Update of the Dissemination and communication plan. This deliverable addresses the strategy for the communication and dissemination activities throughout the project and shall serve as the basis for all WP10 activities. The active involvement of all WP10 partners is foreseen.
Project Brochure - First ReleaseProject Brochure, first release. The first WADI brochure release will be prepared and distributed on month 9, and will illustrate the main principles and aims of the WADI project towards the scientific community.
Training MaterialTraining Material on WADI will be made available at the and of the project for future use and exploitation. The material will be jointly delivered by SGI and ONERA.
Video News ReleaseA Video News Release (VNR) for media distribution world-wide and including the main achievements of the project will be designed and prepared at month 36. This video will be intended for public media distribution and will make use of YOURIS public media distribution channels, such the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) satellites and exchanges. The YOURIS Linked Third Party LEO will be responsible for this activity.
Project Brochure - Second ReleaseProject Brochure, second release. This second release will be ready by month 34 and will contain up-to-date achievements of the project to reinforce the final phase of the project activities and related dissemination and communication actions.
Project WebsiteThe WADI project website will be the entry point for all information related to WADI. It will enable wide content dissemination and will link with other on-line communication instruments, such as social media. The YOURIS Linked Third Party IMG will be responsible for this activity.
Report on the reengineering procedure undertaken for WADI data processing and analysis of the standards it complies with
Report from the two WADI training workshops aiming to train technical staff of the water utilities on the new technology.
WADI service provision terms and conditionsAssessment tests and preliminary data report
LCA report
Report showing the environmental benefits of the WADI project, based on its two real environment demonstrations.
Report on WADI demonstration results including the performance matrixReport on WADI demonstration including the performance matrix including: results analysis, and end-user feedback.
Report on state-of-the-art, end user requirements, demonstration scenarios and risk analysisReport on state-of-the-art, end user requirements, demonstration scenarios and risk analysis – this comprehensive report will present the outcomes of all tasks falling under WP2. Its preparation will be coordinated by SGI with key content inputs from ONERA and AM, and active collaboration from other project partners
Report on the Final EventThe WADI Final Event will present the results of the project and pave the way to future developments, including business opportunities.
Report on the economic benefits for WADI demonstration sites ecosystemsComprehensive report on the economic benefits for the demonstration sites’ ecosystems generated by WADI innovation. Description of the basis and methods applied for the assessment, in physical and further economic terms, of the provisioning water-related ES in the WADI project.
WADI service provision legal frameworkReport on Communication and Dissemiantion Activities
The Report on Communication & Dissemination Activities, managed by YOURIS, will be made available at the end of the project and will contain all the WP10 main achievements, here including quantitative measures about the number of people, broken down per audience category, that came across the WADI results through the different project information tools.
LCC reportReport with detailed strengths and weaknesses of the WADI innovation.
Software user’s guideUser’s manual for the resulting software after the smart improvement of WADI sensor data processing.
Onboard manned aircraft (integrated) sensor system
Onboard UAV (integrated) sensor system
WADI technique demonstration on water supply mains
WADI technique demonstration on water supply mains – report with results from the validation demonstration at SCP’s site in the Provence region, France)
Operational and surveillance demonstrations on water supply and irrigation mains in PortugalOperational and surveillance demonstrations on water supply and irrigation mains in Portugal – report with the results from WADI operational demonstration on big scale water supply and irrigation mains in the EDIA site, Alqueva, Portugal
Data Management Plan. This document will be updated throughout the lifetime of the project by LNEC.
Ricardo Martins, Alberto Azevedo, André B. Fortunato, Elsa Alves, Anabela Oliveira, Alexandra Carvalho
Opublikowane w:
Computational Science – ICCS 2019 - 19th International Conference, Faro, Portugal, June 12–14, 2019, Proceedings, Part IV, Numer 11539, 2019, Strona(/y) 96-108, ISBN 978-3-030-22746-3
Springer International Publishing
C. Chatelard, I. Legoff, G. Serra, J. Sanchis Munoz, J.-C. Krapez, C. Mazel, V. Olichon, J. Barba Polo, Y.-M. Frederic, F. Helias, P. Barillot
Opublikowane w:
IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2019, Strona(/y) 7124-7127, ISBN 978-1-5386-9154-0
Chatelard C., Sanchis-Munoz J., Krapez J.-C., Mazel C., Olichon V., Barba Polo J., Frederic Y.-M., Coiro E., Legoff I.,
Opublikowane w:
HIC 2020, 14th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Mexico, 2021
Krapez J.-C., Sanchis-Munoz J., Chatelard C., Mazel C., Olichon V., Barba Polo J., Frederic Y.-M., Coiro E., Carreira D., Carvalho A.,
Opublikowane w:
IGARSS 2020, Waikoloa, Hawaii (USA), 2020
Gonçalo Jesus, António Casimiro, Anabela Oliveira
Opublikowane w:
Sensors, Numer 17/9, 2017, Strona(/y) 2010, ISSN 1424-8220
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
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