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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Developing proprietary antibacterial phage-based particles against Campylobacter jejuni for food decontamination


Wie Gene bakterienfressender Viren Europas häufigste Lebensmittelverunreinigung ausrotten

Nicht immer leben Viren und Bakterien friedlich zusammen. Bakteriophagen, die Bakterien zum Fressen gern haben, sind Viren, die Bakterien infizieren. Sie kapern die Zellmaschinerie und zwingen die Zelle, Lebensnotwendiges für Viren anstatt für Bakterien zu produzieren, und töten das Bakterium im Endeffekt ab. So werden schon seit Jahrzehnten Bakteriophagen zur Behandlung bakterieller Infektionen eingesetzt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt AntiCamp hat proprietäre Partikel auf Phagenbasis entwickelt, die dem Plan zufolge gegen Campylobacter jejuni, die häufigste Lebensmittelverunreinigung in Europa, eingesetzt werden sollen. Mit der Kommerzialisierung dieses sicheren, kosteneffizienten und einzigartigen Ansatzes wird sich C. jejuni aus Lebensmitteln eliminieren lassen, ohne dabei die Attraktivität der Lebensmittel zu beeinträchtigen.


Campylobacter jejuni is the most common foodborne contamination in Europe, affecting millions of people, and costing billions of Euros. Current procedures to treat this contamination do not offer sufficient solutions. Here I present a unique approach to eradicate the pathogen from food by utilizing a cost-effective and safe product that does not alter the taste, texture, or appearance of the food. This innovation involves a spray composed of proprietary phage-based particles, which inject antibacterial genes into C. jejuni, thus killing the pathogen. Current phage-based technologies for decontaminating food encounter a major hurdle, because large-scale phage production in the fastidious and pathogenic C. jejuni strain is highly challenging. However, a major advantage of my product is that it can be prepared in a safe and easy-to-grow Escherichia coli host rather than in C. jejuni. Another significant advantage is that the technology producing the phages enables rapid and efficient modifications to the phage-based particles. This platform thus allows easy isolation and manufacture of cocktails of phage-based particles able to target a variety of pathogenic serotypes of C. jejuni. Furthermore, the proprietary particles all have a common scaffold, thus simplifying the regulation, safety, and route of manufacture. I propose a clear commercialization activity with a highly qualified team that I recruited, from both the scientific and commercialization fields. Developing and commercializing this product will provide a proof-of-concept to demonstrate the strength of this approach and will thus pave the way for additional innovative materials based on this technology.

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€ 150 000,00
69978 Tel Aviv

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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 150 000,00

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