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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

European Joint Doctorate in Biology and Technology of Reproductive Health

CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.

Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Website opening

Opening of REP-BIOTECH website (necessary for recruitment)

Teaching materials for WP7

Preparing of teaching materials for communication activities WP7

Opening of Facebook, Twitter, LinedIn and Research Gate REP-BIOTECH profiles

Special link in REP-BIOTECH website and opening of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and ResearchGate accounts for multimedia releases to the public at large

Set of genes involved in sex determination and reversal

Purification of germinal cell and transcriptomic analysis through RNAseq Evaluation of the implication in sex reversal of new genes identified for sex determination in cow and pig

Biomarker for men fertility

Will be accomplished by UMU, MSSM and HSPH (see ESR1 project for detailed roles of partners) and consists of finding out if serum vitamin D (25OH-D) levels are associated to vitamin D intake and related with semen quality, sperm DNA fragmentation and reproductive hormone concentrations. To establish new biomarkers related with impaired reproductive parameters in men

Devices for human oviductal and uterine fluid collection

Aims to design specific devices for collection of human oviductal and uterine fluid samples in patients and donors and to characterize the proteomic profile of the samples according to their origin. ESR10 will be trained at CCMIJU and will work there to design and test the devices.

Participation in the Researchers Night (Mo12, 24, 36, 48)

Researchers Night: Rep-BIOTECH fellows will participate every year with posters to show their results to public in the EU activity (UMU)

Identification of candidate miRNAs in follicular fluid affecting developmental competence of oocytes

Isolating and characterization of miRNAs in bovine follicular fluid exosomes

Understanding of the functional role of selected proteins present in uterine lumen fluid on blastocyst formation in vitro and conceptus elongation in vivo

Determine the mode of action of selected ligands in uterine lumen fluid on bovine trophectoderm development. (UCD)

New tool for sperm capacitation treatment in human clinic

Will be accomplished by UMU, MSSM and IVI and aims to find out a correlation between nitric oxide in the follicular fluid and sperm ability to fertilize. Samples from donors will be collected at IVI clinic and studies on NO levels and effect of fluid on sperm capacitation and motility will be carried out at UMU. Data processing and analysis of results will be done at MSSM.To identify new tools for infertility treatments in human

Creation and dissemination of a computational model of sperm capacitation

Identification of proteins that are phosphorylated during equine sperm capacitation(UMass).


REP-BIOTECH Open Day at UCD 2016, REP-BIOTECH Open Day at UniBonn in 2017 and REP-BIOTECH Open Day at UniTe in 2018.

Interaction with stakeholders and policymakers in dedicated forums during workshops and conferences

To organize a special forum at each workshop/conference to ensure an effective communication and dissemination of findings between the network and to the identified stakeholders, such as companies involved in manufacturing disposables and media for embryo and gamete culture

Identification of exosomes as important signalling factors for the embryo in reaction to stressors

Isolation and characterization of exosomes from embryo-conditioned medium and from uterine fluid of pregnant cows to evaluate how embryos react to suboptimal environment and test their effects of exosomes upon embryonic development

15 recruited ESRs

Recruitment of doctoral candidates

Scientific cooperation and financial agreements

Signing of scientific and financial agreements among beneficiaries and partner organisations. Financial procedures will be supported by the administrative offices at UMU. Furthermore, the Coordinator will be assisted by an administrator, who will be hired to manage the network administratively. The administrator will coordinate the preparation and submission of the periodical scientific, training and financial reports and will assist all administration issues regarding the recruitment, training and development of new ESRs. Administrator will also help with the organization of the training events.

Technical seminar with industry sector

Organization of a specific technical seminar with selected members of the industry sector to find potential means of exploitation of the generated patents

Use of exosomes in improving embryo culture conditions

Determine whether heat-stressed semen changes its methylation pattern and affects further embryo development and epigenome

Cryopreservation of AEC stock for applicative use
Pig germinal rings

Obtaining of germinal rings from foetal pig before and after sex determination of germinal ring

Visits to schools, universities, community organizations and contact with local, national and international press
Establishment of the epigenomic profile of embryos derived from cows in different metabolic status and effect upon offspring

To determine how endocrine status can affect freezability and proteomics of semen in wild and domestic ruminants (INIA, UniBonn)

miRNAs from exosomes in bovine follicular fluid from animals at different metabolic status

Isolating and characterization of miRNAs in bovine follicular fluid exosomes

Improved sperm selection and evaluation tools

Acquisition of innovative data on membrane remodelling during mammalian sperm capacitation. (UniTe)

Cow germinal rings

Obtaining of germinal rings from foetal cow before and after sex determination of germinal ring

Establishment of a repeatable method for in vitro fertilization in horses

Determine if increasing intracellular Ca2+ is sufficient to induce fertilizing capacity of horse sperm (UMass).

Improved in vitro conditions for the production of embryos of high quality and better understanding of factors regulating embryo survival

Isolation and characterization of exosomes from oviductal fluid and test their effect on in vitro embryo development (INIA, UCD)

New procedure to obtain viable oocytes

Consist of developing new procedures to obtain viable oocytes from small-size follicles, ovarian germ stem cells or cryopreserved ovarian tissue. UMU, UniTe, OU and IVI will be involved (see ESR7 project for details).

