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PRONTO: PROcess NeTwork Optimization for efficient and sustainable operation of Europe’s process industries taking machinery condition and process performance into account.

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PRONTO (PRONTO: PROcess NeTwork Optimization for efficient and sustainable operation of Europe’s process industries taking machinery condition and process performance into account.)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-01-01 do 2019-12-31

The PRONTO Consortium partners are strongly convinced that for Europe to stay competitive, the overriding challenge is the efficient and sustainable operation and maintenance of assets already installed and running at the present time. The overall objective of PRONTO was the integration of information about equipment condition into all aspects of process network operation leading to energy savings and reduced emissions of carbon dioxide in process networks

PRONTO has developed and demonstrated new ways to use such information to support decision-making. This is based on real-time knowledge of the condition of interconnected equipment, merging information sources for decision support, and incorporating the monitoring of equipment performance into optimization decisions. PRONTO further developed computationally efficient optimization algorithms for large-scale industrial systems. Successful applications have provided significant energy savings by incorporating calibrated models for predicting the condition of equipment into real-time mathematical optimization.

The consortium partners included leading universities and well-known companies with reputations for innovation. Interdisciplinary training was provided to fourteen Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) under the European Industrial Doctorate scheme.
The research topics of PRONTO were:
• Data analytics for assessment of the condition and performance of networks of equipment used for production in the process industries;
• Optimization of use of resources in process networks taking account of real-time information about the condition and performance of the process equipment;
• Development of new concepts for process operation identified as having high potential for impact by industrial partners.
The public outputs of PRONTO are presented under four themes.
• Detection and diagnosis of change of condition
• Models for change of condition
• Condition-aware operation and scheduling
• Adjustments to mitigate for change of condition
Four theme posters demonstrate how equipment condition monitoring leads to enhanced operation and optimization of existing plants:

The case studies examined by PRONTO were:
• Multiphase flow rig case study – the PRONTO benchmark heterogeneous data set
• Refinery hydrogen network case-study
• Energy-intense processes and onsite power generation
• Optimization of a reactor network in a chemicals manufacturing site
• Optimization in the steel industry
• Compressor networks in large-scale gas-handling facilities
Several of these studies illustrate large-scale industrial implementation of concepts for optimization under uncertainty. They incorporate prediction of equipment degradation into production scheduling and planning.
The PRONTO benchmark heterogeneous data set was a valuable resource for PRONTO for testing data-driven methods for fault detection and diagnosis. It is available to other researchers as an open access data set together with a supporting technical report.

Results of PRONTO have led to more than 80 papers published, accepted or submitted in international journals and conferences. The full set of published papers is on open access at"Process Network Optimization". Two patents have also resulted from the PRONTO project.

Each ESR recruited by an academic partner spent at least 50% of their time in a placement with one of the industrial partners. The placements were productive and popular, with several ESRs extending their time with the industrial host beyond the minimum 50% requirement.
PRONTO ESRs employed by industrial companies undertook secondments with the university partners to meet course requirements for the PhD.

The PRONTO training programme included PhD research projects with an industrial focus, and also scientific courses and transferable skills training for all ESRs.
ESRs studied for and passed a PRONTO Mastery exam based on the PRONTO training. The exam covered control systems, data analytics, statistics, process engineering, process safety, optimization, modelling and simulation, system dynamics, machinery, electrical systems, intellectual property, and science communication, with mandatory questions in each. The pass mark was 80%.

Eleven ESRs attended 12th IFAC DYCOPS Symposium in April 2019 in Florianopolis, Brazil. PRONTO organized a special session entitled “Equipment Condition Monitoring for Sustainable Process Operations”.
Four ESRs attended the ESCAPE 29 conference in June 2019 in Eindhoven, Netherlands. PRONTO organized a special session called “Condition-Based Process Operations”.

Professor Sebastian Engell of the Technical University of Dortmund gave a public lecture in Valladolid, Spain, in April 2018 on “Improving resource efficiency by better management of processing plants”.
PRONTO organized two public workshops: "Optimization under Uncertainty" at the Technical University of Dortmund, and "Dynamic Optimization, Model Calibration and State Estimation" in Trondheim, Norway.
Two ESRs gave poster presentations at the UK's STEM for Britain poster competition in March 2019 and also gave a talk at The Great Exhibition Road Festival in June 2019.

ESRs have collaborated to populate the PRONTO website. A highlight is a glossary of terms related to the topics of the PRONTO project:
A further highlight is the ESRs' blogs: PRONTO represents an important career and life experience and the blogs describe the ESRs' experiences and thoughts in personal terms. Industrial supervisors have also commented on their experiences of hosting ESRs and the benefits of the European Industrial Doctorate programme.

A 4.5 minute video gives an overview of PRONTO and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN-EID programme. The video will help to increase public awareness of the project and EU-funded research and training activities.
By developing expertise and collaborating on cutting-edge research, PRONTO has led the development of next generation condition-based process operations. The involvement of industry within the network allowed PRONTO ESRs to engage in industrial applications of their research and to generate new tools and methods that can be developed and commercialized. PRONTO will help to strengthen European innovation capacity and increase the competitiveness of European companies.

PRONTO will have a long-term impact on the ESRs’ careers. Their skill base is excellent as a result of the training in PRONTO, enhancing their employability. They have benefited from expert supervision and mentoring from PRONTO supervisors in both public and private sectors.

PRONTO provided a high impact for the institutions involved. The active collaboration between the academic and private sectors, which is inherent in this project, promotes a coherent understanding of the commercial as well as the technical requirements of process networks and engenders an entrepreneurial and commercial mind-set with a focus on innovation.
PRONTO at DYCOPS in April 2019
PRONTO Theme 1 poster: Detection and diagnosis of change of condition
PRONTO Theme 4 poster: Adjustments to mitigate for change of condition
PRONTO overview poster
PRONTO Workshop "Optimization under Uncertainty" at Technical University of Dortmund in September 20
PRONTO at STEM for Britain March 2019
PRONTO project logo
PRONTO project logo
PRONTO at Great Exhibition Road Festival June 2019
PRONTO Plant training in January 2017
PRONTO Theme 3 poster: Condition-aware operation and scheduling
PRONTO Theme 2 poster: Models for change of condition
PRONTO people poster