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Energy Efficient Optimised District Heating and Cooling

CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.

Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Implementation of dissemination/communication of Results - Report 1

Report on the dissemination activities completed in the first year of the project as per the Dissemination and Communication Plan.

Implementation of dissemination/communication of Results - Report 2

Report on the dissemination activities completed in the second year of the project as per the Dissemination and Communication Plan.

E2District demonstration experience; how to operate a DHC network in an efficient manner

Report on the process for achieving energy efficient district heating and cooling in the framework of the E2District implementation into the real district in Cork

Energy Savings Evaluation, initial version (baseline measurements)

First version of the energy evaluation, including the measurements from the baseline period.

Reports on KPIs and monitoring strategy for district heating and cooling

Report on the KPIs and monitoring strategy for the energy savings and performance evaluation of the District Optimization Framework.

Report on requirements for District Heating and Cooling

Report detailing the requirements specification for district heating and cooling decision support and energy management

District Heating Operation System Platform Architecture Specification

Document specifying the D.O.S platform and functionality.

Implementation of dissemination/communication of Results - Report 3: use-cases

Report on the dissemination activities completed in the third year of the project as per the Dissemination and Communication Plan.

Design of the Demonstration District, Baseline

Engineering design of the Demonstration District, before any changes are made. Includes the integration of the measurement system for setting the baseline.

Business Models for E2District replication in EU28 countries and beyond

Report detailing the new business models and access to finance formulas followed for the successful implementation of an E2District initiative elsewhere.

Detailed specifications on interoperability

Report on interoperability specifications.

Design of the Demonstration District, Selected Asset Portfolio

Engineering design of the Demonstration District with the changes identified as result of the asset portfolio optimization.

Specification of Energy Management Service Implementation

Document specifying the services that will run on the D.O.S. This includes how the services implement supervisory control and energy management functions developed in WP3.

Report on use-cases scenarios specification

Report on the specification of the use-cases for the District Optimization Framework detailing the asset portfolio, technical specifications for the simulation models and the technical specifications for the interaction between the District Operation System and the District Simulation Platform.

Report on physical and numerical models of the technical solutions

Prototype of the physical and numerical DHC component and simulation models including innovative thermal grid connection concepts and flexible on-site assets.

Report on simulation-based assessment of the district control and diagnostics

A report detailing a preliminary energy benefits, stability and robustness of the simulationtesting of the intelligent DHC control concepts detailing estimated energy savings prior to its implementation on the real demonstration-site.

Dissemination and communication Plan (DCP)

Report on the Dissemination and Communication Plan detailing dissemination strategy, activities, KPIs and targeted stakeholders.

Data Management Plan (DMP)

Open access research data and publications repository.


Development of Future EU District Heating and Cooling Network Solutions, Sharing Experiences and Fostering Collaborations

Autorzy: Andrea Costa, Tatiana Loureiro, Francesco Passerini, Susana Lopez, Dirk Pietrushka, Martin Klepal, George Halikias, Ioannis Meintanis, Serafeim Moustakidis, Nikos Karcanias, Martin Bucholz, Inés Arias
Opublikowane w: Proceedings, Numer 1/7, 2017, Strona(/y) 1105, ISSN 2504-3900
Wydawca: MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings1071105

District and Building Energy Systems: A Collaborative Exchange of Results on Optimal System Operation for Energy Efficiency

Autorzy: Jesús Febres, Federica Fuligni, Khalid Atta, Wolfgang Birk, Federico Seri, Nikola Tomasevic, Martin Klepal, Tatiana Loureiro
Opublikowane w: Proceedings, Numer 20/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 4, ISSN 2504-3900
Wydawca: Zenodo
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2019020004

E2District: Behaviour Demand Response

Autorzy: Julia Blanke, Christian Beder, Emily Twomey, Sezen Aladag Ozdemir, Martin Klepal
Opublikowane w: Proceedings, Numer 1/7, 2017, Strona(/y) 691, ISSN 2504-3900
Wydawca: MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings1070691

Towards Integrating Behaviour Demand Response into Simulation Based Heat Production Optimisation

Autorzy: Christian Beder, Julia Blanke, Martin Klepal
Opublikowane w: Proceedings, Numer 2/15, 2018, Strona(/y) 1125, ISSN 2504-3900
Wydawca: 2018
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2151125

