Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SOLACE Housing (System of production and delivery self-assembly, carbon neutral, energy positive and income generating house which reduces housing overburden declining inequality gap.)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-02-01 do 2017-07-31
The objective of SOLACE is to bring first own house that allows Europeans in need to escape the poverty trap. It is a system of delivery of Basic and Sustainable Housing that generates income for owners and stimulates local economies in poor European regions. Energy needs are being met by renewable energy generated by solar panels while energy surpluses will be sold to the grid generating income for the owner. All building elements are transported in one container to final location makes it effortless and efficient from an energy standpoint. The prefabricated house can be assembled within 72 hours. It's European cheapest house of high quality priced 25.000 €, emission-less, carbon neutral, energy positive and self-sufficient while being 80% recyclable. With those features, we believe we can effectively change lives of poor Europeans freeing them from housing overburden in the regions where no commercial investors want to operate.
The analysis was supported by the macroeconomic analyses like legal european legislation concerning construction regulations, Energy efficiency, Market potential, IPR protection analysis and zoning plan for the company.
1. End to end process of delivery of all elements in one container
2. Innovative thermo insulating method to produce houses on the site
3. Energy efficiency and energy balance to 0, allowing family to not to cover any additional costs of living in SOLACE house
4. Material and design optimisation using best in class software to determine the saving potential
5. Product pipeline for future with the new IP potentials emerging from the current study