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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Making our Workforce Fit for the Factory of the Future


Schulungen für eine wettbewerbsfähige verarbeitende Industrie in Europa

Die zunehmende Globalisierung in den Bereichen Herstellung, neue Technologien, Automatisierung und künstliche Intelligenz hat die Anforderungen an die Arbeitsmärkte stark verändert. Schätzungen zufolge wird die Automatisierung künftig 33 % der physischen Arbeit, 22 % der Datenerhebung und 11 % der Datenverarbeitung ausmachen. Angesichts dieser Entwicklung muss sich Europa dringend mit den bestehenden Schwierigkeiten im Hinblick auf seine künftigen Fähigkeitsanforderungen auseinandersetzen, um seine Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu gewährleisten. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FIT4FoF zielt darauf ab, den europäischen Arbeitskräften dabei zu helfen, die nötigen Fähigkeiten zu erwerben, um für die Fabriken der Zukunft („Factories of the Future“, FoF) fit zu sein. Zu diesem Zweck wird es die gegenwärtigen Anforderungen an Arbeitskräfte sowie technologische Trends in sechs Industriebereichen wie Robotik, additiver Fertigung und Datenanalyse analysieren, um die neuen Bildungs- und Schulungsanforderungen in den verschiedenen europäischen Regionen abzuklären.


Increased introduction of digital technologies into manufacturing is leading to increased automation. Estimates indicate that the potential for automation in predictable physical work is at 33% followed by 22% in data collection and 11% in data processing. The increased globalisation in manufacturing also introduces requirements in terms of team work, intercultural and language capabilities, the need to deal with shorter production cycles, and changes in demographics requiring workers to stay active for longer. Europe faces considerable challenges in addressing future skills needs. From the perspective of the workforce the issues are increasingly complex where current training and educational solutions are discrete and lack interconnections and are largely dissociated from work activities. Growing gaps in knowledge and know-how make it increasingly challenging to adapt, work proactively and contribute to innovations. FIT4FoF aims at addressing a range of these issues by analysing current skills initiatives, better to understand how to address workers' needs, analysing technology trends across 6 industrial areas of robotics, additive manufacturing, mechatronics/machine automation, data analytics, cybersecurity and human machine interaction, to define new job profiles, which will inform education and training requirements. FIT4FoF will develop a new education and training framework, which places workers (women and men) at the centre of a co-design and development process that recognises and addresses their skills needs. By applying educational approaches based on Communities of Practice, FIT4FoF will empower workers to be drivers of the design, development and delivery of their own upskilling programmes. FIT4FoF will develop Alliances of Communities of Practice to broaden the approach across Europe, creating replication strategies enabling educational/training design and development practices to be transferred between regional communities across Europe.

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€ 368 250,00
T12 P928 Cork

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Ireland Southern South-East
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 368 250,00

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