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Centre of Excellence in Digital Health and Personalised Medicine

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Clinnova (Centre of Excellence in Digital Health and Personalised Medicine)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-09-01 do 2018-08-31

The overall objective of the Clinnova project is to create in Luxembourg a new Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Digital Health and Personalised Medicine.

This CoE will be created by three partners in Luxembourg:

• Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR, coordinator) - Luxembourg's national research funding;
• Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) - Luxembourg's public research for health;
• University of Luxembourg (UL) - Luxembourg's university's has two major interdisciplinary centres: Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine and Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust.

Together with two leading research and innovation organisations outside Luxembourg:

• Center for Innovativ Medicinsk Teknologi, Region Syddanmark (CIMT-RSD) - a world-leader in eHealth and clinical practice;
• Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) - the highly-ranked German Cancer Research Centre.

The overall objective of the Clinnova Teaming Phase 1 project was to produce a detailed and robust business plan to implement the CoE.

The Clinnova Teaming Phase 1 project was broken down into a number of closely interrelated work packages in order to produce a detailed and robust business plan for the CoE. The following summaries the main achievements per work package.

WP1: Governance and management planning
- Prepared deliverable D1.1 covering the legal status, organisational model and governance rules (by-laws) of the CoE and submitted the deliverable on 5/2/2018.
- Prepared deliverable D1.2 covering intellectual property rights management rules of the CoE and submitted the deliverable on 8/2/2018.

WP2: Resources planning
- Prepared deliverable D2.1 covering the infrastructure/equipment, human resources and financial resources plan for the CoE and submitted the deliverable on 15/10/2018.

WP3: Research and innovation strategy planning
- Prepared deliverable D3.1 covering the long-term research and innovation strategy and business model of the CoE and submitted the deliverable on 30/4/2018.

WP4: International positioning and communication
- Prepared deliverable D4.1 covering the marketing plan for the CoE and submitted the deliverable on 10/10/2018.
- Prepared deliverable D4.2 covering the dissemination and exploitation plan for the CoE and submitted the deliverable on 30/11/2018.
- Prepared deliverable D4.3 covering the data management plan for the CoE and submitted the deliverable on 28/2/2018.

WP5: Risk management planning
- Prepared deliverable D5.1 covering the ethical issues plan for the CoE and submitted the deliverable on 31/3/2018.
- Prepared deliverable D5.2 covering the quality management and risk management plans for the CoE and submitted the deliverable on 30/4/2018.

WP6: Business plan production
- Prepared deliverable D6.1 covering the final version of the business plan for the CoE and submitted the deliverable on 2/11/2018.


The main exploitable result of the project was the business plan for the Clinnova CoE (deliverable D6.1).

Over the course of the project, the partners undertook an extensive range of dissemination measures including:

Project website: 1390 unique visitors
Project leaflet and poster: 223 downloads of Clinnova leaflet in English, Danish and German. 1 Clinnova pop-up stand displayed at multiple events.
Project news: 74 Tweets on Clinnova Twitter account. 4 news releases on Clinnova website.
Newsletters: Clinnova project news presented in FNR’s weekly newsletters.
Press releases: Press release about project kick-off (FNR, 5/10/2017) and Press article about project progress (Delano, 12/4/2018).
Conferences: Clinnova project presented during International Systems Biomedicine Symposium – Big data in Healthcare, Deloitte Health Conference, 10th National Health Conference, etc.
Patient associations: e.g. Multiple Sclerosis Society of Luxembourg.
The business plan produced for the Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Digital Health and Personalised Medicine during the Clinnova Teaming Phase 1 project will enable the CoE to be implemented during the Clinnova Teaming Phase 2 project. The Clinnova CoE will be governed by an autonomous legal entity - the Clinnova Foundation – established in Luxembourg whose founding members will include the Luxembourgish consortium partners (FNR, LIH and UL) as well as the international consortium partners (CIMT-RSD and DKFZ).

The Clinnova CoE’s vision is for Luxembourg to become a global role model for the systematic adoption of disruptive digital health and personalised medicine solutions in healthcare practice over the next 10 years, by breaking the barriers between healthcare and research, while empowering individuals to manage their health.

The Clinnova CoE’s vision is driven by the need to tackle three key challenges blocking the transformation of today’s legacy healthcare systems in Luxembourg and Europe into fully digitised and integrated healthcare systems of the future:

- Challenge 1: Need for citizens’ secure access to and sharing of health data;
- Challenge 2: Need for better data to promote research, disease prevention and personalised health and care;
- Challenge 3: Need for digital tools for citizen empowerment and for a person-centred healthcare system.

To overcome these challenges, the Clinnova CoE’s mission is to build a bridge based on three “pillars”, namely:

- People: The centre of health is people. Any change or innovation will have to be supported and implemented by stakeholders: patients and their families, clinicians and payers.
- Processes: Processes are required to ensure standardization, trust, and integrity in all aspects of digital health solutions. Processes need to be built at all levels to allow for novel solutions to be built that become useful and sustainable for an individual’s health.
- Data and Systems: The foundation of digital health is data and the systems that store, process, and provide services over that data. These need to be secure and trustworthy, constantly available, and of high-quality, in order to promote users’ trust, and to obtain value that can be translated into improved health.

By focusing efforts on these three bridge pillars, the Clinnova CoE will help to create future healthcare systems in Luxembourg, and across Europe, with the following qualities:

- Unified digital environment supporting all stakeholders in the healthcare system.
- Usable, accessible, and integrated health data spaces built on trusted data and trustworthy infrastructure.
- Optimal environment for developing and testing digital health solutions for rollout across Europe.
Clinnova logo
Clinnova kick-off meeting, Luxembourg, 27 Sept 2017
VIsion figure for Clinnova CoE