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Governance principles and mEthods enabling deCision maKers to manage and regulate the changing mObility systems

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - GECKO (Governance principles and mEthods enabling deCision maKers to manage and regulate the changing mObility systems)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-06-01 do 2021-08-31

The overall mission of GECKO (Governance principles and mEthods enabling deCision maKers to manage and regulate the changing mObility systems) is to provide authorities with tools and recommendations for new regulatory frameworks to lead the transition to the new mobility era of cooperative, inclusive, competitive, sustainable, and interconnected mobility across all modes.
GECKO specific objectives are set as follows:
- Provide a picture of disruptive technologies, new mobility services and business models that are currently available or will be available in the future (up to 2040)
- Review and map regulatory policies and governance models
- Assess the necessary characteristics and requirements of regulatory schemes and governance approaches which are necessary to accommodate disruptive mobility solutions
- Provide recommendations to policy makers
- Establish channels among stakeholders to co-design regulatory approaches
- Disseminate the GECKO findings and tools
The recommendations for new regulatory approaches provided by GECKO aim to enable the effective deployment of emerging technologies, business, and operating models for all transport modes. The project builds knowledge and provides insights about challenges and opportunities of new and emerging mobility solutions with EU and global stakeholders.
The results GECKO achieved consist in:
- In-depth analysis of the current trends in around all categories of disruptive innovations defined by the project was carried out. With the COVID-19 crisis starting during the project, an assessment of the impacts of the crisis on these innovations was added to the analysis.
- 228 regulations were compiled, 10 evaluation categories identified, and 40 KPIs identified for each regulation, representing a comprehensive overview of current regulatory schemes in the world. Results are publicly available in the Compliance Map.
- MCA analysis performed for each of the 228 regulations included in the GECKO Compliance Map by involving stakeholders in the definition of the weights to be assigned to each indicator.
- A strategic guidance to policy makers including aspects to consider when setting up a governance framework, actions and measures available to enable disruptive technologies and business models, with the addition of the Adaptive Regulatory Roadmap 2040.
- An extra report produced on “Addressing regulation of new mobility in SUMP”.
- Recommendations formulated by both stakeholders and partners for European Institutions and public authorities.
- Active involvement of a group of 187 stakeholders (50 policymakers, 61 policy recipients and 76 other influencers) via different activities such as workshops, webinars, podcasts.
- The GECKO website and social media informed stakeholders of the latest results and tools developed. The Twitter account has 415 followers, while the LinkedIn group gathers 164 members, and the newsletter is sent out to about 226 stakeholders. The project was also featured in articles in UITP website (1900 members), POLIS website (100 members) and presented in meetings and conference.
- Cooperation engaged with other projects and initiatives to foster exchange of knowledge, more especially in three thematic areas: 1) Automation and emerging technologies; 2) Shared mobility, MaaS and public transport; and 3) Digitalisation and data-driven models.
- Final Conference of the project, followed online by 87 participants (policymakers, public transport operators, public transport authorities, influencers).
Thanks to the results achieved, many different exploitation activities have been planned. In particular, the main achievements of the project will be further diffused through UITP’s channels (website, newsletters, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and possibly at UITP stands).
Additionally, the consortium partner Rupprecht Consult together with the partners decided to produce an extra document on “Addressing regulation of new mobility in SUMP”. This report investigates how the current status of regulation for disruptive mobility innovation influences SUMP, and how regulation needs to be set up to enable cities develop flexible measures within their SUMP that allow better alignment of local goals with disruptive mobility innovations. And, important, what cities can do when no regulation exists.
Regarding the Compliance Map, a specific exploitation plan is under consideration among the partner directly involved in its development to provide an effective tool for policy makers also in the future by also considering the possibility to create a tool that could become part of future training sessions organised by the UITP Academy. Moreover, a presentation will also be given during the next 2021 POLIS Conference (1-2 December in Gothenburg, Sweden).
GECKO made a significant contribution to advancing in the support of EU new regulation agenda thanks to the Regulatory Supportive Tools developed by the project. With this aim, the GECKO findings have been integrated in the Knowledge Bank, the Regulatory Frameworks Dashboard, and the Compliance Map.
GECKO has also been able to set up an effective methodology to engage with a wide community of stakeholders. The Stakeholder Hub has been established with 191 participants and this fed a bottom-up consultation process. To maximise impact GECKO created tools and channels to communicate the project concept, ideas, results and expected impact.
International cooperation has taken place with GECKO collecting regulations from Canada, USA, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, India, China, Singapore, and Australia. Participants of the Stakeholder Hub include from USA, China, and Singapore.
Considering the regulations perspective, the work performed by GECKO for measuring the effectiveness and readiness levels of legislative frameworks worldwide, which share the same goal of enabling new mobility solutions, could help policy makers identify/anticipate factors that may potentially hinder a wide diffusion of new mobility innovations and define an effective governance model. In the Compliance Map this can be done by referring to best practices of effective regulatory frameworks adopted somewhere else. Indeed, the Compliance Map provides quick and easy access to similar regulations adopted in different countries and cities around the world.
Regarding the Compliance Map, a specific exploitation plan has been done to provide an effective tool for policy makers also after the end of the project.
At the time of this report production several agreements have been achieved by involved parties on Compliance Map exploitation:
- The tool will become part of future training sessions organised by the UITP Academy.
- The Tool will be hosted by the GECKO web site until the end of 2023.
- The database feeding the Compliance Map will be updated by a joint effort of the project partners. Three main scenarios have been identified. The decision of which scenario to be chosen will be decided before the POLIS conference 2021:
o Find collaborations with ongoing EU projects (ARCADE for CCAM), having their partners updating the regulations and the assessment for the mobility innovations they are interested in.
o Identify groups of stakeholders (GECKO stakeholders, UITP and POLIS members) interested in keeping the information updated (Wikipedia approach).
o Involve universities/academia partners (UCL, AA) and use the Compliance Map as an academic tool, having students to update its database.
GECKO Project meeting
GECKO Project meeting Rome
GECKO Kick off meeting Brussels
Compliance Map screenshot
GECKO Launch event Brussels
GECKO project logo
GECKO stakeholder workshop 1 London
GECKO Stakeholder workshop 1 London
GECKO Project meeting London
GECKO Launch event Brussels
GECKO Final Event logo
GECKO stakeholders' involvement