Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MICA (Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-02-01 do 2018-01-31
Access to RMI is important for society as a whole as the availability of raw materials influences everyone’s life. The availability of RMI is important to many types of stakeholders in the public and private sector as it supports them in obtaining a better understanding of how data and methods can be used to support decision making; on which data and tools raw material policies are/could be based and what the availability and sustainability of raw material supply is.
The objective of MICA is to make stakeholders able to derive their own answers to their raw material related questions by providing them with a tool - the ontology-based European Union Raw Materials Intelligence Capacity Platform (EU-RMICP) - that provides data, information and expert knowledge to them in a structured way. This data and information has been compiled by the MICA expert group and is complemented by 'fact-'and 'docSheets' that are peer-reviewed, expert-prepared documents on particular raw material subjects that explain methods or concepts in a condensed way. The appearance of these Sheets, data and information, as well as 'linkedSheets' which represent links to specific sources, are then structured by a 'recipe' or 'flowSheet' into an order of appearance for the user to guide her/him on how to use the input in an adequate sequence to find an answer to a particular question.
D1.1 consists of a list of advisory board (AB) members
D1.2 specifies the mid-way recommendations from the AB
D1.3 contains the first year report
D1.4 summarizes the MICA project in a final report
D1.5 outlines ethic issues
D2.1 identifies, defines and classifies stakeholders in RMI into seven stakeholder types classified by the presence of power, legitimacy and/or urgency in relation to RMI.
D2.2 documents the appraisal of key stakeholders’ needs and requirements to RMI. Three empirical appraisal types (surveys, stakeholder workshop and interviews) were utilized to collect RMI stakes. More than 700 statements expressing RMI needs and requirements were collected and interpreted to design the EU-RMICP so that stakeholders are actually interested in using it.
D3.1 presents the draft data inventory that has been developed to support the MICA platform, using a metadata structure and template.
D3.2 provides the final inventory with 410 records related to the different domains and concepts of the EU-RMICP. An online data portal ( was developed, which allows access to all these metadata records.
D3.3 reportes on the transformation of data into information and knowledge.
D3.4 together with D4.4 serves to provide recommendations on how to integrate data, methods and expert knowledge to inform RMI.
D4.1 provides factSheets of methods for RMI. It classifies the methods into four categories: The non-geological methods (derived from industrial ecology and economics, and forward-looking methods)
D4.2 maps MICA methods to stakeholder questions and describes which methods are useful in answering stakeholder questions and recommendations are made with regard to combining different methods to have more powerful tools.
D4.3 provides case of how the delineated methods are applied.
D4.4 is elaborated jointly with D3.4 (see above).
D5.1 outlines RMI tools and Methods.
D5.2 develops and applies the RMI-Matrix for strategic approaches and foresight studies.
D5.3 provides the Foresight Logframe, the basis for the review and assessment of a range of foresight studies on raw materials.
D5.4 summarizes the results of the pilot foresight workshop.
D5.5 presents the raw materials foresight guide.
D5.6 reports on the status-quo and needs related to RMI implementation.
D6.0 provided a preliminary outline of the EU-RMICP.
D6.1 described the EU-RMICP system methodology.
D6.2 delivered and integrated the EU-RMICP .
An ontology that covers a complete range of raw material domains structured into primary- and secondary mineral resources, industrial processing, raw material economics, raw materials policy, sustainability of raw materials and international reporting was developed from scratch.
A complete version of the ontology-based Dynamic Decision Graph (DDG) is available from mid-March 2018.
WP7 was in charge of dissemination of the project.
D7.1 describes the graphical identity of MICA.
D7.2 outlines the created promotion material.
D7.3 discusses the communication and dissemination strategy.
D7.4 represents MICAs presence on social media.
D7.5 describes MICAs workshops and dissemination events
WP3 developed an online MICA data portal and template, which ensures direct access to data records and a consistent approach to metadata records being developed.
In a collaborative effort between WP3 and WP4, as well as with several members of the MICA consortium, progress beyond the state of the art was achieved with regard to developing flowSheets from stakeholder questions. This is an innovative approach with the purpose of transformation from tacit expert knowledge to tangible knowledge. A methodology was developed that specifies how to enable the transformation of tacit expert knowledge to tangible knowledge.
The raw materials foresight guide and logframe developed by WP5 is an output that progresses beyond the state of the art, presenting a tool that may be applied by policy makers.
The approach for the ontology and DDG developed inside MICA is entirely new, and makes this project a research/innovation project that is laying the foundations for a Raw Materials Expert System. The results can be used and upgraded by new projects for different applications. The perimeter of the ontology and its depth/granularity can be easily extended and the mechanics behind can be used for expertise/decision-making in other domains/sub-domains linked to raw materials.