Selection of REP-BIOTECH Ambassadors

Recruitment of one REP-BIOTECH Ambassador per institution and promotion of the Reproductive research field to students and public audiences by the Ambassadors

Improve our understanding of how ruminant sperm can react to heat stress and endocrine changes

To analyse the epigenome profile of oocytes and embryos derived from cows of varying metabolic status

Establishment of an in vitro model to study early embryo-maternal communication
Publication and updates of a website dedicated to the REP-BIOTECH topic

Presentation of the results obtained in the network website

Data analysed from questionnaires produced by the ambassadors
An improved protocol for in vivo treatments of bone and tendon lesions
15 recruitment agreements
Annual reports for authorities

Writing annual reports in a comprehensive language and submission to local, regional and national health Authorities and Policy Makers.

PhD thesis and public defence of 15 ESRs

Awarding15 doctoral degrees to ESRs after public presentation in the recruiting University

Publication of scientific papers in specialised journals

Publication of one to three articles per ESR in Open Access format in journals included in JCR (IF>2)

Publication of lay papers in popular magazines

Publication of lay papers in popular magazines. To give interviews and to write lay papers in popular magazines, and in newsletters to be published on the website in order to inform the lay public and to target in this way policy makers and politicians at national and the EU level, which would stimulate effectively the public dialogue


Nitric oxide-targeted protein phosphorylation during human sperm capacitation.

Autorzy: Staicu, FD., Martínez-Soto, J.C., Canovas, S., Matás C.
Opublikowane w: Scientific reports., Numer 11, 20979, 2021, ISSN 2045-2322
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-00494-1

Nitrite and Nitrate Levels in Follicular Fluid From Human Oocyte Donors Are Related to Ovarian Response and Embryo Quality

Autorzy: Florentin-Daniel Staicu; Florentin-Daniel Staicu; Analuce Canha-Gouveia; Analuce Canha-Gouveia; Cristina Soriano-Úbeda; Cristina Soriano-Úbeda; Cristina Soriano-Úbeda; Juan Carlos Martínez-Soto; Juan Carlos Martínez-Soto; Evdochia Adoamnei; Evdochia Adoamnei; Jorge E. Chavarro; Jorge E. Chavarro; Jorge E. Chavarro; Carmen Matás; Carmen Matás
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Numer Vol 9 (2021), 2021, ISSN 2296-634X
Wydawca: Lausanne: Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2021.647002

Challenges in studying preimplantation embryo-maternal interaction in cattle.

Autorzy: Rodríguez-Alonso B, Sánchez JM, González E, Lonergan P, Rizos D.
Opublikowane w: Theriogenology, Numer Vol 150, 2020, Strona(/y) 139-149, ISSN 0093-691X
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.01.019

Spatial and Pregnancy-Related Changes in the Protein, Amino Acid, and Carbohydrate Composition of Bovine Oviduct Fluid.

Autorzy: Rodríguez-Alonso B, Maillo V, Salvador Acuña O, López-Úbeda R, Torrecillas A, Simintiras CA, Sturmey R, Avilés M, Lonergan P, Rizos D.
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Numer 21(5), 1681, 2020, ISSN 1422-0067
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/ijms21051681

Mating to Intact, but Not Vasectomized, Males Elicits Changes in the Endometrial Transcriptome: Insights From the Bovine Model.

Autorzy: Recuero S, Sánchez JM, Mateo-Otero Y, Bagés-Arnal S, McDonald M, Behura SK, Spencer TE, Kenny DA, Yeste M, Lonergan P, Fernandez-Fuertes B.
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in cell and developmental biology., Numer 10 July 2020, 2020, ISSN 2296-634x
Wydawca: Lausanne: Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00547

Asynchrony between the embryo and the oviduct influence subsequent embryo development.

Autorzy: Rodríguez-Alonso B, Sánchez JM, Hamdi M, McDonald M, Havlicek V, Besenfelder U, Lonergan P and Rizos D.
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Numer 29 January 2020, 2020, ISSN 1031-3613
Wydawca: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
DOI: 10.1071/rd19360

Location relative to the corpus luteum affects bovine endometrial response to a conceptus.

Autorzy: andra Bagés-Arnal, José M Sánchez, Beatriz Fernandez-Fuertes, Michael McDonald, Susanta K Behura, Thomas E Spencer, Trudee Fair, Pat Lonergan.
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, Numer 159/5, 2020, Strona(/y) 643–657, ISSN 1470-1626
Wydawca: Society for Reproduction and Fertility
DOI: 10.1530/rep-19-0464

Reproductive Outcomes and Endocrine Profile in Artificially Inseminated versus Embryo Transferred Cows.

