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Preventive school-based interventions to promote the mental well-being of refugee and migrant adolescents

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali

Reports implementation models

Report on different models on how to implement preventive schoolbased interventions for refugee and migrant adolescents in relation to specific country and contextual characteristics


Scientific articles on the effectiveness of the interventions on the different aspects in relation to adolescents wellbeing

Reports effectivenss

Report on the effectiveness of the interventions in relation to adolescents wellbeing quantitative data qualitative data and integration and on the evaluation of the implementation process with particular attention for the impact of specific contextual factors

Workshops and local dissemination

Implementation workshops for policy makers and practitioners and local dissemination of the study finding through three local seminars in the countries involved and three local publications

Website and newsletters

Website and newsletters reporting on the project findings and activities


‘It’s difficult to help them when I am not sitting next to them’: How COVID-19 school closures interrupted teachers’ care for newly arrived migrant and refugee learners in Denmark

Autori: Nina Langer Primdahl; Ilse Derluyn; Signe Smith Jervelund; Anne Sofie Borsch; An Verelst; Morten Skovdal
Pubblicato in: Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, Numero 16 (1), 2021, Pagina/e 75-85, ISSN 1745-0136
Editore: Routledge
DOI: 10.1177/146879410100100307

Evaluation of a school-based intervention to promote mental health of refugee youth in Sweden (The RefugeesWellSchool Trial) : study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial.

Autori: Natalie Durbeej; Serena McDiarmid; Anna Sarkadi; Inna Feldman; Raija-Leena Punamäki; Reeta Kankaanpää; Arnfinn Andersen; Per Kristian Hilden; An Verelst; Ilse Derluyn; Fatumo Osman; Fatumo Osman
Pubblicato in: TRIALS, Numero 22, 2021, Pagina/e 98, ISSN 1745-6215
Editore: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s13063-020-04995-8

Effectiveness of Promotive and Preventive Psychosocial Interventions on Improving the Mental Health of Finnish-Born and Immigrant Adolescents. International

Autori: Peltonen, K., Aalto, S., Vänskä M., Lepistö, R., Punamäki, R.-L., Soye, E., Watters, C., de Wal Pastoor, L., Derluyn, I., & Kankaanpää, R.
Pubblicato in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Numero 19(6), 2022, Pagina/e 3686, ISSN 1660-4601
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19063686

Schools’ and teachers’ roles and challenges in supporting the mental wellbeing of refugee youths: a qualitative study with Swedish teachers

Autori: McDiarmid, S., Durbeej, N., Sarkadi, A., & Osman, F.
Pubblicato in: International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being,, Numero 17(1), 2022, Pagina/e 1-15, ISSN 1748-2631
Editore: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/17482631.2021.2007568

Understanding how classroom drama workshops can facilitate social capital for newly arrived migrant and refugee adolescents: Insights from Denmark.

Autori: Dähne, F., Jervelund, S.S., Primdahl, N., Siemsen, N., Verelst, A., Spaas, C., de Haene, L., Derluyn, I., & Skovdal, M.
Pubblicato in: Transcultural Psychiatry, 2023, ISSN 1461-7471
Editore: SAGE

Mental Health of Refugee and Non-refugee Migrant Young People in European Secondary Education: The Role of Family Separation, Daily Material Stress and Perceived Discrimination in Resettlement

Autori: Spaas, C., Verelst, A., Devlieger, I., Aalto, S., Andersen, A. J., Durbeej, N., Hilden, P. K., Kankaanpää, R., Primdahl, N. L., Opaas, M., Osman, F., Peltonen, K., Sarkadi, A., Skovdal, M., Jervelund, S. S., Soye, E., Watters, C., Derluyn, I., Colpin, H., & De Haene, L.
Pubblicato in: Journal of youth and adolescence, Numero 51(5), 2022, Pagina/e 848-870, ISSN 0047-2891
Editore: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10964-021-01515-y

Giving schools a nudge: can behavioural insights improve recruitment of schools to randomised controlled trials?

Autori: Georgina Warner, Fatumo Osman, Serena McDiarmid, Anna Sarkadi
Pubblicato in: BMC Research Notes, Numero 14/1, 2021, ISSN 1756-0500
Editore: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s13104-021-05509-8

Promoting an Understanding of Forced Migration Among Host Country Children and Exploring Their Views on Refugee Children’s Needs

Autori: Anna Sarkadi; Elin Lampa; Georgina Warner
Pubblicato in: Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, Numero 15571912, 2022, ISSN 1557-1912
Editore: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s10903-022-01395-9

Yhteenkuuluvuus ja mielenterveys maahanmuuttajataustaisilla ja suomessa syntyneillä nuorilla

Autori: Autio, K., Liukkonen, N., Kankaanpää, R., Vänskä, M., Aalto, S., Punamäki, R.L., & Peltonen, K.
Pubblicato in: Psykologica, 2022, ISSN 0355-1067
Editore: Seura

Social determinants of the mental health of young migrants.

