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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Sulphites' substitute in wine; natural and safe


Eine natürliche Sulfit-Alternative für ganz besondere europäische Weine

Ein nettes Glas Wein kann sehr unfreundliche allergische Reaktionen von Ausschlag bis zu anaphylaktischem Schock auslösen. Schuld daran sind in der Regel die Sulfite – synthetische Konservierungsstoffe, auf die bis zu fünf von 100 Menschen überempfindlich reagieren. Zunehmende Auflagen und die Nachfrage der Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher nach sogenannten sauberen Weinen drängen Weinhersteller dazu, natürliche Alternativen zu Sulfit zu finden. Das niederländische KMU Natural4Sure hat mit 4Sure genau ein solches Produkt entwickelt, das die Oxidierung und das Mikrobenwachstum in Nahrungsmitteln und Getränken verhindern kann. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt 4Sure unterstützt das Team bei der Markteinführung dieses revolutionären natürlichen Konservierungsstoffs, der die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit europäischer Weinhersteller sowie auch die Gesundheit und den Genuss von Weintrinkenden weltweit steigern wird.


Europe is the world’s leading wine producer, however, it is a sector under threat by exports from “New World” wines. According to the EC, unless the European wine industry becomes more competitive and strengthens its reputation for quality wines, its days as market leader are numbered. Current accepted best practice to preserve wine is through the addition of regulated levels of sulphites (synthetic preservative recognised as allergenic substance), as there are no natural alternatives that can currently preserve wines as efficiently as sulphites, and therefore, totally avoid the use of sulphites during production. In contrast, consumer demand for clean label wines, considered high-quality, is going mainstream and, accordingly, the interest for wines without sulphites is on the rise. Upcoming EU regulations will force producers of alcoholic beverages to list all ingredients (thus, sulphites and relative quantity) on their labels, which will help consumers differentiate between high-quality wines (free-from synthetic additives, clean label) and poor-quality wines (with higher amounts of synthetic additives such as sulphites), currently impossible in this highly unregulated sector. If wine producers want to differentiate themselves from the competition and meet consumers' needs, it will be crucial, now, more than ever, to replace harmful, synthetic ingredients such as sulphites, with natural (e.g. plant based) preservatives offering similar functionalities. To meet producers' needs, Natural4Sure, advocator for high-quality wines, has developed a safe, natural alternative to sulphites; 4Sure, which can prevent oxidation, microbial growth and preserve colour in wines. In a future, 4Sure could also be applied to other food/beverage products containing sulphites as preservative. In 5 years from completion of the project, we expect to gain €12,3 million in cumulative profits, hire 32 new employees and achieve a ROI of €5,89 per euro invested in this project.

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€ 50 000,00

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Oost-Nederland Gelderland Veluwe
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€ 71 429,00