Periodic Reporting for period 3 - GLOBE (Global Governance and the European Union: Future Trends and Scenarios)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-05-01 do 2022-12-31
After the establishment of the GLOBE structures in the first reporting period of the project (January 2019 - December 2019), the second period (January 2020 – April 2021) was primarily devoted to the scientific production of working papers, which aimed to map the landscape of global governance in the fields analysed by GLOBE, such as trade and development, security and migration, climate change and global finance. These working papers were published in Work Packages (WP) 2-6, and were the basis for the deliverables (DEL) developed in WP 7, WP8, WP 9, and WP 10, such as the working paper on cross-cutting issues (DEL 7.1) the working paper on the shortcomings of the current governance and institutional models (DEL 8.1).
Based on Work Packages 3-6, GLOBE launched a further Work Package which, by merging the results of previous GLOBE research, has examined questions of cross-cutting global governance issues (WP 7). GLOBE also started WP 8, which after the analysis of the global governance fields in cluster 1 coupled with the identification of the cross-cutting issues (WP 7), examines several shortcomings in the current prevalent governance models, in particular intergovernmental organisations, self-regulation and traditional international law. To do that, it focused on innovative governance models with tasks examining current governance and institutional models’ shortcomings (DEL 8.1) the potential of multistakeholder governance (DEL 8.2) informal intergovernmental governance and informal law-making (DEL 8.3) as well as the potential of experimental governance (DEL 8.4). During the reporting period, GLOBE developed a survey aimed at international organisations (IOs) on the future of Global Governance, which was launched in May 2021. The main body of the survey focuses on perceptions of staff members of IOs (secretariats) about their organisations, the complex regimens in which they are embedded, and the global challenges they face. In addition, GLOBE research also integrated two survey experiments into the survey (more info in 1.2 WP 2).GLOBE research has also developed big data-based indices and visualisations tailored to meet the research needs of our thematic focuses (WPs 3-6), as well as a publicly available data tool on the GLOBE website.