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Responsive Results-Based Management and capacity building for EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement- and international waters


University-level diploma programme in Marine Management and Innovation launched

The diploma programme becomes available for students

Advanced post-graduate training program launched

Advanced-post graduate training programme available for students.

Visualisation materials and tools available for MP1 development

Visualization materials and other tools that can assist operators and other stakeholders in developing MPs will be provided for each case study. The tools will give information on important biological, ecological, economic and social issues that can be relevant for the MP1 development and give information on potential effects of MP1 implementation (what if? scenarios). The visualization materials and other tools that will be available for the MP1 development is likely to be “imperfect” given the timing, but will nevertheless provide important input to developing an applicable MP alternative. The tools are likely to consist mainly of static maps and charts, as well as simple GIS.

Visualisation materials and tools available for MP2 development

Report on the visualization materials and other supporting materials made available for stakeholders to develop management plans in the second iteration of the project.

Case study characterization

Case study characterization documents will be generated for all case studies. They will include an initial description of geographical and biological boundaries, fisheries activity and production in the area, explaining existing management procedures and overall objectives, description of main relevant authorities, operators and other stakeholders, it will also contain links to most relevant literature and data. These case study characterizations will be made presentable to a wider audience and presented at the kick-off meeting. The CS characterizations will also be made available on the project web page and updated as the project progresses.

First MP invitations submitted to case studies

Following the draft general guidelines the authorities in each case study will invite operators to develop MPs. The authorities will first start dialogues with the operators explaining the RFMS concept and the framework they will need to follow. The authorities will then send the operators formal invitation to start developing MPs following the general guidelines.

MP2 for each CS

Report on the development of management plans for each case following the second general guidelines supplied by WP3

WP2 final report

WP2 final report including recommendations relating to data sampling stock assessment methods and management procedures

Report on the MP1 audit

Report on the evaluation of management plans developed for each case study according to the initial Management Plan guidelines. The evaluation will contain an audit of the implementation of the MPs.

Report on evaluation of current stock assessment models used in CS

The main stock assessment procedures, models and methods currently in use in each CS will be identified and evaluated in this report. Data-limited methods will be reviewed and their applicability to the different CS evaluated. Recommendations will be made regarding options for stock assessment.

Intermediate report on Stakeholder hub implementation: lessons learnt and improvement areas for second spiral interaction

Report on the stakeholder hub implementation in the first iteration and identification of possible improvement areas.

MP0 for each case study

MP0 is an overview of the current status of case studies. A common template will be developed to gather required information from each CS on the aspects relevant to the specification needed for the MP invitation and development of a MP though the RFMS process. There are two parts to this MP0: a) Detailing the current state of affairs and the main problems faced and b) Potential for improvements using new or existing approaches/tools.

Policy recommendations relating to how European fleet international- and SFPA water fisheries could be managed and conducted

Submission of policy recommendations as peerreviewed journal article

Report on game theory and associated tools for improving fisheries agreements

Report on the principles provided by game theory to enhance the success of fisheries agreements. Case studies will be used to assess the management scenarios, developed in the frame of RFMS, regarding these principles. The report will provide basis for journal manuscript publication.

Report on the value chain analysis for EU fisheries in international- and SFPA waters

Report on the value chain analysis for EU fisheries in international and SFPA waters which will be a basis for a publication in a peerreviewed journal

"Summary report for the Workshop on ""Improving management under fisheries agreements"""

Summary report from the workshop containing main conclusions from the event

Measuring socio-economic impacts of the SFPA through the analysis of EU Fleet (inter) connections in foreign countries

A report giving a summary of how a framework to measure the socioeconomic impact of the EU fleet within the SFPAs was developed and applied

Report on small-pelagics and environmental forcing off the west coast of Africa

Summary report on the progress and main results of T67 Modelling of small pelagics and environmental forcing of the west coast of Africa Mauritanian CS The report will include summary of the model results on smallpelagics and environmental forcing off the west coast of Africa

Report on description of value chains and input-output structure of the CS

The report contains initial value chain analysis for the case studies.