An Integrated Behavioural Model towards Evaluating and Influencing Energy Behaviour—The Role of Motivation in Behaviour Demand Response

Autorzy: Blanke, Julia; Beder, Christian; Klepal, Martin
Opublikowane w: Buildings, Numer 7/4, 2017, Strona(/y) 119, ISSN 2075-5309
Wydawca: Buildings Journal
DOI: 10.3390/buildings7040119

Analysis of Different Strategies for Lowering the Operation Temperature in Existing District Heating Networks

Autorzy: Francesco Neirotti, Michel Noussan, Stefano Riverso, Giorgio Manganini
Opublikowane w: Energies, Numer 12/2, 2019, Strona(/y) 321, ISSN 1996-1073
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en12020321

Behaviour Demand Response in District Heating—A Simulation-Based Assessment of Potential Energy Savings

Autorzy: Christian Beder, Julia Blanke, Martin Klepal
Opublikowane w: Proceedings, Numer 20/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 2, ISSN 2504-3900
Wydawca: MDPI AG
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2019020002

Tackling the Value-Action-Gap: Improving Civic Participation Using a Holistic Behavioural Model Approach

Autorzy: Pham, Long; Blanke, Julia
Opublikowane w: 2017
Wydawca: ICDPCP 2017 : 19th International Conference on Democracy, Political and Civic Participation

An integrated behavioural model towards evaluating and influencing energy behaviour. The Integration of motivational factors.

Autorzy: Blanke, Julia; Beder Christian; Klepal, Martin
Opublikowane w: 2017
Wydawca: Sustainable Places 2017

PROYECTO E2-DISTRICT. Optimización y Eficiencia Energética en Redes de Calefacción Urbana (District Heating&Cooling, DHC)

Autorzy: Author: María Victoria Cambronero Vázquez (Acciona Ingeniería) Co-authors: Marcela Del Vecchio (Acciona Ingeniería), Julia Blanke, Martin Klepal, Christian Beder (CIT, Cork Institute of Technology) Giorgio Manganini, Francesco Grassi, Konstantinos Kouramas (UTRC, United Technologies Research Center) Veronique Le-Rhun, Gabriela Naves-Maschietto (Veolia) Vincent Partenay, (CSTB, Centre Scientifi
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of 14th Spanish National Environmental Congress, Numer 14º Congress. Yearly., 2018, ISBN 978-84-09-07670-3
Wydawca: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Optimization of district heating production operations

Autorzy: Gabriela Naves Maschietto, Phillipe Rodrigues Sampaio, Damien Chenu, Stephane Couturier, David Mouquet
Opublikowane w: 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), 2018
Wydawca: ISMP 2018

Optimization of district heating networks using a grey-box MINLP approach

Autorzy: Phillipe Rodrigues Sampaio, Stephane Couturier, Thomas Lecomte, Vincent Martin, David Mouquet, Gabriela Naves Maschietto
Opublikowane w: International conference on continuous optimization 2019 conference book, 2019
Wydawca: ICCOPT 2019

A graph-based optimization framework for the Energy Management of District Systems

Autorzy: Giorgio Manganini, Stefano Riverso and Konstantinos Kouramas
Opublikowane w: IEEE 58th Conference on Decision and Control, 2019
Wydawca: IEEE

Technical Presentation at the E2District Special Session and Stakeholder Workshop

Autorzy: Konstantinos Kouramas
Opublikowane w: Sustainable Places 2017, 2017
Wydawca: MDPI

Energy Management Systems for Smart Electrical and Thermal grids

Autorzy: Giorgio Manganini
Opublikowane w: Sustainable Places 2018, 2018
Wydawca: MDPI

E2District: Behaviour Demand Response

Autorzy: Blanke, Julia; Beder, Christian; Twomey, Emily; Aladag Ozdemir, Sezen; Klepal, Martin
Opublikowane w: 2017
Wydawca: Proceedings of Sustainable Places 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.912574

Towards understanding how redefining Supply Side Constraints could shape Individual Demand Side Behaviour

Autorzy: Blanke, Julia; Beder, Christian; Klepal, Martin
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, 2016
Wydawca: BEHAVE 2016, 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.910444

Energy Management Systems for Smart Energy Systems

Autorzy: Giorgio Manganini
Opublikowane w: Public talk at Politecnico di Milano, 2018
Wydawca: None

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