Descripción del proyecto
Mecanismos moleculares de la resolución de la enfermedad articular
El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos ArthritisHeal tiene por objeto descubrir nuevas dianas terapéuticas para las enfermedades reumáticas artrosis y artritis reumatoide mediante la formación de doce investigadores noveles. El proyecto se centra en los lípidos prorresolutorios y en el papel fundamental que desempeñan para estimular la resolución de la inflamación. El mecanismo de resolución depende del cambio biosintético activo de mediadores proinflamatorios a prorresolutorios, los lípidos prorresolutorios, biosintetizados a partir de ácidos grasos ω-3. El proyecto utilizará muestras clínicas y modelos animales para identificar lípidos clínicamente pertinentes: los nuevos lípidos prorresolutorios descubiertos en modelos preclínicos se validarán en muestras clínicas, y el modo de acción de los lípidos conocidos se determinará en modelos preclínicos.
In the ArthritisHeal project 7 universities and 2 companies, together with 8 associated partners, will train 12 young researchers and will discover novel therapeutic targets for two rheumatic diseases: osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The project will focus on the role of pro-resolving lipids, which play an important role in both diseases by stimulating resolution of inflammation. Both OA and RA cause pain and deformation of joints, with inflammation playing large role in the pathogenesis of both diseases. Current therapies, focused on inhibition of inflammation, are insufficient to cure rheumatic diseases. By exploiting pro-resolving mechanisms, novel therapeutic targets will be discovered in this project, ultimately improving RA and OA treatment.
During the project both clinical samples and animal models will be used to study mode of action and verify clinically relevant lipids. Novel lipids discovered in pre-clinical models are validated in clinical samples, and the mode-of-action of known lipids will be determined in pre-clinical models.
The consortium of academic and industrial beneficiaries with leading expertise in rheumatology, lipidomics, immunology and data analysis will provide scientific and technology training to ESRs. Associated partners will provide secondment opportunities and training, e.g. in regulatory and IP issues and career development. Each ESR will follow a personalised training programme combining clinical, biological and chemical insights to solve challenges in the development of treatments for rheumatic diseases. The ESRs will receive training both in an academic as well as an industrial setting.
By studying the role of pro-resolving lipids in two important rheumatic diseases in conjunction, the consortium will:
- Train young researchers in the interdisciplinary approach necessary to develop treatments for complex diseases.
- Validate therapeutic targets in important pro-resolving lipid pathways.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-ITN - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)Coordinador
2333 ZA Leiden
Países Bajos