Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Brainwaves (City Campus meets Illuminale 2016 / 2017)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2016-11-01 do 2017-11-30
With the European Researchers' Night in Trier ""BRAINWAVES"" we fully achieved the overall objectives of the Project. The Project was completely successful and gained awareness amoungst the public at large,especially younger People as potential future Researchers and small children."
- Revamping of the visual identity previously established in 2012 (buildings, fonts) and small key visual modifications (owl on a tree over the City skyline);
- Conception, production and display of promotional material, such as different advertising posters (DIN A1, oversize posters in landscape format) and promotional banners displayed all over the city, along main streets and in the pedestrian zone, as well as programme brochure (92 pages) displayed in 200 different places prior to the event and give aways (backpacks, yoyos, T-shirts, bags… displayed during the event itself;
- Publication of articles and announcements in the local newspapers (Trierischer Volksfreund, Wochenspiegel) and the Rathauszeitung;
- Airing of promotional spots and interview on regional radio station (City Radio Trier);
- Organisation of a press conference two weeks before the event (14th September 2017);
- Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of the project website (presentation of overview of all events, locations, projects and the programme, teaser film and Night planner);
- Constant linking to #MSCANight social media;
- 58.685 visits on project website; 414 facebook followers) as well as media coverage (edition: 568.000 covered by 5 print media, articles in 13 regional online magazines).
- Revamping, constant updating and maintenance of social network profiles (Facebook);
- 2570 likes on Facebook, of which 412 on City Campus page and 2.000 on Illuminale page;
- On line advertising via Facebook;
- Estimated 300.000 people made aware of the European Researchers' Night and its objectives.
Overview of the results for Workpackage 2:
- Offer of the activities as described in the Grant Agreement Annex I ba, articulated around the various scenario; notably: Hands on experiment sin booths; Forums of discussion; Gallery of arts; Workshops; Talks with researchers; EU-Corners
- Focus set on the improvement of daily living supported by science;
- Active involvement of 153 researchers, of which:
- 4 having benefited from Marie Curie schemes;
- 13 having benefitted from another EU support through FP 7 or HORIOZN 2020;
Science Market Place: 22 projects, 36 scientists involved
Communication Area: 28 projects, 37 scientists involved
Mobility and Future Area: 11 projects, 29 scientists involved
Discussion Forum: 7 projects, 10 scientists involved
Science goes School: 15 projects, 21 scientists involved
Supplementing Topics:
About studying in Trier: 4 projects, 5 scientists involved
Children's University: 11 projects, 3 scientists involved
EU Information: 2 projects, 2 scientists involved
Total: 105 projects, 153 scientists involved
- Participation of about 15.000 visitors (identified notably through the counting of give-away distributed).
o Conception of tools, collection and processing of feedback through 25 questionnaires
prior to the event and 768 ex-post questionnaires, including:
o Questions about the event itself;
o Questions about scientists and science;
o Main conclusions:
o Questionnaire prior to the event:
o Perception of research as important for their daily life and progress;
o Intention of 68 % respondents to visit the event;
o Questionnaires after the event:
o Overall positive feedback about the event itself (activities, contacts
with researchers, location, venue, concrete organisation, scheduling)
(Over 97 % said that they are enjoying the Researchers` Night);
o Over 90 % thought that scientists invent important things for our daily
o Questionnaires addressing scientists, including questions about the
organisation and the communication with the attendees:
o Collection of 33 feedbacks;
o Overall satisfaction (80 % prior to the Night, 78 % afterwards);
o Possibility to raise interest on their topic
o Further improvements:
o Further tackling some stereotypes