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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

SPECTO Bowling® 2.0: Advanced Measurement and Analysis of Bowling Performance


Bowling als Antwort auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen einer immer digitaleren Welt

In bestimmten Bereichen wird die in Echtzeit erfolgende Berichterstattung über Sportveranstaltungen immer mehr digitalisiert und hochtechnisch ausgestattet. Bowling steht jedoch als Ausnahme da. Die Darstellung der Informationen während des Spiels ist weitgehend unverändert geblieben und dabei nicht besonders nutzungsfreundlich. Das finnische KMU Angular Velocity hat nun ein System zur Nachverfolgung von Bowlingkugelbewegungen entwickelt, das mithilfe moderner Sensoren Informationen über die gespielte Kugel aufzeichnet und diese in einer nutzungsfreundlichen App anzeigt. Das System bringt Sporttreibenden, Trainierenden und Zuschauenden jede Menge Vorteile, und die Daten können sogar Sendeunternehmen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SPECTO Bowling wird das Team bei seinen Vorbereitungen der Kommerzialisierung dieser buchstäblich bahnbrechenden Technologie unterstützen.


The Sports industry is struggling with how to provide faster and more interesting data to users to keep them engaged. It must adapt to cater for a generation of internet consumers who expect instant gratification and quick fixes. This data-driven society of today draws people’s attention in many directions and Sports are currently not very experience friendly. In the case of bowling games, the information displayed has looked the same for decades, with data shown consisting only of partial and total scoring. Indeed, not very engaging! Current measurement systems that could provide interesting data for wide use is either reactive (i.e. data is available much time past the event) or prohibitively expensive and therefore are only used in laboratories and not in “real life”. Most current systems also require markers or other changes to either the athlete or the equipment, which can suppose a regulatory or practical issue. To solve this problem, Angular Velocity - a Finnish start-up company founded in 2016 - brings SPECTO Bowling® 2.0’s real-time data analytics through a unique combination of hardware and software that gives the ability to measure “everything that goes on” during a bowling event (75 different indicators) and make it instantly usable for display over TV-broadcasts, mobile devices, web services, etc. This ability creates a more immersive scenario and elevates the bowling sport in several aspects: viewers get more engaged in the game, coaches and athletes have a detailed review of the bowling performance, bowling centres can upgrade their systems to a more advanced solution, and bowling organisations can leverage its potential for official measurements, sport promotion and regulatory and standard issues. Our business opportunity is very promising, targeting a market valued at €5 billion globally. We estimate that we will generate €13.7 million of turnover after 3 years of commercialisation (boosting by 50% our current incomes), besides 23 new job positions.

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€ 50 000,00
01490 Vantaa

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Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 71 429,00