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Bringing flexible organic electronics to pilot innovation scale


M30 “Hands-on” workshops for companies

M30 “Hands-on” workshops for companies.

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Project factsheet

Project factsheet.

M18 “Hands-on” workshops for companies

M18 “Hands-on” workshops for companies.

Report on available project printed documents (brochure, leaflet,..)

Report on available project printed documents (brochure, leaflet,..).

Pilot line video
M12 “Hands-on” workshops for companies

M12 “Hands-on” workshops for companies.


Toward high volume solution based roll-to-roll processing of OLEDs

Autorzy: Robert Abbel, Ike de Vries, Arjan Langen, Gerwin Kirchner, Hero t’Mannetje, Harrie Gorter, Joanne Wilson, Pim Groen
Opublikowane w: Journal of Materials Research, Numer 32/12, 2017, Strona(/y) 2219-2229, ISSN 0884-2914
Wydawca: Materials Research Society
DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2017.204

Roll-to-Roll Processing of Functional Substrates for Flexible Electronics

Autorzy: John Fahlteich, Matthias Fahland, Pavel Kudlacek, Wiel Manders, Manuela Junghähnel, Stefan Mogck, Claudia Keibler
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of IDW 2017, 2017
Wydawca: ITE and SID

OLED lighting design to enable coating technology

Autorzy: Arjan Langen, Robert Abbel, Ike de Vries, Harrie Gorter, Gerwin Kirchner and Pim Groen
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of European Coating Symposium 2017, 2017, Strona(/y) 33-35, ISBN 978-2-8399-2253-1
Wydawca: European Coating Symposium 2017, Fribourg, Swiss

Roll-to-Roll Solution Processed Flexible OLEDs for the PI-SCALE Open Access Pilot Line

Autorzy: Pim Groen, Erno Langendijk, Robert Abbel, Pavel Kudlacek, Claudia Keibler, Stephan Mogck
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of LpS2017, 2017, Strona(/y) p246-253, ISBN 978-3-9503209-8-5
Wydawca: LpS2017, LED Sympoium + Expo

Recent developments on intermittent coating

Autorzy: Ike de Vries, Harrie Gorter, Gerwin Kirchner, Klaus Peter Crone, Pim Groen
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of European Coating Symposium 2017, 2017, Strona(/y) 17-20, ISBN 978-2-8399-2253-1
Wydawca: European Coating Symposium 2017, Fribourg, Swiss

Roll-to-Roll Technologies for Hybrid OLED Manufacturing

Autorzy: Robert Abbel, André Philipp, Ike de Vries, Harrie Gorter, Arjan Langen, Gerwin Kirchner, Pavel Kudlacek, Matthias Fahland, John Fahlteich, Stefan Mogck, Claudia Keibler-Willner, Pim Groen
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the AIMCAL 2018 Conference, 2018
Wydawca: AIMCAL (The Association of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators)

Prawa własności intelektualnej

Curtain Coater

Numer wniosku/publikacji: WO 2018/153429
Data: 2017-02-21

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