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Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IBINNO (Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-01-01 do 2018-12-31

The overall IB INNO project objective is the establishment of a feasible and effective service for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Balearic Islands region. This will benefit the smart growth in the European Union by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of investments in research, development and innovation and by contributing to a better and more efficient connection of stakeholders in the innovation fabric.
In order to realize this objective, the core actions are broken down as follows:
• Help SMEs to sustainable high growth through innovation
• Achieve tangible managerial transformation
• Improve the commercial potential of SMEs
IB INNO acts as access point to the innovation and internationalization system in the Balearic Islands region, which will be in this new period covered by Balearic Islands Enterprise Network B2EN consortium, embedding the EEN innovation services in the regional innovation ecosystem.

IB INNO identifies two different challenges, with the following scopes of action:

Horizon2020's SME instrument specific innovation project beneficiaries.
We will identify bottlenecks to the creation of economic impact in companies benefitting from grants by Horizon2020's SME instrument within the Balearic Islands region, and address these blockages with the help of capable coaches. This service to beneficiaries of the SME instrument in the context of the project is called “Key account management”.

Enhancing generic SMEs innovation management capabilities.
We will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of innovation processes in SMEs with significant innovation activities within the Balearic Islands region, which will be the beneficiaries of this European support to research and innovation action, but do not actually have access to consulting services for innovation management. This service, provided independently from a specific innovation project and focussing on a company's innovation management system, is called “Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs”.

In the present project we design, develop and execute the two types of services/ scopes of action explained above based on the assessment of the current status of innovation management in a client company.

The innovation management system to be implemented will be fed by studying next inputs:

• External environment
• Internal leadership and strategy
• Enablers

in order to design the innovation process that will be implemented. We will devise this innovation management system based on CEN TS16555-1 standard, assessing the results of innovation processes in the company.
Under the work package WP1 “Key account management” for the beneficiaries of the SME instrument, IBINNO project has delivered a service pack to the only one SME in Balearic Islands awarded with the SME Instrument in 2016 and 2017 (more specifically in phase I), as coaching and the associated Key Account Management is only available in this IBINNO project to SMEs who have successfully passed the evaluation procedure for innovation projects supported by the SME Instrument under Horizon 2020 and are participating in phase I and/ or phase II of the SME Instrument.

Under the work package WP2 “Enhancing SME innovation management capacity” for innovating SME independently from a specific project, IBINNO project has started the delivery of service packs to 10 SMEs, with the ultimate objective of building a tailored development plan to enhance their capacity to better manage innovation.
The expected potential impact of the results of this action on the SMEs that have been serviced is estimated to be related to promoting growth and strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of this SMEs.

It will not be easy to measure the expected impact, as it will vary from one SME to another, and can involve one or multiple aspects, but these indicators can be used to have an approximation:

• Market improvement or results, such as an increase in market share or turnover.
• Cost savings, such as the cost of material, energy or labour inputs, linked to products or services from the SME.
• Organically job creation or maintenance.
• Quality improvement: quality of goods and services, the satisfaction of clients or business partners, or the improvement of the company's environmental record, working conditions, or health and safety standards.
• Innovation, such as embracing an innovation or an innovative technology or process, or by improving its innovation strategy or innovation (management) capacities.

In relation to COSME Enterprise Europe Network services, most of the SMEs are receiving in parallel COSME programme services, such as participating in regional events (training and workshops) organised and receiving individual advisory support (in most of the cases support to access to finance.