CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Re-Thinking of Fashion in Research and Artist collaborating development for Urban Manufacturing


Neues ökologisch innovatives Verfahren in der Modeindustrie

Die Menge an Abfall und das Ausmaß an Umweltverschmutzung, die durch unsere Modeindustrie verursacht werden, sind besorgniserregend. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt REFREAM wird Kunstinstitutionen, Designerinnen und Designer, Wissenschaft, Industrie, Technologie und Endnutzerschaft mobilisieren, um neue, praktikable, technologiegetriebene und menschenzentrierte Fertigungsverfahren in der Modeindustrie zu erforschen und zu gestalten. Die Forschung soll an drei Wissenschaftszentren (Linz, Valencia und Berlin) stattfinden, die sich mit der Zukunft der städtischen Modeproduktion befassen, indem additive Fertigung (3D-Druck), elektronische Textilien sowie ökologisch innovative Veredelung zusammen mit sozialen und ökologischen Werten als Grundlage für eine neue Wertschöpfungskette der Branche genutzt werden. Die Arbeit wird neuen Ideen und einer neuartigen Ästhetik und somit der städtischen Fertigung in europäischen Städten zum Durchbruch verhelfen.


Re-FREAM will support art-driven innovation in European R&I projects by inclusion of artists in research consortia via linked third-parties with strong support from art-related partners like the Art University of Linz (UFG) and the European Institute of Design (IED), creative hubs and facilitators like Wear-IT Berlin (FashionTech), AITEX, ARCA and Creative Region combined with remarkable technology from IZM Fraunhofer (E-textiles) Stratasys, Haratech (3D-printing), EMPA (3D bodyshaping), Care applications (Garement nebulization) and Profactor (Additive manufacturing). STARTS lighthouse pilot for “art-inspired urban manufacturing of fashion” will engage industry, technology, end-users and artists in a broad artistic exploration of technologies with the aim of creating a new urban manufacturing value chain for Fashion production The Art/ Tech Co. Research will be initiated by an European wide open call for artists answering specific challenges in “Additive Manufacturing” “Electronic and Textiles” and “Sustainable Finishing of Fashion” and will be explored in 3 identical research hubs providing access to high end technology, material, know how and facilities and interconnected through common research activities. In co-creation processes of 20 awarded Artist/ Researcher teams, digitalized manufacturing of fashion will be developed up to TRL 5 to enable small-scale production of fashion in urban environment in an co. creation process. Out of this developed RE- FREAM technologies, Urban Manufacturing in Europe will be made possible in European cities with customized design creation (IED), small scale production hubs (HAR, CAR and IZM linked with the Berlin Maker Space Labs. CRE, WIB and ARC will facilitate cooperation and knowledge transfer between both worlds. An Open-Innovation Platform will finally link the know how and the communities of the hubs, will offer access to relevant facilities and make the RE-FREAM art-inspired urban manufacturing working model sustainable

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