Periodic Reporting for period 2 - WINBOXTOOL (High versatility and accurate tooling set produced in All-In-One machine for the cost efficiency Sub-Assembly, Functional Checks and Transport of the Morphing Winglet and Multifunctional Outer flaps.)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-07-01 do 2019-06-30
The potential impact of WINBOXTOOL resides on three key pillars:
• Its ability to keep high-accuracy and permanent tracking in vast areas by means of a laser tracker application. This targets the assembly of medium and large components and solves a recurring problem in the aeronautics, building and aerospace industries (cumulative assembly errors and lack of accuracy in the final stages of the assembly process).
• Its ability to make highly accurate assembly holes (TCs) using MEGAROB, to track and correct the positioning process in real-time, and to transport the assembly tool safely. This targets the positioning of medium and large components and solves another recurring problem in the aeronautics, building and aerospace industries (traditionally, new parts are designed and attached to the main frame and thus several errors happen intrinsically: (1) the tolerance is affected by the precision of the milling machine and (2) inaccuracies happen when positioning the jigs on the frame).
• Its ability to use automated processes, based on human guidance, instead of traditional manual processes. Without WINBOXTOOL, the assembly operations usually include a number of error-adding manual processes (e.g. transferring holes from a reference part to its subsequent part) that are done by the operator, sometimes carrying tools heavier than 5 Kg and using them in rather poor positions, ergonomics-wise.
o Automated and controlled full assembly cell
o Lightweight dummy tools and processes for creating human guided processing paths
o Consultancy services (design, manufacture and assembly guidelines)
Their unique selling point lays on their abilities when it comes to reduction in cost, time and health risks for the operator; their potential for highly accurate assembly of medium and large parts and their easy adaptation in a crane robot cell. Different dissemination and communication materials have been delivered and presented in events of such importance as MetalMadrid2018, EU Industry Days 2018, AMEF 2018 and Advanced Factories during the project.
WINBOXTOOL is also able to make highly accurate assembly holes (TCs) using MEGAROB, to track and correct the positioning process in real-time, and to transport the assembly tool safely. This is accomplished by the following:
o MEGAROB drills with a feed rate lesser than 5mm per second and has shown a positioning error of the robot TCP under 50 microns
o MEGAROB features a high-accuracy tool changer system that allows assembling any kind of device on the robot TCP (plus the aforementioned drill and the welding torch). A pneumatic “zero point” system is located on the flange of the robot with a female connector that ensures 6DoF tool holding. All the tools to be assembled will have the male end of the connector. This will ensure a tool assembly repeatability under 5 micrometers and a pulldown force up to 1500N. During the manufacturing of the tooling set:
1. The robot seizes each tool, and the fixed TCs jig are mounted and clamped in position.
2. The robot takes the tool to the final position, always real-time guided and monitored, with error values under 50 microns.
3. The robot stops at the final destination and the tool is welded or fixed to the main structure with epoxy resin material.
WINBOXTOOL also has the ability to use automated processes, based on human guidance, instead of traditional manual processes. The way WINBOXTOOL turns this problem into a strength is by:
o Designing and additively manufacturing lightweight dummy tools equipped with 6DoF position sensors. These will be used to teach the exact positions to the machine, where holes have to be done or processes need to be carried out.
o The laser tracker monitors the exact position and orientation of the tool as the operator simulates the places where holes have to be drilled.
o The dataset containing the XYZ points and trajectories of the dummy tool will be recorded. After the operator finishes describing the guiding paths, the robot will proceed to do the actual work, drilling all the holes in position and using the real-time correction algorithms developed for MEGAROB.