due to high production costs compared to the low commercial prices of the products), farmers are pressed to cut back on costs, while still delivering the best quality produce. Greenhouse farmers are in great need for solutions that will help them decrease production expenses, while increasing the quality and quantity of their crop yield.
FILMCO addresses this problematic by offering to the farmers an advanced film cover for greenhouses, based on the use of polymer nano-composites that can regulate independently both Infrared (IR) and Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) according to greenhouse requirements compared to conventionally manufactured films The effectively enhances plant growth, and allows for increased performance isolation properties. ,
This innovative solution is an outcome of a nationally funded research project, whose initial results were extremely promising:
• The results clearly demonstrated a 28% decrease in energy consumption and 20% increase in crop production compared to conventional plastic films.
• Moreover, this advanced material also combines its enhanced optical/thermal properties (lower energy demand and improved production) with more robust mechanical and antioxidative properties and higher pesticide resistance.
Two commercialization strategy will be reviewed in the current study:
• Elysee produces and commercializes the FilmCo masterbatch to film producers
• Elysee produces the FilmCo masterbatch and film and targets the end users (greenhouse owners) directly
The study has covered technological feasibility, market trends and definition of the business potential of FilmCO. The needs of different segments of end users and customers have been taken into account, which has led us to better define the concept presented in the phase 1 proposal in terms of final scale and features of the final system to be pursued.
The risks involved in the different technological areas involved, have been fully assessed and measures have been defined to minimize the potential risks. We have fully assessed our operational capacity to complete the envisaged project.
The results of the feasibility study undertaken during the phase 1 action have endorsed our purpose to pursue the further development of the concept, following the revision of the specifications and update of the business model.
users and customers have been taken into account. The risks involved in the different techno-logical areas involved, have been fully assessed and measures have been defined to minimize the potential risks derived from the use of cutting-edge technologies. We have fully assessed our operational capacity to complete the envisaged project and have secured external expertise where needed for the next phase. Based on market assessment results we have foreseen the sales for the different segments and developed a production plan that will allow us to cope with the expected demand. A roadmap for commercialization has been elaborated, includ-ing
the development of an innovative business model that will allow us to reach all target segments, based on defining a strategy adapted to their needs.