CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Blood Biomarker-based Diagnostic Tools for Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease


Neue Biomarker für Alzheimer-Krankheit

Die Alzheimer-Krankheit ist eine fortschreitende neurodegenerative Erkrankung, für die es weder eine Heilung noch Eingriffe zur Änderung des Krankheitsverlaufs gibt. Die Erforschung und Entwicklung neuer Behandlungsmethoden wird dadurch behindert, dass es keine genauen Diagnoseinstrumente gibt, mit denen bei Menschen im Frühstadium die Alzheimer-Krankheit festgestellt werden kann. Das Ziel des über die Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierten Projekts BBDiag lautet, diese Einschränkung durch die Bestimmung von Alzheimer-Biomarkern und die Entwicklung spezifischer Nachweismethoden zu beseitigen. Im Projekt arbeiten europäische Sachverständige auf diesem Gebiet zusammen, die auch eine interdisziplinäre Ausbildung für junge Forschende anbieten werden. Letztlich geht es darum, krankheitsmodifizierende Behandlungen zu erschließen und die Versorgung von Menschen mit Alzheimer-Krankheit zu verbessern.


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affects more than 7 million people in Europe and this figure is expected to double every 20 years. Despite intensive efforts, no disease-modifying treatments or preventive strategies are available. The lack of specific, sensitive and minimally invasive diagnostics to identify people with early-stage AD to be included in clinical drug intervention trials is among the main reasons for many notable trial failures. The main challenges in developing the required diagnostics are identification of AD biomarkers and development of their detection techniques. The complex and interdisciplinary nature of the research underlines the need for innovative training of a new generation of researchers in the field. BBDiag responds to such a need and establishes a much-needed ETN for blood based early-AD diagnostics to address these challenges. It brings together leading academic and industrial experts from five major consortia in Europe and uses their synergies to build a triple-i research & training platform with the required multidisciplinary expertise and cutting-edge technologies. BBDiag Fellows will be trained under the Vitae Researcher Development Framework innovatively combined with the BBDiag platform for gaining interdisciplinary scientific and transferable skills as well as personal quality, creative thinking and business mind-set. The ETN has a highly innovative research programme for the discovery of AD biomarkers, development of novel biosensing techniques and point of care tools, and for technological exploitation of the diagnostics. These advances will strongly support improved care provision and development of disease-modifying treatments and preventive strategies for AD patients. More importantly, BBDiag will deliver its first generation of 13 highly-skilled, creative and entrepreneurial Fellows, setting them on a path to successful careers in academia or industry to ensure that the medical and societal challenges imposed by AD are met.


€ 849 242,09
PL4 8AA Plymouth
Vereinigtes Königreich

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South West (England) Devon Plymouth
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 849 242,09

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