Report on developments needed to produce relevant management tools

The report will assess where and how existing knowledge can be used in management tools in the case studies It will identify gaps and how FarFish can contribute to closing them.

Dissemination and exploitation plan

The dissemination and exploitation plan DEP will contain detailed exploitation and dissemination strategies clearly defining how research results will be implemented and what will be the impact on stakeholders future developments and policy making The plan will also include a set of publication rules based on the Vancouver rules The plan will be submitted in M6 but will then follow the evolution of the project ie it will regularly be revised and updated throughout the lifetime of the project The plan will define a clear set of actions for the entire project period including purpose target group method vehicle timing indicators and success criteria

Report on University-level certificate programme in Marine Management and Innovation

Report on the success of the Universitylevel programme and assessment of how the outcome can be exploited beyond the project

Executive report on stakeholder hub: attributes, tools and feedback

Report on the design and set-up of the stakeholder hub.

Policy Brief on the CFP external dimension towards 2022

Publication of a policy brief on how the FARFISH outputs can feed recommendations for the reform of the CFP external dimension towards 2022

Draft 1 general guidelines for making MPs

The guidelines will contain detailed description of all components needed for developing MPs in the case studies in accordance with RFMS.

Report on the governance of European fisheries in international- and SFPA waters

Report on the governance of European fisheries in international and SFPA waters which will be a basis for a manuscript to a peerreviewed journal

Final report

Final report including detailed information on progress within the project and main results The report will also include minutes from annual meeting

Report on Tutor-web training activities in FarFish

Report on training activities where Tutorweb has been used

Second MP invitation submitted to case studies

Operators invited to take part in the second iteration, following the improved general guidelines.

Report on the MR2 audit

Report on the evaluation of management Recommendations developed for each case study according to the second Management Recommendation guidelines The evaluation will include an audit on the performance of the MRs

Report on the data collected on small pelagics and environmental forcing on the west coast of Africa

Report on data collected for modelling small pelagics and environmental forcing on the west coast of Africa

Report from the MP Kick-off meetings

MP kick-off meetings will be conducted in each CS with participation from authorities, operators, relevant stakeholders and the CS team. The RFMS approach will be introduced and questions like where are we? What are the options? What do we need in order to achieve OTs and thereby ensure sustainability? will be discussed. Alternative management scenario strategies will be identified and presented to stakeholders for each case. A report will be compiled afterwards drawing out main issues and conclusions.

Templates and protocols for self-sampling

The fleet will be asked to collect data on a number of biologically and ecologically relevant issues, including for example, temperature, depth, weather, catch composition, size and weight of catch samples, stomach content, collection of otoliths, etc. FarFish will develop templates for the self-sampling which will be tested and improved within the project and the data made available in the FarFish database.

Report on challenges and suggestions for improvements

Based on the CS characterization, MP0 and the identified institutional, processing and market challenges, this report will contain analysis and come with suggestions for each CS on how to overcome the identified challenges.

General guidelines for making MPs published as CWA

Final general guidelines published as a lowlevel European standard ie CEN workshop Agreement

Report on the advanced post-graduate training program

Report on the success of the advanced postgraduate training programme and assessment of how the outcome can be exploited beyond the project

Report on DSTs used in CSs for developing MP1

Description of the Decision Support Tools available in the CS, including the interest variables, graphics and interactive options for the development of MP1.

Data input protocol for the FFDB

A description of the proposed FFDB database architecture, detailing the various technologies used and data flow through the system. In particular, a specification for how partners will supply input data (e.g. website form, file upload), and what format this input data will be in will be provided.

"Report on ""Implementing RFMS in international- and SFPA waters: lessons learned in pilot studies"""

Report titled Implementing RFMS in international and SFPA waters lessons learned in pilot studies that will form a basis for a manuscript to be submitted to a peerreviewed journal

Report on the DSTs used in CSs for developing MR2

Report on the Decision Support Tools used for the development of MR2 in each case study after incorporating the relevant modifications demanded by the stakeholders

Report on potential return of investments

Report on the economic feasibility of selected investment opportunities for the EU fleet in the cases study countries.

