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Periodic Reporting for period 3 - AMable (AdditiveManufacturABLE)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-03-01 do 2021-10-31

AMable has set off to support SMEs in the uptake of additive manufacturing (AM). It offers today a set of thirteen comprehensive services to increase AM skills and to facilitate the development of innovative product ideas.
For small businesses, AMable offers not only the services free of charge, but also financial support from the European Commission. Open calls ask for innovative ideas that need additive manufacturing (AM) to become alive. All SMEs that have such an idea can submit their proposal to win support from more than 16 research institutes across Europe.
AMable supports 64 experiments and 16 projects with more than 120 SMEs involved. It aims to support the exchange of data digitally by facilitating encrypted point to point transfer between trusted entities.
AMable has restructured its services arena with new offerings that support SMEs in the uptake of additive manufacturing (AM). These services range from visualisation of models to business support and are strongly oriented towards upskilling of people. AMable has launched and implemented a number of open calls and now offers a certification knowledge support programme to SMEs that want to certify their AM product or their production.
On the exchange and handling of AM related data, AMable has developed a data connector that allows secure and encrypted transfer of files between dedicated end-nodes. These end-nodes consist of small computing boxes which are trusted by digital certificates. The perspective that this approach offers is the exchage of data between known end-nodes where the transfer is guided by collaboration contracts. This will be implemented in the next release of the AMable IDS Connector.
AMable has created a scheme to support SMEs in the uptake of AM across all stages from design to print to post process. It helps SMEs to focus on each task that is required to bring an idea to a viable solution that can be exploited commercially. The evolution of this so-called AMable Sevices Arena will accelerate the development of such products and avoid unnecessary work and expenses. It will enable SMEs to engage faster and with more success into additive manufacturing.
Once the data handling technology based on the Industrial Dataspace (IDS) has been developed and connected to the Blockchain based contract management, data transfer can be handled safely and directly between service partners. This will enhance trust in the collaboration on production for the digital world.
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