Autorzy: Lopes, Jordana S., Estefanía Alcázar-Triviño, Cristina Soriano-Úbeda, Meriem Hamdi, Sebastian Cánovas, Dimitrios Rizos and Pilar Coy.
Opublikowane w: Animals, Numer 10(8), 1359, 2020, ISSN 2076-2615
Wydawca: MPDI
DOI: 10.3390/ani10081359

Exposing dairy bulls to high temperature-humidity index during spermatogenesis compromises subsequent embryo development in vitro

Autorzy: Núria Llamas Luceño, Daniel de Souza Ramos Angrimani, Luana de Cássia Bicudo, Katarzyna J. Szymańska, Mario Van Poucke, Kristel Demeyere, Evelyne Meyer, Luc Peelman, Erik Mullaart, Marleen L.W.J. Broekhuijse, Ann Van Soom
Opublikowane w: Theriogenology, Numer 141, 2020, Strona(/y) 16-25, ISSN 0093-691X
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2019.08.034

Extracellular vesicle-coupled miRNA profiles in follicular fluid of cows with divergent post-calving metabolic status

Autorzy: Tsige Hailay, Michael Hoelker, Mikhael Poirier, Samuel Gebremedhn, Franca Rings, Mohammed Saeed-Zidane, Dessie Salilew-Wondim, Christina Dauben, Ernst Tholen, Christiane Neuhoff, Karl Schellander, Dawit Tesfaye
Opublikowane w: Scientific Reports, Numer 9/1, 2019, ISSN 2045-2322
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-49029-9

Differential isoform expression and alternative splicing in sex determination in mice

Autorzy: Benjamín Planells, Isabel Gómez-Redondo, Eva Pericuesta, Patrick Lonergan, Alfonso Gutiérrez-Adán
Opublikowane w: BMC Genomics, Numer 20/1, 2019, ISSN 1471-2164
Wydawca: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-5572-x

Regulation of boar sperm functionality by the nitric oxide synthase/nitric oxide system

Autorzy: Florentin-Daniel Staicu, Rebeca Lopez-Úbeda, Jon Romero-Aguirregomezcorta, Juan Carlos Martínez-Soto, Carmen Matás Parra
Opublikowane w: Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Numer 36/8, 2019, Strona(/y) 1721-1736, ISSN 1058-0468
Wydawca: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10815-019-01526-6

Isolation and Characterization of Functionally Active Extracellular Vesicles from Culture Medium Conditioned by Bovine Embryos In Vitro

Autorzy: Krishna Pavani, An Hendrix, Wim Van Den Broeck, Liesbeth Couck, Katarzyna Szymanska, Xiaoyuan Lin, Jenne De Koster, Ann Van Soom, Bart Leemans
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Numer 20/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 38, ISSN 1422-0067
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/ijms20010038

Bta-miR-10b Secreted by Bovine Embryos Negatively Impacts Preimplantation Embryo Quality

Autorzy: Xiaoyuan Lin, Krishna Chaitanya Pavani, Katrien Smits, Dieter Deforce, Björn Heindryckx, Ann Van Soom, Luc Peelman
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Genetics, Numer 10, 2019, ISSN 1664-8021
Wydawca: Frontiers Media
DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00757

Bovine Embryo-Secreted microRNA-30c Is a Potential Non-invasive Biomarker for Hampered Preimplantation Developmental Competence

Autorzy: Xiaoyuan Lin, Evy Beckers, Séan Mc Cafferty, Yannick Gansemans, Katarzyna Joanna Szymańska, Krishna Chaitanya Pavani, João Portela Catani, Filip Van Nieuwerburgh, Dieter Deforce, Petra De Sutter, Ann Van Soom, Luc Peelman
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Genetics, Numer 10, 2019, ISSN 1664-8021
Wydawca: Frontiers Media
DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00315

Looking at the big picture: understanding how the oviduct s dialogue with gametes and the embryo shapes reproductive success

Autorzy: Beatriz Fernandez-Fuertes, Beatriz Rodríguez-Alonso, José María Sánchez, Constantine A. Simintiras, Patrick Lonergan, Dimitrios Rizos
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer 15/Suppl. 1, 2018, Strona(/y) 751-764, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction
DOI: 10.21451/1984-3143-ar2018-0036

Innovative multi-protectoral approach increases survival rate after vitrification of ovarian tissue and isolated follicles with improved results in comparison with conventional method

Autorzy: Dmitry Nikiforov, Valentina Russo, Delia Nardinocchi, Nicola Bernabò, Mauro Mattioli, Barbara Barboni
Opublikowane w: Journal of Ovarian Research, Numer 11/1, 2018, ISSN 1757-2215
Wydawca: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s13048-018-0437-5

In vitro supplementation of testosterone or prolactin affects spermatozoa freezability in small ruminants

Autorzy: L. Martínez-Fresneda, E. O'Brien, A. López Sebastián, R. Velázquez, A. Toledano-Díaz, D. Tesfaye, K. Schellander, F.A. García-Vázquez, J. Santiago-Moreno
Opublikowane w: Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 2019, Strona(/y) 106372, ISSN 0739-7240
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2019.06.004

Epididymal and ejaculated sperm differ on their response to the cryopreservation and capacitation processes in mouflon (Ovis musimon)

Autorzy: Lucía Martínez-Fresneda, Cristina Castaño, Paula Bóveda, Dawit Tesfaye, Karl Schellander, Julián Santiago-Moreno, Francisco A. García-Vázquez
Opublikowane w: Scientific Reports, Numer 9/1, 2019, ISSN 2045-2322
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-52057-0

Which Low-Abundance Proteins are Present in the Human Milieu of Gamete/Embryo Maternal Interaction?