Autori: Verelst, A., Spaas, C., Pfeiffer, E., Devlieger, I., Kankaanpää, R., Peltonen, K., Vänskä, M., Soye, E., Watters, C., Osman, F., Durbeej, N., Sarkadi, A., Andersen, A., Primdahl, N. L., & Derluyn, I.
Pubblicato in: European Journal of Health Psychology, Numero 29(1), 2022, Pagina/e 61-73, ISSN 2512-8442
Editore: Hogrefe
DOI: 10.1027/2512-8442/a000097

Effectiveness of psychosocial school interventions in Finnish schools for refugee and immigrant children, “Refugees Well School” in Finland (RWS-FI): a protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial.

Autori: Kankaanpää, R., Aalto, S., Vänskä, M., Lepistö, R., Punamäki, R-L., Soye, E., Watters, C., Andersen, A., Hilden, P. K., Derluyn, I., Verelst, A., & Peltonen, K.
Pubblicato in: Trials, Numero 23, 2022, Pagina/e 79, ISSN 1745-6215
Editore: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s13063-021-05715-6

School caringscapes: Understanding how time and space shape refugee and immigrant adolescents' caring practices and wellbeing in Danish schools

Autori: Anne Sofie Borsch; Kathrine Vitus; Morten Skovdal
Pubblicato in: Wellbeing, Space & Society, Numero 2, 2021, ISSN 2666-5581
Editore: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.wss.2020.100001

Caring alone: The boundaries of teachers' ethics of care for newly arrived immigrant and refugee learners in Denmark

Autori: Felix Häggström, Anne Sofie Borsch, Morten Skovdal
Pubblicato in: Children and Youth Services Review, Numero 117, 2020, Pagina/e 105248, ISSN 0190-7409
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105248

Understanding how classroom drama workshops can facilitate social capital for newly arrived migrant and refugee adolescents : insights from Denmark

Autori: Finja, Dähne; Smith Jervelund, Signe; Langer Primdahl, Nina; Siemsen, Nicole; Derluyn, Ilse; Verelst, An; Spaas, Caroline; De Haene, Lucia; Skovdal, Morten
Pubblicato in: TRANSCULTURAL PSYCHIATRY, Numero 1, 2023, ISSN 1461-7471
Editore: McGill University

Associations between social factors and school belonging among newcomer and non-newcomer youth in Sweden

Autori: Serena McDiarmid; Fatumo Osman; Anna Sarkadi; Natalie Durbeej
Pubblicato in: PlosOne, Numero 1, 2023, ISSN 1932-6203
Editore: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0280244

Migrant students’ sense of school belonging and the Covid-19 pandemic: Implications for educational inclusion.

Autori: Szelei, N., Devlieger, I., Verelst, A., Spaas, C., Jervelund, S. S., Primdahl, N. L., Skovdal, M., Opaas, M., Durbeej, N., Osman, F., Soye, E., Colpin, H., De Haene, L., Aalto, S., Kankaanpää , R., Peltonen, K., Andersen, A. J., Hilden, P. K., Watters, C. & Derluyn, I.
Pubblicato in: Social Inclusion, Numero 10(2), 2022, ISSN 2183-2803
Editore: Cogitatio
DOI: 10.17645/si.v10i2.5106

School-based psychosocial care for refugee and migrant young people: A mixed-method exploration of the role of schools and school-based psychosocial interventions in shaping well-being and relational processes of post-trauma reconstruction.

Autori: Caroline Spaas
Pubblicato in: 2022
Editore: KULeuven

Difference and encounter: Psychosocial support and secondary education for young migrants and refugees in the UK.

Autori: Emma Soye
Pubblicato in: 2022
Editore: University of Sussex

Socio-ethical considerations in peer research with newly arrived migrant and refugee young people in Denmark: reflections from a peer researcher

Autori: Primdahl, Nina Langer; Alaa Nached; Skovdal, Morten
Pubblicato in: Peer Research in Health and Social Development  International Perspectives on Participatory Research, 2021, ISBN 9780367321390
Editore: Routledge

Additional file 1 of Evaluation of a school-based intervention to promote mental health of refugee youth in Sweden (The RefugeesWellSchool Trial): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial

Autori: Durbeej, Natalie; McDiarmid, Serena; Sarkadi, Anna; Feldman, Inna; Punamäki, Raija-Leena; Kankaanpää, Reeta; Andersen, Arnfinn; Hilden, Per Kristian; Verelst, An; Derluyn, Ilse; Osman, Fatumo
Pubblicato in: Trials, Numero 2, 2021, ISSN 1745-6215
Editore: BMC
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13662672

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