Descrizione del progetto
Modelli in vitro avanzati dei disturbi neurologici
La sempre maggiore diffusione dei disturbi neurologici e delle compromissioni a lungo termine da loro esercitate, ad esempio in relazione a patologie come il morbo di Parkinson e quello di Alzheimer, comporta la necessità di nuovi trattamenti. Ciononostante, questa esigenza è stata soddisfatta in modo inadeguato a causa della mancanza di modelli di malattia appropriati. La missione del progetto ASCTN-Training, finanziato dall’UE, è quella di formare giovani ricercatori nella realizzazione di modelli in vitro solidi allo scopo di studiare i meccanismi alla base dei disturbi neurologici. Tra le attività del progetto figurano la progettazione e l’ottimizzazione di organoidi 3D basati su cellule staminali e tecnologie brain-on-chip che riproducono i circuiti cerebrali in vitro. Il lavoro contribuirà a una migliore comprensione dei disturbi neurologici e, secondo le previsioni, accelererà i futuri sforzi di scoperta dei farmaci.
Neuronal disorders (NDs) are associated with behavioural and cognitive impairments and have a high prevalence. As such they are a high emotional, financial and social burden on the patients and their social network.
To reduce the impact of NDs new scientific technologies and disease models must be developed, and specialized professionals are needed.
The primary aim of ASCTN-Training is to provide the appropriate training for the participating ESRs, so that each individual ESR will complete a PhD degree based on their research work, while at the same time equipping them with the necessary tools to collaborate and develop innovative technologies for the modeling of NDs and the development of novel therapies
ASCTN-Training consists of six closely interlinked Work Packages (WPs), the central theme – techniques for modeling neuronal disorders - will be executed through scientific WPs 1-3 – biotechnology, molecular neurobiology and preclinical studies - where individual ESRs will be trained together across multiple scientific disciplines. Training will be achieved using the different didactic methods in WP4 – education and training - to enable efficient work on each ESR project as well as in joint efforts with other ESRs both within and across WPs1-3.
Each ESR project is directly or indirectly linked to other ESR projects and contributes various parts to the different scientific WPs, which in turn will make a large contribution to the completion of the scientific deliverables.
The education, training and industrial secondments will provide ESRs with training in both individual scientific disciplines and inter-disciplinary fields. This approach will provide ESRs with the transferrable inter-sectorial skills and tools that will prepare them for innovative thinking and true inter-disciplinary work.
Communication, dissemination and exploitation of the results that are obtained will be achieved through WP5 while ASCTN-Training as a whole will be managed through WP6.
Campo scientifico
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
MSCA-ITN - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN)Coordinatore
08007 Barcelona