CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

BestTreat – Building a Gut Microbiome Engineering Toolbox for In-Situ Therapeutic Treatments for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease


Mikrobiom-basierte Behandlung von Lebererkrankungen

Die nichtalkoholische Fettlebererkrankung (NAFLD) ist durch die Ansammlung von Fett in der Leber gekennzeichnet und betrifft hauptsächlich übergewichtige oder fettleibige Personen. NAFLD kann sich zu einer Zirrhose entwickeln und stellt eine der Hauptursachen für Leberkrebs dar. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BestTreat ist daran interessiert, die Rolle des Mikrobioms bei NAFLD zu beschreiben. Ein Ungleichgewicht des Darmmikrobioms wurde mit verschiedenen Krankheiten, darunter auch NAFLD, in Verbindung gebracht. Über den zugrunde liegenden Mechanismus ist jedoch wenig bekannt. Die Projektforschung wird dazu beitragen, neue diagnostische und biotherapeutische Ansätze zu entwickeln, die das Darmmikrobiom bei Maßnahmen zur Vorbeugung oder Behandlung von NAFLD mit einbeziehen.


BestTreat fosters education of ESRs in a project to uncover microbiome signatures for risk prediction and monitoring of NAFLD and to contribute to the development of therapeutic treatments based on metabolically beneficial microbial consortia. It trains 15 ESRs at world-leading academic institutions and companies, thus forming strong interdisciplinary links between industry, life and medical sciences, and end-users. BestTreat aims to train a new generation of highly qualified ESRs with entrepreneurial competencies in modern Life Sciences through state-of-the-art research projects. The projects focus on the identification and functional characterization of microbial consortia that contribute to metabolic control, and the application of this knowledge to develop novel leads for drug discovery and therapies for NAFLD. The new field on microbiome based therapeutics requires highly skilled scientists with interdisciplinary knowledge on medicine, systems biology and computer science, as well as hands-on experience with several types of tissue samples and model organisms that can optimally translate their research findings into sustainable improvements in clinical practice. BestTreat overcomes current barriers by establishing a strong, multidisciplinary and inter-sectoral training network, developing technologies tailored to solve key questions in human metabolism, microbiology and bioinformatics. The BestTreat programme will exploit recent developments in high-throughput and genome-wide screening technologies, combine these with modern molecular cell biology and systems biology approaches and ultimately translate the data into new leads for the discovery of live biotherapeutics. This specific cross-disciplinary training program will educate young scientists to the next level needed to advance this research field for the upcoming decennium. The training programme will be complemented with a complete set of transferable skills.


€ 758 365,20
07745 Jena

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Thüringen Thüringen Jena, Kreisfreie Stadt
Research Organisations
€ 758 365,20

Beteiligte (7)

Partner (6)