Report on biological and ecological data in FFDB pilot version 2

Report on the biological and ecological data uploaded to the FFDB pilot version 2.

Report on evaluation of governance structures of the cases

The report will include identification and analysis of critical variables related to management performance in the case studies.

Report on biological and ecological data in FFDB pilot version 1

FarFish will compile biological and ecological data for the relevant stocks in the CSs and make them, as far as possible, publicly available in a database (FFDB). The database itself will be developed in WP6, but the content on biological and ecological components will be supplied from WP2. The report will contain description of the data provided by WP2 for FFDB pilot version 1.

Review on how European fleet international- and SFPA water fisheries are managed and conducted

Report containing a review on how European fleet international and SFPA water fisheries are managed and conducted The report will form basis for a manuscript to be submitted to a peerreviewed journal

Project summary report aimed at a wider audience

A report or a magazinebooklet that describes in laymanterms the project as a whole the main challenges and the most important results This will facilitate dissemination to a wider audience which will be important when considering the wide range of stakeholders connected to the subject

Report on the success of in-country workshop

Building on mutual agreement on which areas to be of focus through training needs assessments and the CS work produced by those who participate in the sixmonth UNUFTP training program in Iceland a workshop will be developed and held in a selected partner country The target audience and topics of this workshop will depend on the specific needs identified through preliminary work The workshop will be approximately 510 days and involve participants and contributions from local fisheries education and training institutions

Draft 2 general guidelines for making MPs

Second version general guidelines for making MPs, which contain detailed description of all components needed for developing MPs in the case studies in accordance with RFMS.

Report on biological and ecological data in FFDB

Report on the biological and ecological data uploaded to the FFDB

Policy recommendations for improved management through the adoption of RFMS for EU vessels fishing in international- and SFPA waters

Policy recommendations for improved management through the adoption of RFMS for EU vessels fishing in international and SFPA waters Policy brief submitted to a peerreviewed journal

Report on the success of the self-sampling programme

Report on the experiences from the selfsampling programme and the associated template based in part on feedback from FarFish industry partners and LDAC who will assist with the pilot testing

MP1 for each CS

Report on the development of management plans for each case following the first general guidelines supplied by WP3.

Project webpage

The project webpage will be launched at the kick-off meeting. The webpage will contain information aimed at general public and stakeholders. It will also include a closed part of the page where project partners, EAG members and RG members can access documents that are not intended for open access.

Tutor-web educational material ready

Tutor-web educational material available on-line.

Concluding symposium

An international FarFish concluding symposium will be organised for the external community and stakeholders interested in the subject The symposium will include presentations and discussions on the project results and recommendations

Tutor-web FarFish initial setup

Launch of the FarFish part of making available existing teaching material directed to the target audience.

FFDB pilot version 2

A second version will be available, having ingest facilities for the vast majority of input data required, and interfaces to allow development of visualization tools to be developed will be available.

Interactive Platform to integrate codes, visualization and data interaction tools for the selected CSs

Interactive platforms to host the DSTs selected and able to assimilate model outputs to project them in a friendly and interactive environment for the stakeholders.


The final version will be available to query publicly from the FarFish website as well as powering visualization tools made elsewhere in WP6 There will be an overview of the final architecture of the system including how data is collected archived and made available to the general public In addition code developed for FFDB will be publicly available and links will be provided for the location of this code

FFDB pilot version 1

The core of the system will be operational and able to ingest some of the data made available from WP2 and WP3. Any changes made to the data input protocol as a result of this will be detailed.

