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Large Passenger Aircraft

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - LPA GAM 2018 (Large Passenger Aircraft)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-01-01 do 2019-12-31

"All R&T activities conducted in the LPA IADP in 2018-19 focussed in three main research areas (“Platforms”) on the development and maturation of key technologies for next generation of large passenger aircraft contributing to the key CS2 objectives with respect to reduction of the CO2 and NOx emission, noise emission and improving industrial competitiveness in aviation and mobility.

• Platform 1 “Advanced Engine and Aircraft Configurations”: Various design studies including noise assessment and trade-off analyses completed for the “ORAS” open rotor engine concept. Definition and down selection of key technologies and freeze of the targeted full-size flight demonstration for an ultra-efficient Ultra-High Bypass Ratio (UHBR) turbofan engine. As a potential enabler for UHBR engines, full-scale 3D printed actuators for active flow control underwent aerodynamic and harsh environment testing. Development of aircraft architecture for radical propulsion concepts including hybrid electric. Development of manufacturing concepts for a simplified hybrid laminar flow control (HLFC) horizontal tail plane, development for an HLFC wing demonstrator. Preparation of a scaled flight test demonstrator to validate future radical aircraft configurations. Successful passing of key decision milestones enabling a shift from non-specific to specific design work; as a result, tThe manufacturing of hardware had been launched for a number of Platform 1 demonstrators by the end of 2019.
• Platform 2 “Innovative Physical Integration Cabin – System – Structure”: Completion of a next generation Multi-Functional Fuselage concept aiming to combine fully integrated systems and an advanced structure (enabling a radically changed manufacturing and assembly concept) with key features enabling the application of factory 4.0 technologies. First simulations and test campaigns launched to benchmark the performance and damage tolerance of welded thermoplastic skin joints. Launch of the upper shell development and design activities. Based on concepts frozen in 2016, further development of a Movable Passenger Service Unit (MPSU), Environmentally Friendly Fire Protection (EFFP) and Fuel Cell Powered Galley (FCPG) ready for integration and testing. Test results for printed electrics used to begin developing design rules compliant with existing electrical infrastructure and industrialisation aspects. Design of major elements and components for the Next generation lower centere fuselage, leading to digital mock-ups and the manufacturing of first hardware components. Progress on reducing the recurring cost, lead time and environmental impact of materials for composite assemblies, plus sensing technologies for the manufacturing of composite and metallic components.
• Platform 3: “Next Generation Aircraft Systems, Cockpit and Avionics”: Following completion of the definition phase in 2018, 2019 saw the production and integration of the first initial, and in some cases upgraded, hardware into the large aircraft, regional aircraft and biz-jet cockpit demonstrators; this led, ultimately, to the first data from ground and flight tests – these will be compared with the simulations and used to refine both the models and next phases of the test campaigns. A final level of demonstration and reporting was accomplished for virtually all advanced end-to-end (E2E) systems maintenance activities, resulting in the project closure meeting at the end of the year.

All LPA major technologies have been considered to be part of PANEM models prepared for the CleanSky Technology Evaluation. Updated reference models were delivered in 2018, updated “concept aircraft models” in Q1/2019 and a ""mission level report"" (showing the environmental impact for short and medium range and long range ""CS2"" concept aircraft) was provided at the end of 2019.

LPA activities of high relevance for Ecodesign were identified to contribute to the CS2 Life Cycle Assessment and a CS2 EcoDesign Life Cycle Inventory. Lifecycle assessment data for a first set of these technologies were provided in summer 2019."
Major achievements / deliverables in LPA in 2018 and 2019 are

• Model for Ultra-High By-Pass Ratio power plant integration framework
• Preparation for Advanced Rear End Technology Readiness Level 3 (TRL3) review
• Preliminary study of a Dynamically Scaled Demonstrator based on Airbus Inputs
• Hybrid-Laminar Flow Control for horizontal tail plane (HLFC-HTP) TRL 4 review
• Preliminary HLFC integrated wing design with structure and system concept completed
• Final report on active flow control ground test
• Propulsion Architecture study for non-conventional aircraft configurations
• Intermediate test results of the hybrid electric propulsion system; Progress Report of 2MW Motor/ Generator Testing
• Multi-Functional Fuselage Demonstrator (MFFD) Upper Shell Design Freeze
• Maturation of thermoplastic large component joining technologies
• Concurrent definition of Cargo Door Surround Structure (DSS) parts
• Pax floor and cargo hold: Detailed design
• Detailed design for monument installation
• CAD of Automated plant system
• Cabin & Cargo platform modules incl. Advanced Micro personal service unit (PSU) test specimen available and ready for integration
• Delivery and testing of the on-board inert gas generating system (OBBIGS) Environmentally Friendly Fire Protection demonstrator
• Business case & manufacturing process of selected technology for metallic keelbeam.
• Implementation of new harmonized CSK head
• Innovative sensing for surface defect or damage detection
• Multi-scale modelling solution with Partners contribution
• Flight tests installation and prototype for the light detection and ranging (LIDAR) icing campaign
• Disruptive Cockpit (DISCO) test bench second version
• Multimodal Human Machine Interface Prototype for Biz-Jet cockpit demonstration
• “REACTOR” standalone technologies functional and operational integration
• “ADVANCE” end-to-end maintenance solutions demonstration final reports
All LPA technologies are aiming to contribute to a significant improvement of fuel burn efficiency, reduction of CO2 and NOx gaseous emissions and reduction of community and cabin noise for large aircraft. The developed technologies of to integrate most advanced power plants and aerodynamically much more efficient wing technology by means of the application of laminar technologies to short-medium and long range aircraft operating at high subsonic speed is well beyond state of the art.

Structural concepts under development to design, manufacture and assemble next generation fuselages in advanced thermoplastic CFRP offer new opportunities in applying automated production and factory 4.0 concepts, which is well beyond state of the art of current design concepts and production methods.
The disruptive cockpit under development for next generation large passenger aircraft is the key technology to enable a single pilot operation, advanced cockpit systems and functions will substantially reduce the pilot workload operating future business jets and regional jets.