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Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ENSEMBLE3 (Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-09-01 do 2018-08-31

The main objective of the phase I of the project was to create an extensive, detailed and robust Business Plan within a 12-month time period for the setting-up of the ENSEMBLE3 Centre of Excellence, which will focus on research excellence and innovation performance in the area of crystal growth-based technologies, novel functional materials with innovative electromagnetic properties, and applications in nanophotonics, optoelectronics and medicine. The ENSEMBLE3 Centre of Excellence will build on the best of
(i) nanophotonics and medicine-oriented research of the Warsaw University
- a leading Polish university; (ii) research and development in the area of crystal growth and innovation practices at the Institute of Electronic Materials Technology (ITME), the applied research institute in Warsaw; and (iii) the technology transfers via the 3C Crystals Sp. z o. o. (3C), SME as well as other companies.
The business plan (BP) development included the following objectives which are closely linked to the key elements of business planning:

BP O1: Clear understanding of the stakeholders and ‘target markets’.
BP O2: Elaboration of the stakeholder needs that the CoE will address.
BP O3: Drafting the roadmap of solutions to stakeholder needs that the CoE will provide, considering urgency, importance, impact and timeliness.
BP O4: Formulation of clear, concise and competitive value proposition for the CoE offerings.
BP O5: To determine communication, dissemination and exploitation channels.
BP O6: Development of a sustainable organisational and financial model for the CoE.

All the above mentioned objectives were fulfield and after 12 month of project realisation, consortium members has created robust business plan for the new CoE ENSEMBLE3.
During the project realisation partners were step-by-step creating particular parts of the business plan. Works were conducted accordingly to the proposal and were divided into separated Work Packages.

During the Kick-off meeting in Warsaw (7-8th of September 2017) consortium members created management structures accordingly to the proposal. During this event partners describe in details work that will be undertaken in order to complete all goals of the project.

The main aim of the first work package was to define the scientific and innovation potential of the ENSEMBLE3 Centre of Excellence on the basis of SWOT analysis, taking into account the unique solutions offered by all the Partners. On the basis of this, it produced a research agenda for the first years of operation of the new centre within the crystal growth- based technologies and novel materials for applications in photonics, telecommunication, photovoltaics, photo-electrochemistry and medicine.

The main aim of WP2 was to conceptualise the business model and respective organisational structure supporting the R&D strategy. The main challenge in this WP was to select an organisational model of a Centre which would have highly dynamic nature of the domain. During the process, consortium members had to answer several questions connected with elaboration of competitive products and services, defining the target markets and R&D Networks in the new CoE. In this WP the consortium also created a comprehensive plan for IPR management inside new CoE and among consortium members. Partners have drafted general rules for data management, communication and outreach, accountability, transparency and ethics inside new Centre of Excellence. All the above helped choose and create governance and organisational structure of the new CoE.

The WP3 concern a communication and dissemination of the Project during the teaming Phase 1 as well as developing a communication, dissemination and exploitation plan for the operating lifetime of ENSEMBLE3. The main objectives were creation of the website and drafting general plan for communication, dissemination and exploitation for the new CoE. The creation and maintenance of a website was of a primary importance already during Phase 1 of the Project in order to share common updated documentation (e.g. consortium agreement, reports, etc.), password-protected internal data and freely available scientific and technical information (e.g. publications, summaries of published research, information and prospective collaboration for potential industrial partners).

The main objective of WP4 was to set up financial and legal conditions for the ENSEMBLE3 Centre’s
establishment and operations, in line with Polish and European legislation, as well as Horizon 2020 rules, including provisions related to gender. The WP4 aims at ensuring efficient management and sustainable development of the Centre, taking into account legal and financial restraints. This will lead to establishing favourable conditions for research and innovation performance excellence, and high impact.

WP number 4 had to fulfil several tasks: create operational procedures for new CoE, prepare comprehensive legal analysis in order to find best possible legal form, set up governance structure and draft necessary legal documents. All of the tasks were achieved.

WP5 provided a framework for all Work Packages to collaboratively create content for the Business Plan. It lead this activity by describing the vision and the mission of the Centre, and compiling a convincing, sound and executable Business Plan for the future Centre. This WP also created the risk management strategy for the Business Plan. The business plan was developed using an approach based on the Lean Canvas for Business Plan development.

One of the main tasks of the WP6 was to establish governance structures for the project in accordance with the GA.
The management and coordination of the ENSEMBLE3 project was arranged to ensure the smooth accomplishment of the project's major goal - the elaboration of the detailed Business Plan ready for implementation in the second stage of the 'Teaming' action. Efficiency of the overall project management was achieved by a simple but effective management structure, clearly defined tasks and responsibilities of the partners, reasonable use of resources and adequate budget allocation according to the work plan, as well as adequate and efficient reporting and communication with the EC.

WP7 was an response to the comments contained in Ethics Screening Report (EthSR), and it concerns ethical issues connected with data protection in project ENSEMBLE3. WP7 -Ethics Requirements - was automatically added by the system during the GAP stage and was assigned to the Coordinating Legal Entity (NCBR). This deliverable provide information on the procedures that will be implemented for personal data collection, storage, protection, retention and destruction.
As a result of the Teaming Phase 1 project implementation, the ENSEMBLE3 consortium produced a detailed and robust Business Plan required for CoE establishment and further operation. Thus, objective of the Teaming Phase 1 project has been successfully achieved.
The project itself helped to strengthen the cooperation between all partners which in future will evolve in good and successful cooperation, with many common projects in H2020. The cooperation will took place mainly through the new CoE, which will bring additional benefits to CECM project.
The Centre through its objectives will mitigate the disparities between “widening” and “well-performing” EU countries, by improving research and innovation culture in Poland.