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Disrupting the telematics market with an ultra-low cost and high performance self-learning open platform

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - OPTELA (Disrupting the telematics market with an ultra-low cost and high performance self-learning open platform)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-01-01 do 2019-06-30

EU transport sector is facing some severe problems such as:
- Fuel consumption: Represents +32% of the total cost of fleet operation;
- Maintenance costs: Lack of maintenance shortens the vehicle lifetime and leads to excessive costs, higher fuel consumption, higher downtime periods and losses in productivity;
- CO2 emissions: Road transport contributes about 20% of the EU's total emissions.
- Safety: Every year 26.000 people die and 250.000 people are seriously injured.

Several initiatives have been launched but so far telematics seems to be the most promising one since allow accessing to vehicle data making its use more efficient, safe and environmentally friendly. However, professional telematics systems that allow high added value services require installation and cost approximately €2.000 per vehicle; On the other hand, cheaper Plug&Play solutions can only read basic vehicle data, cannot act on the vehicle and therefore their impact on existing needs is almost null.

In this context, Autoaid will launch to the market the first low-cost self-learning telematics open platform that will offer services comparable to professional telematics systems at the price of low costs plug&play solutions.

This is possible thanks to the technology developed by Autoaid:
- The only self-learning web-based vehicle diagnostic service based on a database for >32 manufacturers and >1,500 models (>99% existing car park in the EU) to access complete vehicle control unit dataset. This is a unique asset that only a handful of companies have worldwide.
- Plug&Play low cost OBDII dongle able to act on vehicle (open doors, turn on/off lights, engine, etc.).
- Open platform: Data gathered will be anonymised and offered to third parties stimulating the development of new applications and services.

With this project we intend to complete the hardware miniaturization, develop the cloud platform to offer high-added value services to our customers and pave the way to take OPTEPLA to the market.
During the second period the work has focused on the fine-tuning and testing of the system with beta testers and potential customers. The certification of the required E-Type-approval was granted. Tests have been successfully completed with over 2.000 cars and 28 test partners throughout all the defined business scenarios including insurance, car rental/sharing, automotive aftermarket organisations/workshops and fleet management with very good feedback. In terms of strategic agreements, we are currently negotiating terms and conditions with seven potential partners/customers and already signed two agreements with major multipliers. In total, we have a pipeline of over 30 potential partners who are considering to use autoaid for their connected car activities. Finally, autoaid has very actively participated in public events, trade fairs and other communication and dissemination activities.
Some of the most relevant progress beyond the state of the are and expected impact from OPTEPLA are:
- Car insurance will be able to offer advanced services to their customers such as security/emergency call in case of accident, more accurate incidents recreation, or offer insurance premiums reduction to customers that follow certain good practices in their driving patterns. Thanks to OPTEPLA, in the future car insurance policies will be calculated based on real driving patterns, car usage or other reliable parameters much more accurate than current practices in the sector that basically segment customers based on their age and historic data.
- Car sharing/renting will be able to rent cars in a much more efficient way, by (for instance) accelerating the process for granting access to the car via an app without the need for car keys which remain on board at all time. Thanks to OPTEPLA car sharing companies will have punctual information of what happens with the car during the renting period, when the car was refuelled last time, whether the car suffered any incident, etc. This will accelerate the introduction of new car sharing initiatives, which is extremely beneficial for EU large cities, considering that cars are used in average one hour per day.
- Car workshops will be able to offer predictive maintenance to their customers therefore improving cars conditions, reducing their consumption and CO2 emissions and in general making much safer driving a car.
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