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LUnga notte della Ricerca - Lange NAcht der Forschung

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - LUNA 2016 (LUnga notte della Ricerca - Lange NAcht der Forschung)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2016-05-01 do 2016-11-30

In South Tyrol, expenditure on research and development accounts for only 0.7% of the gross domestic product. This compares with 1.26 for Italy and 1.63% for the EU.
The new provincial government wants to change the previous political course and intends to promote research more vigorously.

Specific objectives are as follows:

- Promote an interest in science in young people as well as in adults and to establish a new tradition for science and innovation.
- Offer opportunities for discussion with researchers and for accessing information about research projects in our region.
- Show how innovation and research can help to set an individual problem into a wider context, thus providing a bigger picture.
- Visitors will experience the impact of science on their daily lives and its importance for their future.
- Offer an insight into diverse scientific topics and the opportunity to get “immersed” in activities aimed specifically at children, families (for the most part) or adults.
- Point out the importance of EU support for research, and the strategic importance of European cooperation.

All the above will support the over-arching objective of increasing public awareness of researchers and promoting careers in science.

o The general public, children, students, adults; Research partners;

Communication tools
Off line
o Production and display of promotional material;
o Publication of inserts, articles and editorials in national and regional newspapers;
o Publication of the programme as an insert in the largest circulation local daily newspapers;
o Public advertising: display of video clips in local cinemas, city highlights;
o Airing of promotional spots on regional radio and TV;

On line
o Revamping, updating of the project website;
o Links to the partners’ websites;
o Revamping and updating of social network profiles
o General e-mailing;

Overview of the results
o Over 20 articles and features in printed, on-line media, radio and TV;
o Airing of promotional spots on regional radio stations;
o Over 7.000 views on YouTube;
o Over 12.000 views on Facebook;
o Over 300.000 people made aware of the European Researchers' Nights and its objectives.


List of locations and venues involved:
Eurac; Unibz; IDM; Agency for Civil Defence; NOI Tech park; Claudiana Medical School; Fraunhofer Research Italia; Bolzano Hospital; Museum for Natural History; ClimateHouse Agency; Museion – Museum for modern art; Alperia Energy; Southtirol Mobility; Laimburg Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry; IIT-H2 Southtirol; Flow measuring post river Talvera; Microgate;

o Common theme to all venues/locations: "the big picture";
o List of the types of activities planned: Competitions between visitors and between researchers and visitors, interactive presentations, entertaining lectures, demos, simulations, experiments, games, quizzes, the After Science party, opportunities for discussions over a drink…

Detailed programme:
"EURAC 2036, Sofia’s World”:
o Projection into 2036 following Sofia, a girl aged between eight and ten years, a animated character with a virtual presence all over the venue. Sofia presented the following topics:
o How I spend my weekends
o My city
o My place
o My doctor:
o When I grow up, I want to be… ( EU-Corner);
o My library
o Highlight: Science vs Science fiction: interactive presentation every 20 minutes, alternating between German and Italian;
o Closing: “After-science party”;

o Central topics: repairing, making, recycling, upcycling and energy efficiency.
o Repair Café
o Disassembly Café
o Making New Products
o Exploring NOI Techpark

Insight into the activities carried on in the laboratories :
o Computationally-Creative Concept Invention in Music and Mathematics: demo on how computers can use pre-existing concepts and combine them artfully and in surprising ways to generate novel and useful outputs;
o Authenticity of typical food from South Tyrol: explanation of the isotope analysis using an isotope ratio mass spectrometer;
o Learnscapes: demo on the Landscape-platform's working, both as a website and as an app on mobile devices;
o The research project EDDES: (Educating with/through design: stimulating creative learning in school and museum contexts);
o Printed and Sunk: naval battle game using 3D-printers and Arduino computers;

o Located in a frequented area:
o 3 EU-Corners, one at each headquarters of the consortium EURAC, unibz and IDM;

Overview of the results
o Hundreds of activities distributed in 130 interactive stations;
o Within 16 different venues within the city;
o Setting up of links between the various venues (8 busses continuously circulating on 2 routes as from 5 p.m. until 0.30 a.m. on Saturday);
o 700 researchers actively involved in the activities, amongst which:
o None having benefitted from MSC schemes;
o 18 having benefitted from another EU support under FP 7 or HORIZON 2020;
o Around 12.000 attendees having taken part to the various activities.

Tasks undertaken:
Content of the assessment methodology
o Quantitative data about the event;
o Qualitative: opinion of participants on researchers and their job
o Comparison of opinions if similar questions have been asked after past events.

Implementation of the assessment methodology:
o Questionnaires ex ante and ex post;
o Questionnaire displayed at the entrance, visitor identified with QR code, and
questionnaire post-event (with the same QR code) attached at the end of the pre-event
interview ;
o First part (ex-ante)compiled by interviewer, second part (ex-post) by the responder;

Overview of the results:
o Collection of 1.367 feedbacks, of which 755 ex-ante questionnaires and of 612 ex-post questionnaires;
o Analysis and processing of 612 valid questionnaires (against 518 in 2014);
Collection of 1.367 feedbacks, of which 755 ex-ante questionnaires and of 612 ex-post questionnaires;
o Analysis and processing of 612 valid questionnaires (against 518 in 2014);
o Main conclusions:
o Typology of visitors: 55% coming from Bolzano, and 45% from other municipalities, 57 % first comers, while 43 % having participated to one or more previous similar event, 18 % aged 15-20, 22 % 21-30, 16 % aged 31-40, 29 % aged 41-50 and 15 % over 51, 37 % having a high school degree, and 40 % having a master degree or higher background, 80 % not related to any researcher/person working in research, or involved in any research issue(in particular with regard to kids and teenagers)
o Knowledge about the event: radio 14 %, TV 5%, printed newspapers 16%, online newspapers 31%, social media 13%, word of mouth 33 % ;
o Overall satisfaction about the event (very satisfied/satisfied) 84 %, programme(very satisfied/satisfied) 74 %, availability/ accessibility of researchers (very satisfied/satisfied) 81%, Logistics (very satisfied/satisfied) 71 %) and information displayed during the event(very satisfied/satisfied) 73 %;
o General intention expressed to attend in a future similar event;
o Improved public image of researchers throughout all age categories (43 %);
o Increased interest fro research careers amongst young people (77 %);
o Overall satisfaction about the mix between researchers'/science's linked activities and entertaining ones.
Researcher explaining to visitors