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A unique mobile optimised site that facilitates the recovery and restoration of deleted smart device files at the point of need, without the need for a desktop computer.

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Cloud Recovery (A unique mobile optimised site that facilitates the recovery and restoration of deleted smart device files at the point of need, without the need for a desktop computer.)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-02-01 do 2018-04-30

PROBLEM: The advances in technology are also meaning that smartphones and tablets are turning into the equivalent of personal journals. Our smart technology, simply put, is becoming an extension of our brains and persona. They hold our innermost feelings and memories. We spend hours interacting with our smart devices. All of this leads to the capturing of priceless memories that we all wish to cherish. We have all lost someone close to us at some point, but what if we accidently deleted something of sentimental value with no way of instant retrieval? The anguish and grief would be made ever more acute.

IMPORTANCE FOR SOCIETY: Smart device usage and demand is truly global. The global nature of the demand beyond just Western Europe (WE) and Central Europe (CEMA), Asia Pacific (APAC) is forecast to be a key consumer of smart devices. With a global demand for smart devices, the inherent changes in the ways of working and the issues of inability to recover data will drive demand for our solution 'Cloud Recovery'. The problem of user irretrievable data, will become more common and the need for Cloud Recovery will significantly increase. A completely cloud-based mobile solution would completely remove the need for a desktop PC/Mac, and streamline the complete operation to recover data. A cloud solution would empower users to restore their data whenever and wherever they need.
SUMMARY OF THE WORK PERFORMED DURING THE PHASE 1 PROJECT: During the Ph1 project execution we successfully implemented the following key components. Carried out the validation of the customer demand, engaged with an UK IPR law firm to review all of our Intellectual property & helped with commercialisation strategy, conducted a European wide corporate partner Identification programme, defined the final technology vision to help complete the product specification, completed and detailed both the project plan and business Plan. This work led to some major results that has now benefited Enigma greatly, here is a summary: We now know the majority of users would prefer a mobile solution, we had feedback on UI/UX ideas to help make a better product, have a clear path to also create revenues from our IP, have connected with amazing blue-chip partners and have a clear plan of action over the next few years.
PROGRESS BEYOND THE STATE OF THE ART: Mobile based data recovery is without question needed for today’s global mobile user base. Consumers have no alternatives but to either lose precious data, undertake time consuming procedures with desktop software if they have one or send their mobile phone to forensic companies who charge excessive fees. If Enigma can roll out this mobile recovery technology to the global mobile user base, we will become true global innovators and be the leading technology company that fixed a real need for both consumers and businesses who are suffering from ever increasing problem.
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