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At the crossroad of molecular physics, quantum optics and spectroscopy: ultra-high-precision molecular spectroscopy for fundamental physics

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PREMOL (At the crossroad of molecular physics, quantum optics and spectroscopy:ultra-high-precision molecular spectroscopy for fundamental physics)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-09-01 do 2023-02-28

In the project we address the question of how precision spectroscopy of the molecular hydrogen ions (MHI) can contribute to fundamental questions of atomic, molecular and nuclear physics.

Questions and challenges are:

can the MHI help determine the values of the fundamental constants such as proton-electron mass ratio, Rydberg constant, nuclear charge radii precisely?
Are those values compatible with the values measured with other approaches? Can MHI spectroscopy thus validate the various approaches?

can the MHI help search for the possible existence of additional forces ("fifth forces")?

can MHI spectroscopy provide a precise measurement of the electric quadrupole moment of the deuteron?

is it possible to push the accuracy of transition frequency measurements in MHI so far that they become candidates for future tests of the time-independence of the proton-electron mass ratio?

To answer these questions and challenges, new or improved spectroscopy techniques need to be developed.
1) Precision rotational spectroscopy of HD+: achievement of ultranarrow transitions, observation of several hyperfine components
2) Determination of shifts of rotational transition frequencies due to electric, magnetic and optical fields
3) Extraction of the spin-averaged rotational transition frequency by a composite-frequency technique
4) Computation of the spin-averaged rotational transition frequency, incl. high-order QED contributions
5) Determination of the proton-electron mass ratio with 2E-11 fractional uncertainty, 2 times lower than achieved with the most precise direct measurements (in Penning traps)
6) 20-fold tighter upper limit for the existence of a fifth force between proton and deuteron
7) First high-accuracy test of the hyperfine structure of HD+; agreement with hyperfine theory at the 0.4 kHz level or better.
8) Determination of the electric quadrupole moment of the deuteron with 1.5% fractional uncertainty
9) Achievement of Lamb-Dicke regime for vibrational transition, achievement of record high spectral resolution in molecular ion spectroscopy
10) Determination of the reduced nuclear mass from a vibrational transition
11) Precise ab initio theory of the hyperfine structure of the molecular deuterium ion.
12) First demonstration of an E2 transition in the molecular hydrogen ion
13) Precise theory of forbidden electric dipole transitions in the homonuclear molecular hydrogen ion
1) 10 000 - fold improvement in resolution of rotational spectroscopy
2) achievement of systematic uncertainty at the 2E-11 level in rotational spectroscopy, orders of magnitude lower than previously
3) achievement of a more accurate test of the hyperfine structure of a MHI than previously (Jefferts, 1969).
4) achievement of systematic uncertanity at the 3E-11 level in vibrational spectroscopy, orders of magnitude lower than previously
5) 1000 - fold improvement in resolution of one-photon vibrational spectroscopy of molecular ions
6) 20-fold tighter limits on fifth force between proton and deuteron
7) New interpretation of fundamental physics tests based on frequency ratios; including test of nonlinearity of the Schrödinger equation
8) First test of Weinberg's conjecture on Lindblad quantum mechanics
Molecular hydrogen ions, co-trapped with beryllium ions in an ion trap, are spectroscopied