Autorzy: Canha-Gouveia, Paradela, Ramos-Fernández, Prieto-Sánchez, Sánchez-Ferrer, Corrales, Coy
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Numer 20/21, 2019, Strona(/y) 5305, ISSN 1422-0067
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/ijms20215305

Placental Stem Cells from Domestic Animals

Autorzy: B. Barboni, V. Russo, P. Berardinelli, A. Mauro, L. Valbonetti, H. Sanyal, A. Canciello, L. Greco, A. Muttini, V. Gatta, L. Stuppia, M. Mattioli
Opublikowane w: Cell Transplantation, Numer 27/1, 2018, Strona(/y) 93-116, ISSN 0963-6897
Wydawca: Cognizant Communication Corp.
DOI: 10.1177/0963689717724797

Species-specific and collection method-dependent differences in endometrial susceptibility to seminal plasma-induced RNA degradation

Autorzy: Beatriz Fernandez-Fuertes, José María Sánchez, Sandra Bagés-Arnal, Michael McDonald, Marc Yeste, Pat Lonergan
Opublikowane w: Scientific Reports, Numer 9/1, 2019, ISSN 2045-2322
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-51413-4

In Vitro Effect of Estradiol and Progesterone on Ovine Amniotic Epithelial Cells

Autorzy: Annunziata Mauro, Hashimita Sanyal, Angelo Canciello, Paolo Berardinelli, Valentina Russo, Nicola Bernabò, Luca Valbonetti, Barbara Barboni
Opublikowane w: Stem Cells International, Numer 2019, 2019, Strona(/y) 1-14, ISSN 1687-966X
Wydawca: Hindawi
DOI: 10.1155/2019/8034578

Protocol for the Ovine Amniotic Epithelial Cell In Vitro Culture and Differentiation

Autorzy: Hashimita Sanyal
Opublikowane w: Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, Numer 6/5, 2018, ISSN 2574-1241
Wydawca: Biomedical Research Network
DOI: 10.26717/bjstr.2018.06.001400

Aminopurvalanol A, a Potent, Selective, and Cell Permeable Inhibitor of Cyclins/Cdk Complexes, Causes the Reduction of in Vitro Fertilizing Ability of Boar Spermatozoa, by Negatively Affecting the Capacitation-Dependent Actin Polymerization

Autorzy: Nicola Bernabò, Luca Valbonetti, Luana Greco, Giulia Capacchietti, Marina Ramal Sanchez, Paola Palestini, Laura Botto, Mauro Mattioli, Barbara Barboni
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Physiology, Numer 8, 2017, ISSN 1664-042X
Wydawca: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2017.01097

Graphene oxide affects in vitro fertilization outcome by interacting with sperm membrane in an animal model

Autorzy: Nicola Bernabò, Antonella Fontana, Marina Ramal Sanchez, Luca Valbonetti, Giulia Capacchietti, Romina Zappacosta, Luana Greco, Marco Marchisio, Paola Lanuti, Eva Ercolino, Barbara Barboni
Opublikowane w: Carbon, Numer 129, 2018, Strona(/y) 428-437, ISSN 0008-6223
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2017.12.042

Cyclin–CDK Complexes are Key Controllers of Capacitation-Dependent Actin Dynamics in Mammalian Spermatozoa

Autorzy: Bernabò, Ramal-Sanchez, Valbonetti, Machado-Simoes, Ordinelli, Capacchietti, Taraschi, Barboni
Opublikowane w: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Numer 20/17, 2019, Strona(/y) 4236, ISSN 1422-0067
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/ijms20174236

Graphene Oxide increases mammalian spermatozoa fertilizing ability by extracting cholesterol from their membranes and promoting capacitation

Autorzy: Nicola Bernabò, Juliana Machado-Simoes, Luca Valbonetti, Marina Ramal-Sanchez, Giulia Capacchietti, Antonella Fontana, Romina Zappacosta, Paola Palestini, Laura Botto, Marco Marchisio, Paola Lanuti, Michele Ciulla, Antonio Di Stefano, Elena Fioroni, Michele Spina, Barbara Barboni
Opublikowane w: Scientific Reports, Numer 9/1, 2019, ISSN 2045-2322
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-44702-5

Supplementation of bovine follicular fluid during in vitro maturation increases oocyte cumulus expansion, blastocyst developmental kinetics, and blastocyst cell number

Autorzy: Jordana Sena Lopes, Analuce Canha-Gouveia, Evelynne París-Oller, Pilar Coy
Opublikowane w: Theriogenology, Numer 126, 2019, Strona(/y) 222-229, ISSN 0093-691X
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2018.12.010

Gene expression and metabolic response of bovine oviduct epithelial cells to the early embryo

Autorzy: Meriem Hamdi, María J Sánchez-Calabuig, Beatriz Rodríguez-Alonso, Sandra Bagés Arnal, Kalliopi Roussi, Roger Sturmey, Alfonso Gutiérrez-Adán, Patrick Lonergan, Dimitrios Rizos
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, Numer 158/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 85-94, ISSN 1470-1626
Wydawca: Society for Reproduction and Fertility
DOI: 10.1530/rep-18-0561

An approach to study the local embryo effect on gene expression in the bovine oviduct epithelium in vivo

