Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ERA-MobilCar.GR (ERA Mobility and Researchers Career Days in Greece: A contribution to decrease brain drain)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-12-01 do 2019-02-28
In line with the above context, ERA-MobilCar.GR project has the following specific objectives:
• To engage stakeholders of both academic and private sectors in Greece to adopt ERA initiatives focusing on the development of researcher careers
• To eliminate the brain drain phenomenon of young scientists in Greece and enhance brain circulation by increasing the employment opportunities
• To encourage and sustain long-term cooperative partnerships, networking platforms and innovation clusters to links researchers community and the business world through the Greek and EU EURAXESS Networks
• To support EURAXESS Services Network's members-Academia-Research Community-Industry interaction through networking activities (interviews, trainings, ERA Mobility and Career Days) in order to enhance geographical and intersectoral mobility of researchers and researchers careers perspectives in general in Greece
• To raise awareness among researchers employers of EURAXESS Jobs Portal as one of the most important mechanism national wide of an open, transparent and merit-based recruitment system
• To provide researchers training, online tools and resources to develop more additional skills necessary for the national labor market and to support their ongoing professional development and research career pathways and their transferable skills
• To enable researchers to self-assess their career motivation and options as well as their skills and capabilities, and use this to plan a career pathway and articulate relevant knowledge and attributes during recruitment processes
• To encourage a two-way flow of human and knowledge capital between academia and industry at all career stages, taking into advantage the national and EU funding tools
• To encourage main stakeholders in Greece to adapt ongoing new initiatives regarding researchers careers, perspectives and social integration of scientists/refugees, like Science4Refugees
The activities of the project are targeted to decrease the brain drain from Greece, one of the most important issues for the scientific community and the whole country.
Organization of four Career Days events. The first Career Days event organized in Thessaloniki (Central Macedonia region) on 9th of November 2017 and in the event participate 14 companies and 60 researchers. The second Career Days event organized in Xanthi (Thrace region) on 5th and 6th of October 2018 and in the event participated 10 companies and 50 interviews took place. The third Career Days event organized in Ioannina (Epirus region) 8th and 9th of November 2018 and in the event participated 49 companies in the Career Days event and 1500 interviews took place (around 500 participants). The last Career Days event organized in Athens (Attica region) on 27th and 28th of November 2018 and in the event participated 19 companies in the Career Days event and 179 interviews took place.
The ERA-MobilCar.GR website developed in the EURAXESS Greece portal ( under the menu Jobs & Funding. The ERA-MobilCar.GR website contains information about the project, the events organized in the frame of the project, the 4 newsletters of the project and 2 external links on the external career orientation tool developed in the frame of an FP7 PIPERS project and the database of facilitators data.
The creation and maintenance of the Social Media profiles of the project (by DUTH): Facebook Profile: Twitter Account: ERA-MobilCar.GR Project @GrMobilcar, LinkedIn Profile: @ERA_MobilCar.Gr Project
The organization of four Opening events: Opening event in Xanthi - Organized in the premises of Democritus University of Thrace on 21.06.2017 (30 participants), Openning event in Ioannina - Organized in the premises of University of Ioannina on 03.07.2017 (100 participants), Openning event in Thessaloniki - Organized in the premises of Aristotle University Thessaloniki on 04.07.2017 (150 participants) and Openning event in Athens - Organized in the premises of the National Hellenic Research Foundation on 14.11.2017 (100 participants)