CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Addressing Global Challenges through International Scientific Consortia (INSCONS); Case studies in biomedicine, the geosciences, and nuclear fusion research


Untersuchung der Organisationsdynamik internationaler Wissenschaftskonsortien

Internationale Wissenschaftskonsortien spielen eine immer zentralere Rolle bei der Bewältigung globaler Herausforderungen, wie beispielsweise der Reaktion auf schwere Gesundheitskrisen, der Entwicklung von neuen, sauberen Energiequellen und der Frage des richtigen Umweltschutzes. Trotz der zunehmenden Bedeutung dieser Konsortien ist das wissenschaftliche Verständnis von ihrer besonderen Organisationsdynamik nach wie vor begrenzt. Internationale Wissenschaftskonsortien sind komplexe Organisationen, in denen die Arbeit geografisch verteilt ist und diverse Interessengruppen aus Wissenschaft, Regierung und Industrie einbezieht. Es besteht daher ein dringender Bedarf, eine neue Organisationstheorie zu formulieren, die ein besseres Verständnis von diesen Konsortien ermöglicht. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt INSCONS hat das ehrgeizige Ziel, diesem Bedarf gerecht zu werden, und wird dazu die Organisationsstrukturen und die Geschichte von drei großen Konsortien in den Bereichen Kernfusionsforschung, Biomedizin und Geowissenschaften untersuchen.


INSCONS is a groundbreaking, large-scale examination of the organisational dynamics of international scientific consortia (ISCs) and the interactions of these consortia with broader scientific communities, national bureaucracies, and industry. ISCs are very complex organisations with work being carried out at geographically dispersed sites, and involving international stakeholder groups from across the realms of science, policy, and industry. As these ISCs are becoming more important in efforts to address global challenges in areas such as health, the environment, and clean energy, our understanding of the distinctive organizational dynamics governing these consortia has lagged behind. Accordingly, there is a pressing need for novel organisational theory and frameworks that will advance our understanding of ISCs. INSCONS is an ambitious effort to address this need, using a comparative, interdisciplinary approach. Three case studies of large, international ISCs in nuclear fusion research, biomedicine, and the geosciences are at the core of INSCONS. The INSCONS project will examine four aspects of these ISCs. It will 1) Map the internal organisational dynamics of ISCs using interviews, bibliometric network analyses, and ethnographic field studies on everyday work in ISCs. 2) It will study ISCs’ interactions with the broader scientific community by conducting a survey among researchers in the scholarly fields ISCs operate in, and by analysing these fields’ co-authorship networks. 3) It will examine the (inter)national political processes and bureaucratic wrangling shaping ISCs. 4) It will examine relationships of dependency and influence between ISCs and industry through case studies as well as analyses of patenting and publication activities. Taken together, the project outputs of INSCONS will bring into clear focus the sociology and politics, as well as the operational complexities that govern this important, new organisational form in contemporary science.


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€ 757 452,25
WC1E 6BT London
Vereinigtes Königreich

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London Inner London — West Camden and City of London
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 757 452,25

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