Autorzy: Beatriz Rodríguez‐Alonso, Meriem Hamdi, José María Sánchez, Veronica Maillo, Alfonso Gutierrez‐Adan, Pat Lonergan, Dimitrios Rizos
Opublikowane w: Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2019, ISSN 0936-6768
Wydawca: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/rda.13558

Vitamin D status is not associated with reproductive parameters in young Spanish men

Autorzy: A. Rudnicka, E. Adoamnei, J. A. Noguera‐Velasco, J. Vioque, F. Cañizares‐Hernández, J. Mendiola, N. Jørgensen, J. E. Chavarro, S. H. Swan, A. M. Torres‐Cantero
Opublikowane w: Andrology, 2019, ISSN 2047-2919
Wydawca: American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology
DOI: 10.1111/andr.12690

Gene expression profiles of bovine genital ridges during sex determination and early differentiation of the gonads

Autorzy: Benjamín Planells, Isabel Gómez-Redondo, José María Sánchez, Michael McDonald, Ángela Cánovas, Patrick Lonergan, Alfonso Gutiérrez-Adán
Opublikowane w: Biology of Reproduction, 2019, ISSN 0006-3363
Wydawca: Society for the Study of Reproduction
DOI: 10.1093/biolre/ioz170

Global transcriptomic response of bovine endometrium to blastocyst-stage embryos

Autorzy: C Passaro, D Tutt, S Bagés-Arnal, C Maicas, R Laguna-Barraza, A Gutierrez-Adán, J A Browne, D Rath, S K Behura, T E Spencer, T Fair, P Lonergan
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, Numer 158/3, 2019, Strona(/y) 223-235, ISSN 1470-1626
Wydawca: Society for Reproduction and Fertility
DOI: 10.1530/rep-19-0064

Networks Models of Actin Dynamics during Spermatozoa Postejaculatory Life: A Comparison among Human-Made and Text Mining-Based Models

Autorzy: Nicola Bernabò, Alessandra Ordinelli, Marina Ramal Sanchez, Mauro Mattioli, Barbara Barboni
Opublikowane w: BioMed Research International, Numer 2016, 2016, Strona(/y) 1-8, ISSN 2314-6133
Wydawca: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
DOI: 10.1155/2016/9795409

Differential proteome between ejaculate and epididymal sperm represents a key factor for sperm freezability in wild small ruminants.

Autorzy: Martínez-Fresneda L, Sylvester M, Farhad S, Bunes A, Del Pozo JC, García-Vázquez FA, Neuhoff C, Tesfaye D, Schellander K,Santiago-Moreno J.
Opublikowane w: Cryobiology, Numer vol 99, 2020, Strona(/y) 64-77, ISSN 0011-2240
Wydawca: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2021.01.012

Effect of Exposure to Seminal Plasma Through Natural Mating in Cattle on Conceptus Length and Gene Expression.

Autorzy: Mateo-Otero Y, Sánchez JM, Recuero S, Bagés-Arnal S, McDonald M, Kenny DA, Yeste M, Lonergan P, Fernandez-Fuertes B.
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Numer 12 May 2020, 2020, ISSN 2296-634X
Wydawca: Lausanne: Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00341

Year-Long Phenotypical Study of Calves Derived From Different Assisted-Reproduction Technologies.

Autorzy: Lopes JS, Soriano-Úbeda C, París-Oller E, Navarro-Serna S, Canha-Gouveia A, Sarriás-Gil L, Cerón JJ, Coy P.
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Veterinary Science., 2022, ISSN 2297-1769
Wydawca: Lausanne: Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.739041

Physicochemical and Functional Characterization of Female Reproductive Fluids: A Report of the First Two Infants Born Following Addition of Their Mother's Fluids to the Embryo Culture Media.

Autorzy: Canha-Gouveia A, Prieto-Sánchez MT, Sánchez-Ferrer ML, Mollá M, Martínez-Soto JC, París-Oller E, Soriano-Úbeda C, Landeras J, Coy P.
Opublikowane w: Frontiers of Physiology, Numer 01 September 2021, 2021, ISSN 1664-042X
Wydawca: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2021.710887

High temperature-humidity index compromises sperm quality and fertility of Holstein bulls in temperate climates.

Autorzy: Núria Llamas-Luceño , Miel Hostens , Erik Mullaart , Marleen Broekhuijse , Pat Lonergan , Ann Van Soom.
Opublikowane w: Jornal in Dairy Sciences, Numer 103/10, 2020, Strona(/y) 9502-9514, ISSN 0022-0302
Wydawca: American Dairy Science Association
DOI: 10.3168/jds.2019-18089

Mouflon (Ovis musimon) sperm cryosurvival is better at the end of the rutting season coinciding with low plasma testosterone concentrations

Autorzy: L. Martínez-Fresneda, P. Bóveda, R. Velázquez, C. Castaño1, D. Tesfaye, K. Schellander, F.A. García-Vázquez, J. Santiago-Moreno
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3, 2017, Strona(/y) 936, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Expression profile of genes involved in sex determination in cattle

Autorzy: B. Planells, E. Pericuesta, P. Lonergan, A. Gutierrez-Adan
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3,, 2017, Strona(/y) 960, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Effect of estradiol and progesterone on ovine amniotic epithelial cells

