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QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - QuantERA (QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-01-01 do 2022-10-31

QuantERA, ERA-NET cofund was established to support Quantum Technology (QT) research and innovation in Europe. The Programme initiated by 27 RFOs from 22 countries currently (as QuantERA II) comprises 39 RFOs from 31 countries. The network’s meaningful growth shows pertinence of QuantERA joint undertaking.
Since its launch the network has aimed at funding and promoting ambitious QT research, encouraging transnational collaborations in QT inclusive of links between researchers and research-funding agencies, bridging academia and industry, mapping public QT policies and strategies, drafting responsible research guidelines and initiating dialogue about the design of future QT funding instruments. “The ability of organising common activities and fund projects at the European level means that QuantERA managed to overcome national interests, administrative hurdles, local and international procedures, policies and misalignments, etc. Together, as a team of funding agencies, we created an effective tool for the reinforcement of QT in Europe”, says Sylwia Kostka, QuantERA Programme’s Coordinator.
Openness and a win-win negotiation style has led to successful collaboration in the consortium. “The robustness of the partnership in QuantERA is something that should be shared and replicated, as QuantERA not only managed to develop efficient ‘know-how’ throughout the past years, but also build trust among its partners that allows for the smooth running of the Programme”, says Sergueï Fedortchenko, QuantERA Call Secretariat Leader.
QuantERA has successfully provided the QT research community with a coordinated, Europe-wide approach to supporting cutting-edge research and innovation in QT. The structures, procedures and communication channels established at the outset for the functioning of the consortium proved effective tools in the process of achieving the objectives.

The main goal of the Programme was to launch a transnational co-funded Call with an overall budget of about EUR 34 M that would cover 26 countries. The aim was successfully achieved with 26 projects funded within the Call 2017. The total actual funding of the selected projects amounted to 31 151 530,03 EUR. The efforts then boosted by an additional Call for proposals with a budget of over EUR 20M gathered from national/regional funds (without the EC co-funding). The additional Call was the result of the RFOs’ willingness growing out of satisfaction from the initial Call’s success and visible need for such undertakings. The QuantERA Call 2019 resulted in 12 excellent projects selected out of 85 transnational proposals. QuantERA partners’ willingness to continue the cooperation resulted in the launch of QuantERA II in 2021.

All QuantERA funded projects were monitored and evaluated with reference to the attentively designed indicators. Project Coordinators were asked to submit written reports and showcase their projects during QuantERA respective events. The outcomes of the already completed 26 projects from the Call 2017 went beyond the expectations revealing success of the Programme.

QuantERA actions were also oriented towards the following topics: raising the awareness in the field of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) through developing guidelines; mapping of public policies in QT; investigating opportunities and developing guidelines on building industry connections to QT research, and enhancing cooperation between all stakeholders in the QT field with a strong focus on QT Flagship and countries outside QuantERA network and Europe.

Since its inception, the QuantERA consortium has aimed at maximising the visibility of the Programme, its activities and impact by all efficient means. Actions were performed mainly through the use of the QuantERA website, social media, promotion during events, PR materials, and other dissemination channels. The consortium’s activities were also highlighted in international media, eg. Science Business, where QuantERA has been praised for enabling an influx of new ideas within the field of quantum technology and encouraging cooperation that breaks the mould and help create research consortia with a greater degree of openness.
Six years of implementing the Programme positioned QuantERA as one of the key players in the field of quantum technology research in Europe.

QuantERA managed to efficiently mobilise, coordinate and pool considerable financial resources between regional, national and EU research programmes in the area of QT for funding ambitious research. Within its two Calls for proposals, QuantERA funded 38 excellent transnational projects for over EUR 45M bringing together 193 research teams from 25 countries gradually increasing Europe’s competitive advantage in the field of QT.

QuantERA’s activities have boosted Europe’s research capacity in QT, intensified industry interests in QT and driven researchers to find their way towards commercial applications. QuantERA projects proved to be promising; some have already achieved outstanding outcomes resulting in the development of commercial products or patenting solutions. “The reviewed projects were all excellent, with very high level of scientific achievements, which was indicated by an impressive number of results published in prestigious scientific journals. In my opinion, all projects contributed substantially to the longer term goal in this field to create useful applications”, writes one of QuantERA projects’ evaluation experts.

QuantERA has also emerged as an important instrument to promote and initiate international collaboration in QT, integrating almost the whole EU. With more than 1 500 research teams and 4 500 individual researchers involved in QuantERA Calls, the Programme has significantly enhanced collaboration among researchers.

QuantERA has increased awareness of national and regional R&I interests in QT, which is followed by establishing and aligning plans and innovations in this field. One of the QuantERA’s joint activities – mapping of public policies in the field of QT – was the first such initiative introduced on an EU scale by an ERA-NET. The Report on this topic provides a clear overview of QT funding instruments and QT-friendly policy solutions forming a sound base for better coordination of the joint efforts.

QuantERA network has contributed to fast-paced spreading of scientific excellence in QT in Europe successfully encouraging project consortia to include partners from the widening countries without compromising the scientific excellence of the proposals. More than 70% of the QuantERA projects funded in both calls involved research teams from the new EU member states.

Playing a pathfinder role within the framework of QT strategic research, QuantERA is one of the few entities able to take a comprehensive look at the rapidly changing landscape of QT initiatives and actually initiate joint ventures. Continued under the second edition of the Programme, QuantERA, remains one of the most important discussion partners within the QT Flagship and a key player in the field of QT research funding. The QuantERA II consortium’s present undertakings are oriented towards preparing Call 2023 and identifying the most appropriate instrument for the continuation of the Programme under Horizon Europe.
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