Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PPSSR (Privacy Preserving Secure Speech Recognition)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-09-29 do 2018-09-28
The objective of this project was to realise an end-to-end encrypted speech recognition system. Such a system would provide confidence to industries currently unwilling to use cloud services (e.g. government, education, medical, financial) to have trust that their data is always encrypted. If data is always encrypted on the cloud then even if the cloud service is breached, the attacker gets encrypted data (that has been backed up) that they still cannot access. Similarly cloud service providers have no knowledge of the personal information relating to the data stored on the cloud.
Aside from the modifications to the original workplan involving security there was a considerable re-evaluation of the target market for the product, which in turn caused the company to re-implement much of its Automatic Speech Recognition technology.
In a recent study by IBM in which they interviewed 2,200 IT, data protection, and compliance professionals from 477 companies that have experienced a data breach over the past 12 months. According to the findings, data breaches continue to be costlier and result in more consumer records being lost or stolen, year after year. The average financial cost of a data breach is in excess of 3.8 million dollars. Hence in this current threat climate it is important that we take whatever steps we can to ensure that data is always encrypted.
Our schemes achieve good performance that makes it usable in practice and should thus gives the industry the confidence needed to deploy searchable encryption schemes as a mechanism to encrypt users data in the cloud and make it searchable. This will indeed reduce the data breaches that we hear in the news everyday.