Autorzy: H Sanyal, A Mauro, V Russo, P Beradinelli, L Greco, M Turriani, M Mattioli, BBarboni.
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3,, 2017, Strona(/y) 970, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

NOS/NO modulate the protein phosphorylation on serine and threonine residues during boar sperm capacitation

Autorzy: F.D. Staicu, R. Lopez-Úbeda, C. Matas
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v 14, n.3, 2017, Strona(/y) 942, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Heat stress effects on reactive oxygen species production and lipid peroxidation in bovine spermatozoa

Autorzy: N. Llamas Luceño, K. Demeyere, D.S. Angrimani, B. Leemans, E. Meyer, A. Van Soom
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3,, 2017, Strona(/y) 934, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Identification of extracellular vesicles in human oviductal fluid and small non-coding RNAs profiling

Autorzy: Canovas S, Canha-Gouveia A, Romero-Aguirregomezcorta J, Prieto MT. Coy P
Opublikowane w: Human Reproduction, Numer v32, supp1, 2017, Strona(/y) i111, ISSN 1460-2350
Wydawca: Oxford University Press

Comparison of the survival rates of ovarian tissue after slow freezing and vitrification by assessing histological structure and estradiol production during in-vitro culture

Autorzy: D. Nikiforov, V. Russo, D. Nardinocchi, N. Bernabò, M. Mattioli, B. Barboni.
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3, 2017, Strona(/y) 980, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

AVEN and BCL-xL expression pattern and protein-protein interaction assessment through bovine early embryo development

Autorzy: Bagés-Arnal S, Lonergan P., Fair T.
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3, 2017, Strona(/y) 945, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Bovine embryos release extracellular vesicles into the medium during group culture in vitro

Autorzy: K.C. Pavani, A. Hendrix, A. Van Soom
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3,, 2017, Strona(/y) 958, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Bovine in vitro maturation medium with different protein supplementation influences the maturation and fertilization rates

Autorzy: J.S. Lopes*, S. García-Martínez, E. París-Oller, R. Romar, P. Coy.
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3,, 2017, Strona(/y) 915, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Cyclin/Cdk complexes are involved in control of actin dynamics during boar sperm capacitation

Autorzy: N. Bernabò, L. Valbonetti, L. Greco, G. Capacchietti, M. Ramal Sanchez, P. Palestini, L. Botto, M. Mattioli, B. Barboni
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3, 2017, Strona(/y) 929, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Creation and biobanking of the first collection of human oviductal and uterine fluids from surgery patients

Autorzy: Canha-Gouveia A., Hernandez A., Prieto-Sánchez M.T., Sanchez-Ferrer M.L., Romero J., Escámez T., Garcia-Molina E. and Coy P
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3, 2017, Strona(/y) 911, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Advanced Clinical Research and Clinical Trials

Autorzy: Hashimita Sanyal, Annunziata Mauro, Dimitri Scholz and Barbara Barboni
Opublikowane w: J Clin Res Bioeth, Numer 8:4(Suppl), 2017, Strona(/y) 54
Wydawca: OMICS International

67 Optimizing a protocol for isolating extracellular vesicles from medium conditioned by bovine embryos in vitro

Autorzy: K. C. Pavani, A. Hendrix, B. Leemans, A. Van Soom
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Numer 31/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 159, ISSN 1031-3613
Wydawca: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
DOI: 10.1071/rdv31n1ab67

154 Exposure of bulls to heat stress had deleterious effects on embryo development

Autorzy: N. Llamas Luceño, M. Van Poucke, M. Batlle Perez, K. J. Szymanska, D. Angrimani, A. Van Soom
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Numer 31/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 202, ISSN 1031-3613
Wydawca: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
DOI: 10.1071/rdv31n1ab154

115 In Vivo Transcriptomic Response of Bovine Oviduct Epithelial Cells to the Early Embryo

Autorzy: B. Rodríguez-Alonso, M. Hamdi, J. M. Sánchez, A. Gutierrez-Adán, P. Lonergan, D. Rizos
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Numer 30/1, 2018, Strona(/y) 197, ISSN 1031-3613
Wydawca: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
DOI: 10.1071/rdv30n1ab115

43 Effect of early life nutrition on endometrial gland development and endometrial gene expression in heifers

Autorzy: S. Bagés-Arnal, B. Fernández-Fuertes, C. Passaro, C. Maicas, M. McDonald, C. J. Byrne, T. Martins, A. K. Kelly, D. A. Kenny, T. Fair, P. Lonergan
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Numer 31/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 147, ISSN 1031-3613
Wydawca: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
DOI: 10.1071/rdv31n1ab43

80 Biallelic CRISPR-Cas9 editing of gene associated with coat colour in microinjected bovine zygotes reaching the blastocyst stage

Autorzy: M. Poirier, D. Miskel, F. Rings, K. Schellander, M. Hoelker
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Numer 31/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 165, ISSN 1031-3613
Wydawca: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
DOI: 10.1071/rdv31n1ab80

115 Exosome-mediated microRNA expression profile in follicular fluid of metabolically divergent postpartum cows

Autorzy: T. Hailay, M. Hoelker, S. Gebremedhn, F. Rings, M. M. Saeed-Zidane, M. Poirier, D. Salilew-Wondim, C. Dauben, E. Tholen, C. Neuhoff, K. Schellander, D. Tesfaye
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Numer 31/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 183, ISSN 1031-3613
Wydawca: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing
DOI: 10.1071/rdv31n1ab115

