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Risultati finali
Requirements of LTE equipment for integration in train backbone and ETBNs to deal with wireless train inauguration will be also addressed. First version in M4; final version in M8
Drive-by-Data Demonstrator Support ReportReport on the on-site and off-site support to the two demonstrators and the technical validation of the performance of the components and the networked system.
LTE Equipment under Challenging Wireless ScenariosThis report will include detailed study of the impact of LTE D2D for wireless Train Backbone Communications in challenging conditions. It will include a description of the test scenarios, the KPIs and the evaluation results.
Advanced Wireless Technologies and Applications for Wireless TCMSThis report will describe several advanced wireless technologies for wireless TCMS. More specifically, it will detail in the first place the architecture and system supporting the integration of the Wireless TCMS with the Wireless Train Backbone Communications, including a common specification supporting each individual system requirement and architecture. The architecture of the wireless extension to the DbD concept will also be analyzed, including performance evaluation. The deliverable will also describe the benefits of 5G technologies for Wireless TCMS in terms of communication (capacity/reliability), management (Slicing, Orchestration), including standardizations, as well as an overview of virtual coupling requirements, state-of-art wireless technologies, and recommendation of the most suitable technology, including small scale performance evaluations. An interim version for review by the CFM project will be released on M28
Project quality planThe project quality plan (the project handbook) constitutes a set of project templates, explanations on the project management process, review process, quality checks, meeting organisation, which is communicated to all partners.
Drive-by-Data Requirements SpecificationRefinement of performance, availability and safety requirements of ETBN, consist switches and end-nodes based on the inputs from the Safe4RAIL and CONNECTA projects for Drive-by-Data.
Wireless Consist Network ReportThis report will propose a harmonized architecture for the future wireless consist network supporting the integration of various wireless technologies, and respecting their individual requirements. An interim version will be released for the CFM project on M8 with an State-of-the-Art review of wireless technologies for WLCN.
Report on requirements for integration of HVAC into the Functional Distribution Framework and Simulation FrameworkThis report includes the requirements to address the integration of TCMS functions into FDF and SF. Particularly, considering the HVAC Application Profile defined by CFM members; it would be applied to the HVAC system.
Conclusions on integration of subsystems into FDF and SFThis report will include conclusions on the integration of a train application into FDF and SF. A methodology for development of train applications on FDF and for integration into SF will be provided based on experience gained in Task 3.3 and Task 3.4 and on the support given to the CFM project to perform a successful system validation.
Final report on Dissemination & Communication activitiesThis report includes the dissemination and communication activities as well as reports on the executed activities. An interim version of this deliverable “Initial report and updated plan on Dissemination & Communication activities” will be released as an internal report in M15, with a record of the activities related to dissemination that have been undertaken in the first 15 months and those still planned as well as a report of completed and planned communication activities. The interim version of this deliverable is under the responsibility of TEC.
The external IT communication infrastructure constitutes a guideline for communication of the Safe4RAIL-2 project to external target groups including conferences, marketing measures and communication channels. Furthermore, this deliverable constitutes the launch of the internal Safe4RAIL-2 communication infrastructure including the establishment of mailing lists, a subversion repository server and the Safe4RAIL-2 website.
Pedro Aljama, Aitor Arriola, Imanol Martínez, Iñaki Val, Igor López, Julio Manco, Jérôme Härri
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) 2021, 2021
Julio Manco, Guillermo Gallud Baños, Jérôme Härri, Miguel Sepulcre
Pubblicato in:
2020 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2021, ISSN 2157-9857
Aitor Arriola, Mario Münzer, Arjan Geven, Jordi Pujol, Henrik Envall, Jérôme Härri, Núria Mata and Reinhard Aigner
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, 2020
Jerome Harri, Aitor Arriola, Pedro Aljama, Igor Lopez, Uwe Fuhr, Marvin Straub
Pubblicato in:
2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2019, Pagina/e 179-184, ISBN 978-1-7281-3627-1
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