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Widening EU-CELAC policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EULAC-PerMed (Widening EU-CELAC policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-07-01 do 2022-12-31

EULAC-PerMed main goal has been to integrate countries from the CELAC region into ICPerMed and its activities, as a means to widen the international scope of Personalized Medicine R&I related policies, increasing and encouraging a worldwide implementation of PM approaches across the whole healthcare value chain.

The collaboration of diverse actors from different world regions, disciplines and health-care systems are needed to implement in a holistic way new feasible and cost-effective PerMed approaches. The involvement of research funding organizations and policy-making bodies from the EU and from other regions in ICPerMed is the best way to push forward the impact of new findings and knowledge in the area.
During the project life time 27 reports have been produced and disseminated; 4 Summer School, 5 One-day webinars and 3 Technical workshop were implemented and 6 newsletters and 3 Press releases have been published.
The Project has generated non-commercial oriented results, primarily knowledge transfer and good practices to enhance EU-LAC dialogues and partnership building for international cooperation in PM.
Objective 1: To gain knowledge and understanding of the scientific and policy landscape of PerMed in CELAC countries engaging with relevant PM stakeholders and discuss the main needs and barriers for PM research and policy in the region.
• Mapping the scientific and Policy Landscape of PM in the CELAC Region, including the identification of stakeholders.
• Policy Brief identifying barriers and needs for Bi-Regional cooperation in PM between EU and CELAC regions.
• Understanding the research collaborations in PM between Europe and LAC countries: “Drivers behind EU-LAC research collaborations in PM”
Objective 2: To analyze the advantages of collaboration in PM between CELAC and EU countries and foster it in the context of ICPerMed.
• Action Plan for the Alignment of LAC with ICPerMed.
• Virtual workshop: “How to strengthen and improve research collaborations in personalized medicine between EU-CELAC. The role of research funding agencies”.
Objective 3: To analyze and discuss with major CELAC stakeholders the way forward to integrate CELAC countries in the ICPerMed challenge groups, workshops, conferences and other events and initiatives.
• Implemented a programme for involvement of LAC stakeholders in ICPerMed activities.
• Travel grant scheme for CELAC institutions in events organized by ICPerMed.
• Representatives of eligible organisations in CELAC countries were encouraged to participate as observers in the ExCom, ICPerMed’s main governance body.
Objective 4: To promote transnational project funding through the participation of CELAC countries in the joint calls of the ERA-Net “ERA PerMed”, as well as research training and mobility activities. Results:
• The training sessions produced outputs and guidelines that will remain sustainable in the EULAC PerMed website.
• Cooperation with ERA PerMed was possible, linking ERA PerMed to CELAC countries.
• Partners that were involved in EULAC PerMed joined the ERA PerMed transnational call.
• EULAC PerMed partners cooperated with ERAPermed, facilitating the participation of three LAC countries in the last calls of this funding initiative.
Objective 5: To provide advice to the EU-CELAC JIRI Health SOM regarding on PM.
• The EULAC-PerMed consortium supported the bi-regional JIRI SOM by providing information about the benefits and barriers of EU-CELAC collaboration within the field of PM R&I.
• EULAC PerMed activities were disseminated in the last EU-LAC SOM successfully incorporating PM on the 2021-2023 Strategic Roadmap for the implementation of the Brussels Declaration.
Objective 6: To contribute to raise awareness of PM and to promote the establishment of international standards in cooperation with ICPerMed.
• EULAC-PerMed has carried out establish common methodological approaches for joint research in personalized medicine.
• The harmonization of ELSA in PM R&I has been promoted
• Promoted collaboration in clinical trial methodology and PM cohorts.
• Promoted the implementation of approaches in PM that are compatible with Equitable Health Care.
• Enabling translation of research results to other world regions.
Objective 7: To disseminate and communicate project activities and main results.
Results: It has been done great efforts in social media focused mainly on targeting the scientific community, decision and policy-makers, as the main objective was to visualize and exploit the project purpose and engage followers with our content, providing exploitation of our outcomes and resources, making them available for our network community.
This Project has better integrated implementation of PM methodologies at bi regional level and it has been able to promote and contribute to the building a cooperation in PM between LAC and Europe, generating new collaborations that did not exist before.
The Project has opened an important door for bi-regional collaboration in an area, which is perhaps not prioritized in LAC, and has been able to give it a boost and visibility, thus putting it on the map and providing focus to this issue in the respective LAC agencies.
Training sessions highlighted the importance of collaborative research between regions and the advantages and identifying opportunities that PM research represents for health systems, economies and citizens.
Special attention deserves the development of a Virtual helpdesk hosted at EULAC PerMed webpage aimed to provide information on regulatory regarding clinical trials in Lac and Europe, and to facilitate the establishment of partnerships in CT on PM across countries and regions. The Virtual Helpdesk will continue to be hosted by EULAC PerMed website in 2023, looking to continue beyond the EULAC PerMed lifecycle with the support of ICPerMed webpage.

The International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) provides an international platform to initiate and support communication and exchange on PM funding and implementation. In the near future, this platform will be connected to the upcoming European Partnership for PM (EP PerMed). Complementary to this platform, the EP PerMed is one of the European research and innovation partnerships under Horizon Europe which will be dedicated to maximizing the benefits of PM approaches. The core of the partnership is to invest in multidisciplinary, transnational research and innovation activities that will build and disseminate new knowledge, develop new technologies and methods, as well as supporting testing and piloting of the implementation of PM approaches. These platforms are valuable scenarios for continued collaboration of partners and the furthering of exploitation of the EULAC PerMed partnerships and outcomes.
Stakeholder Workshop at Montevideo (Uruguay) December 2019
President of Uruguay with an EULAC PerMed delegation
Technical Workshop at Montevideo (Uruguay) December 2019