Localization of Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) isoforms in boar spermatozoa

Autorzy: Staicu FD, Lopez-Ubeda R, Matas C
Opublikowane w: EPICONCEPT Conference 2016, 2016
Wydawca: Jointly published by the University of Milan and the COST Action FA1201

Biobanking the first collection of oviductal and uterine fluid from hysterectomised patients

Autorzy: A Canha-Gouveia, A Hernandez, MT Prieto-Sánchez, ML Sánchez-Ferrer, J Romero- Aguirregomezcorta, T Escámez, E Garcia-Molina, M Molla, J Landeras, and P Coy
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.14, n.3, 2017, ISSN 1984-3143
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Role of Alternative Splicing During Sex Determination in Mice

Autorzy: Benjamin Planells, Isabel GómezRedondo, Eva Pericuesta, Patrick Lonergan, and Alfonso Gutiérrez-Adán
Opublikowane w: 2018 SSR 51st Annual Conference Abstracts, 2018, Strona(/y) 127
Wydawca: Society for the Study of Reproduction

Differential response of bovine endometrium ipsilateral and contralateral to the corpus luteum to a Day 14 conceptus.

Autorzy: Sandra Bagés-Arnal, José Sánchez, Beatriz Fernández-Fuertes, Michael McDonald, Susanta Behura, Tom Spencer, Trudee Fair, Pat Lonergan
Opublikowane w: 2019 SSR 52nd Annual Conference Abstracts, 2019, Strona(/y) 386, 387
Wydawca: Society for the Study of Reproduction

Role of RNA isoform expression in sex determination in mice

Autorzy: B. Planells, I. Gómez-Redondo, E. Pericuesta, P. Lonergan, A. Gutiérrrez-Adán
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.15, n.3, 2018, Strona(/y) 571
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Blood serum extracellular vesicle coupled microRNAs expression analysis in metabolically divergent lactating cows.

Autorzy: Tsige Hailay, Mikhael Poirier, Michael Hoelker, Samuel Gebremedhn, Franca Rings, Dessie Salilew-Wondim, Karl Schellander, Dawit Tesfaye
Opublikowane w: 2019 SSR 52nd Annual Conference Abstracts, 2019, Strona(/y) 165
Wydawca: Society for the Study of Reproduction

Reproductive fluids added to embryo culture vs. standard culture in cow: first results on pregnancy rates

Autorzy: J.S. Lopes, M. Hamdi, E. Alcázar-Triviño, B. Rodríguez-Alonso, A. Canha-Gouveia, E. París-Oller, C. Soriano-Úbeda, S. Cánovas, D. Rizos, P. Coy1
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.15, n.3, 2018, Strona(/y) 550
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Local embryo effect on the transcriptomic response of the oviductal epithelial cells results from in vivo and in vitro approaches

Autorzy: B. Rodríguez-Alonso, M. Hamdi, J.M. Sánchez, A. Gutierrez-Adan, P. Lonergan, D. Rizos
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.15, n.3, 2019, Strona(/y) 574
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Detection of cell-free DNA in embryo culture medium: its potential application as a noninvasive method for sex determination in cattle

Autorzy: Hailay T., Gebremedhn S., Rings F., Salilew-Wondim D., Tesfaye D., Schellander K., Hoelker M
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.15, n.3, 2018, Strona(/y) 547
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Progesterone induces sperm release from bovine oviductal epithelial cells by modification of the sperm protein and lipid compositions

Autorzy: M. Ramal-Sanchez, G Tsikis, MC Blache, V Labas, X Druart, N Bernabo, P Mermillod, M Saint-Dizier
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.15, n.3, 2018, Strona(/y) 560
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Protein Kinase A modulation by nitric oxide during human sperm capacitation

Autorzy: F.D. Staicu, J.C. Martinez-Soto, C. Matas
Opublikowane w: Human Reproduction, Numer Volume 33, Numer suppl_1, 2018, Strona(/y) i170
Wydawca: Oxford University Press

Functionally active extracellular vesicles are released and taken up by zona-intact bovine embryos produced in vitro

Autorzy: Pavani, K.C.; Hendrix, A.; Leemans, B.; Van Soom, A.
Opublikowane w: Human Reproduction, Numer Volume 33, Numer suppl_1, 2018, Strona(/y) i223
Wydawca: Oxford University Press

Improvement of ICSI outcome using sperm selection by thermotaxis

Autorzy: Serafín Pérez-Cerezales, Raúl Fernández-González, A. Chacón de Castro, B. Rodríguez-Alonso, María Jesús Sánchez-Calabuig, Ricardo Laguna-Barraza and Alfonso Gutiérrez-Adán.
Opublikowane w: Human Reproduction, Numer Volume 33, Numer suppl_1, 2018, Strona(/y) i183
Wydawca: Oxford University Press

Oviduct-embryo interaction in cattle: Effect of asynchrony between the embryo and the oviduct on subsequent embryo development

Autorzy: B. Rodríguez-Alonso, J.M. Sánchez, M. Hamdi, U. Besenfelder, V. Havlicek, P. Lonergan, D. Rizos.
Opublikowane w: Human Reproduction, Numer Volume 33, Numer suppl_1, 2018
Wydawca: Oxford University Press

Freezing ovarian tissue and simultaneously obtaining an average of 8 mature oocytes without ovarian stimulation - is it a reality?

