Descrizione del progetto
Cloud computing per i megadati
In un regno digitale affollato da grandi quantità di dati, vincere le sfide delle applicazioni a forte intensità di dati è diventata una necessità urgente. Alcuni ricercatori sono pronti a rivoluzionare il modo in cui affrontiamo questi colossi di dati sulle infrastrutture cloud. In questo contesto, il progetto MELODIC, finanziato dall’UE, colmerà le lacune in termini di sicurezza, costi e prestazioni, consentendo alle applicazioni a forte intensità di dati di prosperare senza vincoli. Per liberare il vero potenziale del cloud computing per i megadati, il progetto sfrutterà i diversi punti di forza dei cloud privati e pubblici, ottimizzando l’utilizzo delle risorse e salvaguardando la privacy degli utenti e i requisiti di servizio. Nel complesso, MELODIC integrerà piattaforme open-source all’avanguardia con i framework Hadoop e Spark, offrendo un ecosistema dinamico per il successo guidato dai dati.
MELODIC will enable data-intensive applications to run within defined security, cost, and performance boundaries seamlessly on geographically distributed and federated cloud infrastructures. Serving the user’s needs and constraints, MELODIC will realise the potential of Cloud computing for big data and data-intensive applications by transparently taking advantage of distinct characteristics of available private and public clouds, dynamically optimise resource utilisation, consider data locality, conform to the user’s privacy needs and service requirements, and counter vendor lock-in.
These benefits are achieved by integrating and extending the results and the open source platforms available from three major European Cloud projects with the Hadoop and Spark big data frameworks: The PaaSage platform will be used for intelligent and autonomic cross-cloud deployment and is extended with data aware modelling and deployment configuration reasoning; the CACTOS platform is extended with support for Hadoop and Spark in cross-Cloud application deployment and management; and the PaaSword platform will ensure unified data security and cross-Cloud privacy.
MELODIC will integrate with the existing open source development teams for these platforms and the contributions will be released back to the used platforms as open source. The integrated MELODIC platform will be maintained and exploited by a professional software house, and tested in several demanding real world applications: scalable Customer Relationship Management, real-time optimised traffic routing, and fast and scalable processing of genomic data.
Campo scientifico
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencescomputer securitydata protection
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesdata sciencebig data
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencessoftwaresoftware development
- social scienceseconomics and businessbusiness and managementbusiness models
Meccanismo di finanziamento
RIA - Research and Innovation actionCoordinatore
0313 Oslo