Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 3D-POWER (Three-Dimensional Perovskite Oxides as Working ElectRochemical devices)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-04-01 do 2019-03-31
Impact: 3D-POWER allowed the main applicant (S.S.Kawale) to restart his research career at a prestigious institute like Imperial College London, making immense impact on his personal and professional growth. The training he has received at Imperial under 3D-POWER helped him secure a Postdoctoral position at the Material Innovation Factory at University of Liverpool. This is in perfect alignment with EU's expectations from MSCA-CAR (Career Restart Panel) fellowship. Through this position he will continue contributing toward research and development within the EU. The work carried out so far has potential of generating at least one patent about all 3D-printed electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. The patent writing is ongoing under the excellent and extensive guidance from ‘Imperial Innovations’ office. Publication of research articles will undertake upon submission of the patent. Potential success of the 3D-POWER project aligns with one of the ‘10 Commission priorities for 2015-19’ from EU i.e. Priority for Energy union and climate - Making energy more secure, affordable and sustainable.