Autorzy: D. Nikiforov, C. Junping, S.E. Pors, J. Gruhn, S.G. Kristensen, C.Y. Andersen
Opublikowane w: Human Reproduction, Numer Volume 33, Numer suppl_1, 2018, Strona(/y) i92
Wydawca: Oxford University Press

Editing of the coatomer protein complex subunit alpha gene in bovine blastocysts using CRISPR/Cas9

Autorzy: Mikhaël Poirier, Dennis Miskel, Franca Rings, Michael Hölker, Karl Schellander.
Opublikowane w: Human Reproduction, Numer Volume 33, Numer suppl_1, 2018, Strona(/y) i239
Wydawca: Oxford University Press

116 In Vitro Transcriptomic Response of Bovine Oviduct Epithelial Cells to Direct or Indirect Embryo Contact

Autorzy: Hamdi, M., Rodríguez-Alonso, B., Almansa-Ordonez, A., Gutierrez-Adán, A., Lonergan, P., Rizos, D.
Opublikowane w: Reproduction, fertility, and development, Numer v.30 no.1, 2018, Strona(/y) 197-198
Wydawca: USDA

Alcohol use and tobacco smoking in relation to ovarian response among egg donors.

Autorzy: A. Canha-Gouveia, M. Mollá, L. Fernandez, M. Nicolás, M. Trabalón, J. Landeras, P. Coy, J. E. Chavarro.
Opublikowane w: Fertility and Sterility, Numer Vol. 110 No. 4s, 2018, Strona(/y) 174
Wydawca: American Society for Reproductive Mediceine

Relationship between nitric oxide in follicular fluid and ovarian response among oocyte donors

Autorzy: Florentin-Daniel Staicu, Analuce Canha-Gouveia, Juan Carlos Martinez-Soto, Jorge Chavarro, Carmen Matas
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.16, n.3,, 2018, Strona(/y) 761
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Proteomic analysis of ejaculated and epididymal sperm associated with freezability in Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica)

Autorzy: L. Martínez-Fresneda, M. Sylvester, F. Shakeri, A. Buness, J. C. Del Pozo, F.A. GarcíaVázquez, C. Neuhoff, D. Tesfaye, K. Schellander, J. Santiago-Moreno.
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.16, n.3,, 2019, Strona(/y) 782
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

A new contribution to the improvement of human embryo culture media: a comparative study of low-abundance proteins of reproductive fluids and plasma of fertile women

Autorzy: A. Canha-Gouveia, A. Ramos Fernández, A. Paradela, M.T. Prieto-Sánchez, M.L. Sánchez-Ferrer, F. Corrales, P. Coy
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.16, n.3,, 2019, Strona(/y) 774
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Gene expression profiles of bovine genital ridges during sex determination and early differentiation of the gonads

Autorzy: Benjamín Planells, Isabel Gómez-Redondo, José María Sánchez, Michael McDonald, Ángela Canovas, Patrick Lonergan, Alfonso Gutiérrez-Adán.
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.16, n.3,, 2019, Strona(/y) 747
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Embryo-induced alterations in the endometrial transcriptome of prepubertal bovine heifers

Autorzy: Bagés-Arnal S, Sánchez JM, Fernández-Fuertes B, McDonald M, Byrne CJ, Kelly AK, Kenny DA, Behura SK, Spencer TE, Fair T, Lonergan P.
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.16, n.3,, 2019, Strona(/y) 719
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Hormone levels differ between cow recipients carrying in vivo or in vitro-derived conceptus during early pregnancy

Autorzy: Jordana S Lopes, Estefanía Alcázar-Triviño, Cristina Soriano-Úbeda, Evelyne París-Oller, Pilar Coy
Opublikowane w: Animal Reproduction, Numer v.16, n.3,, 2019, Strona(/y) 691
Wydawca: Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction

Membrane dynamics of spermatozoa during capacitation: new insight in germ cells signalling.

Autorzy: Bernabò, Nicola; Valbonetti, Luca; Sancez, Marina Ramal; Capacchietti, Giulia; Mattioli, Mauro; Barboni, Barbara
Opublikowane w: Germ Cell, Numer 1, 2017, ISBN 978-953-51-3759-7
Wydawca: InTech

Nitric Oxide: Key Features in Spermatozoa

Autorzy: Staicu, Florentin-Daniel; Parra, Carmen Matas
Opublikowane w: Nitric Oxide Synthase - Simple Enzyme-Complex Roles, Numer 1, 2017
Wydawca: INTECH
DOI: 10.5772/67551

Ovarian tissue cryopreservation: slow freezing vs vitrification.

Autorzy: Dmitry Nikiforov, Valentina Russo, Delia Nardinocchi, Nicola Bernabò, Mauro Mattioli, Barbara Barboni.
Opublikowane w: The 5th World Congress of the International Society for Fertility Preservation, 2017, Strona(/y) 24
Wydawca: International Society for Fertility Preservation

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