Data Management Plan under the H2020 Open Research Data Pilot

FarFish will participate in the H2020 Open Research Data Pilot A Data Management Plan DMP has to be developed detailing what kind of data the project is expected to generate whether and how it will be exploited or made accessible for verification and reuse and how it will be curated and preserved



Autorzy: A.H. Jonsdottir, T. Jonmundsson, I.H. Armann, B.B. Gunnarsdottir, G. Stefansson
Opublikowane w: INTED2021 Proceedings, Numer 8-9 March, 2021, 2021, ISBN 978-84-09-27666-0
Wydawca: IATED Digital Library
DOI: 10.21125/inted.2021.1540


Autorzy: G. Stefansson, A.H. Jonsdottir, T. Jonmundsson, G.S. Sigurdsson, I.L. Bergsdottir
Opublikowane w: INTED2021 Proceedings, Numer 8-9 March, 2021, 2021, ISBN 978-84-09-27666-0
Wydawca: IATED Digital Library
DOI: 10.21125/inted.2021.0556


Autorzy: G. Stefansson, A.H. Jonsdottir
Opublikowane w: INTED2021 Proceedings, Numer 8-9 March, 2021, 2021, ISBN 978-84-09-27666-0
Wydawca: IATED Digital Library
DOI: 10.21125/inted.2021.0563

The small pelagics value chain in Mauritania – Recent changes and foodsecurity impacts

Autorzy: Gregoire Touron-Gardic, Øystein Hermansen, Pierre Failler, Abdou Daïm Dia, Mohamed Ould Lemine Tarbia, Khallahi Brahim, Andy Thorpe, El Hadj Bara Déme, Eli Beibou, Elimane Abou Kane, Moustapha Bouzouma, Juliana Arias-Hansen
Opublikowane w: Marine Policy, Numer 143, 2022, ISSN 0308-597X
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105190

Two Fish in a Pod. Mislabelling on Board Threatens Sustainability in Mixed Fisheries

Autorzy: Carmen Blanco-Fernandez, KarimErzini, Sara Rodriguez-Diego, Pablo Alba-Gonzalez, Ndiaga Thiam, Fambaye NgomSow, Mamadou Diallo, Jonas R. Viðarsson, Duarte Fernandez-Vidal, Jorge M. S. Gonc¸ alves, Mafalda Rangel, KimStobberup, Eva Garcia-Vazquez1 and Gonzalo Machado-Schiaffino
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Marine Science, Numer 9, 2022, ISSN 2296-7745
Wydawca: Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.841667

Results-based management in practice: Lessons learnt and policy recommendations from the implementation of RBM in European fisheries outside Europe

Autorzy: J. Arias, U. Laksá, B. Fonseca, M. Diallo, K. Brahim, A. Rodríguez, S.M. Doblado. J.A. Galvao, J.R. Viðarsson and R. Friðriksdóttir
Opublikowane w: Marine Policy, Numer 139, May 2022, 2022, ISSN 0308-597X
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105038

Substituting model-based indicators in Harvest Control Rules by observations using fuzzy logic methodology

Autorzy: Arne Eide
Opublikowane w: ICES Journal of Marine Science, Numer 75/3, 2017, Strona(/y) 977-987, ISSN 1054-3139
Wydawca: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsx227

Sensing the Same Fishing Fleet with AIS and VIIRS: A Seven-Year Assessment of Squid Jiggers in FAO Major Fishing Area 41

Autorzy: Javier Ruiz, Isabel Caballero, Gabriel Navarro
Opublikowane w: Remote Sensing, Numer 12/1, 2020, Strona(/y) 32, ISSN 2072-4292
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/rs12010032

Implementing the Fisheries Transparency Initiative: Experience from the Seychelles

Autorzy: Benjamin M. Drakeford, Pierre Failler, Ben Toorabally, Elyes Kooli
Opublikowane w: Marine Policy, Numer 119, 2020, Strona(/y) 104060, ISSN 0308-597X
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104060

Unpacking the tuna traceability mosaic – EU SFPAs and the tuna value chain

Autorzy: A. Thorpe, Ø. Hermansen, I. Pollard, P. Failler, G. Touran-Gardic & J. Isaksen.
Opublikowane w: Marine Policy, Numer 139 - May 2022, 2022, ISSN 0308-597X
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105037

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