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MAximizing the UPscaling and replication potential of high level urban transformation strategies

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MAtchUP (MAximizing the UPscaling and replication potential of high level urban transformation strategies)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-04-01 do 2021-03-31

Valencia, Dresden and Antalya are a set of advanced cities that have been selected to play the role of LIGHTHOUSE. These cities are carrying out a real pilot of transformation in the energy and mobility sectors , addressing monitoring and evaluation of technological, economic and social assessment. These pilots will reach very ambitious energy savings, CO2 emissions reduction objectives, supported by ICT solutions as main enabler to reach high performance, collect relevant information, fostering open data use, facilitate urban planning and decision making and encouraging citizen and stakeholder’s engagement through well-established ICT Urban Platforms.

MAtchUP’s objective is to create and adopt solutions that can turn urban problems into smart opportunities to improve the citizens’ quality of life and boost the local economies. The final aim is to create a prosperous and more liveable urban environment for communities.

Overall objectives
1. Fostering URBAN TRANSFORMATION through advanced urban planning, capacity building, upscaling and replication.
2. Carry out extensive demonstration of technologies in the energy, mobility sectors, together with a wide deployment of Smart Solutions based on ICTs.
3. Deploy a deep monitoring and evaluation program, analysing technical, social and financial issues.
4. Fostering the identification and development of innovative business models to increase expected impacts.
5. Link MAtchUP with the most relevant clusters and similar projects and city networks to maximize knowledge exchange, impact and replication.
6. Deploy a deep exploitation and market deployment strategy supporting stakeholders in the identification of exploitable results.
7. Deploy an impact based communication and dissemination strategy.
During 3rd reporting period all the requested 57 deliverables have been submitted. All the tasks are working according to the schedule. Only some small deviations have been noticed in demo sites but, at this moment, it doesn't seem to imply a lack of achievement of critical objectives and a relevant impact on other tasks but in the monitorization (WP5). Mitigation plan is ongoing for those actions in demo sites that could imply a risk. Apart from that, a complex amendment was approved at the beginning of the 3RP and preliminary works for a third one have started. Periodic and monthly meetings have been held (all of them online) regularly having a strong collaboration within MAtchUP partners.
The impact of COVID-19 health crisis has affected to the whole reporting period and it has been analised in the part B of the document.
MAtchUP team involved in WP1 has worked on the application of the methodologies established during the previous periods and defining the SCTPs to produce a catalogue of the solutions demonstrated in the Lighthouse cities. With the delivery of the 7 Smart City Strategic Plans for the 7 MAtchUP cities, Milestone 5 of the project was accomplished in M38.
For the three Lighthouse cities, the baseline for the interventions has been delivered (MS6) in M38. The Urban platforms open specifications and interoperatibility have also finished in M38 (MS7).
During this period of the project, there have been some actions which have finished, other progressed according to the plan, while others have had some delays.During this reporting period.COViD19 health crisis has had a relevant impact over these actions not only in the deployment but also in the monitorization.
The monitoring and evaluation program was defined during the first two reporting periods. During the third period, this monitoring & evaluation program has been deployed. The above mentioned baseline has been necessary for this purpose. The data quality and consistency of these values has been further analysed
Regarding Business models and Exploitation, the work has been focused on the analysis of Role of stakeholders with a questionnaire survey. The results of the survey have been used for the market analysis reports, that guide and complement the exploitation activities by providing a comprehensive view of the market of reference . Apart from that, MAtchUP partners involved in WP6, have been consolidating the repository of innovative business models. Works for preparing the Exploitation plan of ER have started during this 3RP.
The Collaboration Secretariat had been created in the 1st reporting period. Its objectives, activities, responsible partners and the main management procedures were established and the main achievements have been done with the collaboration with the Lighthouse Cooperation Network, participating in the SCC01 tasks groups on Smart Cities (communication, business models, replication, data management and monitoring). MAtchUP is co-leading one of them Monitoring TG. APart from the collaboration with other LH projects, during the 3RP, the MAtchUP Network of Cities have been created. The collaboration with EIP-SCC and SCIS, that is continuing with the Smart Cities Marketplace initiative, has been also remarkable. A webinar program for the following months has been launched at the end of the third RP.
The D&C strategy has had its final version during this 3RP, including the update of the Local D&C plans for the 7 cities. The D&C Plan represents the first milestone that governs the overall D&C strategy of the project for all partners. In parallel, second set of results of the monitoring and measuring of the D&C activities through outreach and engagement indicators have been collected.
MAtchUP solutions aims at providing effective qualitative and quantitative impacts on urban environments. These solutions and activities will be translated into greener and prosper cities build on the needs of their customers .
There are two key issues related to the progress beyond the state of the art:
1. Planning and Replication strategy/methodology
One of the main MAtchUP’s goals is to provide an innovative urban transformation method for guiding cities in the decision making process in 4 steps:
• Diagnosis
• Integrated planning
• Implementation
• Replication plans.
In the first reporting period, a methodology for Advanced city diagnosis and another for Advanced Integrated planning were created during the first RP. It included an analysis of cities’ strategy, financial models and organizational capability.
Both methodologies have been implemented during the 2RP and in the third RP, the focus have been on the application of these methodologies and defining the SCTP to produce a catalogue of the solutions demonstrated in the Lighthouse cities (D1.5) and defining the Smart City strategic plan in the seven cities .
2. Evaluation process – to SEAP/SECAP recommendations
During 3rd RP, Antalya and Kerava have been working in the transition from SEAP to SECAP. Regarding Dresden and Valencia, the monitoring of the existing SECAP is ongoing.

MAtchUP technologies are at TRL 7 or even higher, and their integration will demonstrate very high energy efficiency in districts. These technologies combined with sustainable mobility concepts enabled with ICTs (Urban Platforms) will be proven as accelerators of the urban transformation.

In terms of expected impacts per city and pillar, as most of the actions have finished or are close to be finished, an estimation of them can be carried out. Moreover, evaluation frameworks had been designed during the 2RP and the monitorization period has started during the third one.
6th Periodic meeting of MAtchUP (online)
7th Periodic meeting of MAtchUP (online)