Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OUITAXI (OUITAXI (or WETAXI) a taxi on demand and taxi sharing service)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-02-01 do 2017-07-31
It can overcome all the problems, such as uncertainty of fare, high costs, interaction between taxi’s technological platforms and the sharing ones, reservation costs, regulatory issues, strong competition with new mobility providers, etc..
Wetaxi is the taxi you’ve always desired: innovative, simple, transparent and convenient.
Wetaxi is a platform fully developed by our team, integrated with the taxi technology (innovative). The user can share a taxi and save money thanks to four simple steps: get the position, request the taxi, know the price and share the ride (simple). Furthermore it generates a quote that represents the maximum fare the user will pay. That quote is shown to the user before the beginning of the trip and it may be reduced if the taxi ride is shared (transparent). Finally, Wetaxi makes it possible to use a taxi at a reasonable fare. If the user is willing to share there is a fixed 30% discount and the fares are always much lower than those of a single passenger taxi ride (convenient).
In Turin (a city in the north-west of Italy) alone, there are more than 6 million daily transfers, 10.000 of which are made by taxi, corresponding to a market of 140 million euros per year. In the rest of Italy, the available market is 4 billion euros and in Europe it goes up to 40 billion euros, more or less 50% of the market worldwide. It is evident that the taxi market available globally is huge and could, potentially, grow: global taxi usage can be estimated at roughly 100 billion euros per year.